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Nabilah Islam’s Run for Congress, District 7 [Podcast]



Nabilah Islam


On this episode of Peachtree Corners life, Rico Figliolini live streams with Congressional Candidate, Nabilah Islam to talk about her life, her family, and her campaign. Listen in as she shares her thoughts on the coronavirus, immigration reform, Medicare for all, and much more.

Website: ​www.NabilahForCongress.com
Social Media:

“I talk about how we need comprehensive immigration reform, how we need a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented people in this country. We actually have the highest number of DACA recipients in Gwinnett County, in the entire state… I believe that they should be protected and they should have a pathway to citizenship as well. You know, these folks are our neighbors. These folks are startups, small businesses, and go to school with our children. So I feel like they should have a pathway to citizenship.”

NAbilah Islam


[00:00:30] – Intro [00:03:27] – Nabilah’s Campaign History
[00:05:21] – More about Nabilah
[00:08:26] – Issues Nabilah is Fighting for
[00:09:02] – Her Opinions on the Handling of COVID-19
[00:11:38] – Immigration Reform
[00:15:40] – Medicare for All
[00:18:01] – More on Immigration
[00:21:41] – Education
[00:27:17] – The Presidential Race
[00:28:32] – Virtual Campaigning
[00:33:44] – Closing

Rico: [00:00:30] Hi everyone. This is Rico Figliolini, host of Peachtree Corners Life. I appreciate you guys joining us on this live stream shooting. Shooting, well, the streaming video streaming out of Peachtree Corners, the City of Peachtree Corners, one out. Before we get into it and tonight’s guests want to just say, you know, be safe out there. Do what you are supposed to be doing. We’re supposed to be making sure that we’re not putting ourselves out there and letting us house via community hall. And I’m sure if you have it, if you don’t have it, you don’t want to catch it. Coronavirus is a real deadly pandemic and we should take this seriously. And in the coming days it looks like it’s going to be even more serious, in the next 48 hours. We may even see this country locked down to a degree. I mean, they’re moving towards that, right? And so the States have already done it. So sheltering in place in the Northern California, Northern Bay area for three weeks is mandatory, for example. So it’s not beyond reason for us to see something like that happen on a national scale, which it probably needs to, because otherwise we’re just reinfecting everyone as we cross state lines. So it’s a good place to be. So I want to introduce one of our sponsors, Hargray Fiber. I want to say thank you to them for being a sponsor here. They are the backbone of one of the biggest places and icons in Peachtree Corners, which is Curiosity Lab at Peachtree Corners. It’s a one and a half mile mobile track that is open to anyone to bring in their experiments, data, cars, anything that has to do with mobility, IOT to be able to use that track in a living lab. 5G enabled, the ability to do your work and discover how your product or service can do really well. So the backbone of that, but actually bringing in the internet through that, through for the 5G enabled set up is Hargray Fiber. So I just wanna do a shout out to them. HargrayFiber.com was where you can find them. So let’s get to my guest tonight. We’ll bring it right on. There you go. So my guest today Nabilah Islam, she is a candidate for Congress, District Seven. A couple of weeks ago we, interviewed Carolyn Burdell and, now Nabila Islam is another candidate in that race. So welcome Nabila.

Nabilah: [00:02:56] Rico, thank you so much for having me today, I appreciate it.

Rico: [00:02:59] Sure. Appreciate you coming on, especially with things going on. So how was your day today?

Nabilah: [00:03:05] Well, you know, I am being diligent about practicing social distancing in our campaign. I suspended all in-person campaigning. So I’ve just been virtually working with my staff and virtually campaigning and doing this podcast virtually as well. So, to be able to communicate with voters and make sure that we’re still getting our message out.

Rico: [00:03:27] Right, now you’ve been involved in campaigns before. You said, what type of campaigns have you been involved in?

Nabilah: [00:03:34] I’ve worked on all sorts of campaigns. I actually got very interested in working on campaigns when, you know, growing up in Gwinnett County, I just felt like I never saw anyone that reflected the diversity of this County or the values that we have. And so I got right out of college, I worked on a city council campaign for a candidate named Andre Dickens. And he was a long time candidate and he ran a grassroots campaign and he was able to
overtake an incumbent. And I worked for Jason Carter when he ran for governor back in 2014. And then on a presidential race, I worked for Secretary Clinton when she ran for president. And then most recently I was at the Democratic National Committee, the DNC, to help rebuild a party after we lost to Donald Trump.

Rico: [00:04:23] All within the congressional district that you’re in now or in various parts?

Nabilah: [00:04:29] In various parts. I did work, one of my first democratic campaigns was for Pedro Marine, House Democrat. He was, at the time, the only Latino Democrat in the entire state legislature and his district had recently been gerrymandered, and he was losing his seat. And I knocked on doors on his campaign, knocked on 2000, over 2000 doors, and luckily he won his reelection. So I did that. And, I also, rechartered the Gwinnett County Young Democrats back in 2013. I realized that there wasn’t a leadership pipeline for young people to get involved. So I opened up that channel. And since then, several people from that group have either gone on to become elected officials themselves or they have actually managed campaigns. So I’m very proud of that organization.

Rico: [00:05:21] Cool. So tell us a little bit more about yourself, also personal and a little bit, where are you from education wise and all that too.

