
Watch for U.S. Census Invitation in the Mail



By the middle of March, you can expect to receive a mailed invitation to take the U.S. Census. This is the first time the city will undergo a census count.

There are several ways you can respond to the survey: online, by phone or by mail. This is the first time the census is available online.

It is important that every person living in Peachtree Corners, including children, is counted.

Why is this important? The Census count shapes the legislative and congressional districts and how federal and state resources are distributed (more people means more resources and services).

Census results are safe, secure and confidential. Under federal law, it is illegal to share personal information disclosed in the census. The data collected can only be used to produce statistics.

You can learn more about the upcoming census at

You can also find information on the city’s website in an easy-to-read Q&A format here:


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