
Wesleyan Seniors Josh Kavel and Kallaghan Freeman are this Year’s Valedictorian and Salutatorian



Josh Kavel (left) and Kallaghan Freeman (right)

Congratulations to the 2024 Wesleyan School valedictorian, senior Josh Kavel, and salutatorian, senior Kallaghan Freeman. Kavel and Freeman were awarded these honors based on their numerous academic accomplishments.

This year, Kavel is one of two Wesleyan National Merit Finalists, while Freeman is one of six Wesleyan National Merit Commended Scholars. Kavel is an AP Scholar with Distinction, and Freeman is an AP Scholar with Honor. In addition to incredible hard work and success in the classroom, both Kavel and Freeman are involved in many activities outside of the classroom. 

During his time at Wesleyan, Kavel played football as a freshman and varsity basketball all four years of high school, earning over 1,000 career points. He participated in the Italy mission trip last year, is a member of the investment club and is a member of the senior leadership team (a group of students chosen by their grade chairs who lead the senior class in activities and responsibilities). 

Outside of the classroom, Kavel is an active member of Serve Georgia. He established a team that makes sandwiches every Sunday afternoon at his house to deliver to those experiencing homelessness. Kavel is still considering his college options.

Freeman has participated in Wesleyan athletics as a part of the varsity soccer team for the past three years. He also plays year-round soccer with his club team. 

Freeman’s passion for STEM is displayed in his choice of taking STEM classes every year of high school culminating in the STEM senior seminar class. He is a founding member of the robotics team, and both of his VEX robots made it to the state competition. He has also participated in two other STEM showcases. 

Freeman is an active member of the math team and chess club. He is also active in his youth group at North Point Community Church. Next year, Freeman will study mechanical engineering at Georgia Tech

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