Christ the King Lutheran Church and Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) will Celebrate Love on February 1 and 2, 2019, through a MoblilePack event to feed...
Atlanta Tech Park is partnering with the world champion Georgia Swarm lacrosse team to host a Tech Community Expo and VIP reception prior to their game...
Steven Carse is the co-founder and visionary at Rainbow Umbrella – King of Pops’ parent company. Steven and his brother Nick started King of Pops in...
Join Kate and Demitrie from The Corners, as they get a unique taste of the fusion between Mexican and Soul Food.
This week in Peachtree Corners, plus Explore Gwinnett’s Top 10 Indoor Things to Do This Winter with co-hosts Victoria Hawkins and Rico Figliolini. Georgia Swarm: 7...
A discussion about removing the educational barriers that students may face in any school system. Joining your hosts Alan Kaplan and Rico FIgliolini are Eric Thigpen,...
The City of Peachtree Corners is seeking volunteers to serve as alternates on its Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. Alternates attend all regular board...
International Charter Academy of Georgia (ICA Georgia), a new dual language Japanese-English charter school, will start accepting applications for August 2019 on January 10, 2019. Applications...
One of the largest shipping companies in the world is expanding its operation in Peachtree Corners. Hapag-Lloyd, which merged with United Arab Shipping Company (UASC) in May...
Years from now these 25 pairs of handprints will be a reminder of just how far we’ve come since we incorporated as a city just 6...