Nabilah: [00:05:28] Sure. So I’m the daughter of working class immigrants from Bangladesh. And so both my parents, you know, moved to this country to seek the American Dream. My mother actually grew up in a small village in Bangladesh, in a tin-hut home with, you know, mud floor, no running water, no electricity. And they worked really hard to give me and my brother a life that they never had. And you know, I attended Gwinnett County schools all my life. I’m a proud central Gwinnett High School graduate. I actually grew up in Norcross where one of my mother’s first jobs was working at the Hardee’s off of Steve Reynolds. So she worked there until I was five years old. And, she worked at a warehouse for over a decade. And I actually grew up in Lawrenceville where I mentioned, I graduated from central Gwinnett High School. And I actually went to Georgia State University, got a degree in marketing, and became the first person in my family to graduate from college. And so, my family was very education oriented and either wanted me to become a doctor, an engineer, or a lawyer right out of college. And I did none of those things. But I thought it was very important to, to have a voice at the table and to, you know, jump into political campaigns because I feel like that’s where so many of the decisions are made that affect our lives on a day to day basis. And so I thought that work was very important.

Rico: [00:06:52] Well, what do you think inspired you to go down that road? Because politics is not, everyone thinks that young people are more politically oriented to a degree. Sanders certainly thought that, but they’re not, they’re not showing up for his campaign, unfortunately, at least this time around, it seems. So what, what inspired you? I mean, someone? An event? What got you there?

Nabilah: [00:07:12] You know, I often get asked that question and I always say, think back to the time that my mother actually took me to Bangladesh and you know, took me to the village she grew up in when I was five and seven years old. And being such a young child, you know, I grew up in America. I was born in Atlanta and I had never seen abject poverty like that. And like, you know, I had cousins who had holes in their clothes. I had, they were, you know, taking showers in dirty water. Their water had arsenic in it. It was like, it was a lot for my little child-like mind. And I remember learning at the time that the president of Bangladesh was a Bengali woman that looked like me. And I told my mom when I was a little kid, I was like, when I grow up, I want to be just like her so that I can be able to help poor people. Well, and of course I can’t run for office in Bangladesh because I wasn’t born there. But I’ve carried that on into my life as an adult. And for me, I think it’s so important to show compassion. To show love and compassion to your community and to be there for your neighbor. And, that’s why I think I’ve gotten really involved in political campaigns and wanting to make sure that everyone has a voice at the table.

Rico: [00:08:26] Now you, a lot of your issues that you talked about are the, anyone that wants to know more about you can go to NabilahforCongress.com where they can find the issues that you’ve talked about and quite a few of them mirror of Sanders issues, right? Medicare for all, immigration reform, economic equality. Actually you believe in universal basic income, I believe or no?

Nabilah: [00:08:54] I believe right now we need some emergency universal basic income. So families need relief during this coronavirus pandemic.

Rico: [00:09:02] What do you think? How do you feel about what’s going on now with the legislation that’s going through Congress and in the Senate, this relief package. Writing a check and making sure it gets out there. Minutian kept saying it needs to be this week, tomorrow. I mean, they want to be able to send $1,000 to every family. At least every family that’s not a millionaire let’s hope cause they don’t need the money. What do you feel about that package? So these specific things in there that, that you liked, that you don’t like, that you would do differently.

Nabilah: [00:09:35] So I’ve seen various versions of what people have wanted for a relief package. I think that it’s the right thing to do to give relief to the American people, especially working people who are suffering from the economic downturn because of this pandemic. So many people are being laid off. They’re losing jobs. They don’t know how they’re going to pay their mortgage. They don’t know how they’re going to pay their health insurance. My own mother was actually laid off two days ago from her job. I mean, she called me up saying, if you, I don’t know, like, I don’t know how I’m going to survive, basically. And so I think it’s the right thing to do to offer relief. Now, you know, if it’s $1,000 a month for a working person, you know, I’ve heard people tell me that, you know, that’s not enough. I don’t know if I’ll be, my rent is higher than that. And so we’re gonna have to figure out ways in how we provide relief to people so that they don’t have to suffer or go into debt because of this pandemic.

Rico: [00:10:32] Yeah. I don’t know if the third guy, actually, unless I misunderstood, it’s just a thousand dollar check. Unless they’ve changed this. I know Sanders had said there should be $2,000 a month until we get through with this. I don’t know if that’s the doable thing. But this would be a good enough reason to go further into debt, I would imagine to be able to do that.

Nabilah: [00:10:55] I think this pandemic is going to be longer than a month. I was just listening to Governor Cuomo. He did a podcast on the daily where he seems to think that we’re at, this pandemic is going to peak in 45 days. It’s going to get worse before it gets better. And so, I’m afraid that because of our late, you know, figuring out solutions, coming to this problem late in the game, later in the game, is making it so that it’s gonna take longer for us to recover. So I think families are unfortunately probably going to be hurting for more than a month.

Rico: [00:11:38] Yeah, no, for sure. I mean, they’ve been talking about it. As far as the effects of it, at least as far as 18 months and maybe waves of, of it coming back at us, especially when we reopen the borders. If that’s the case, and travel begins again, you know, we may see this come back again. People coming from different parts of the world. I mean, they may be bringing it with them. I mean, so what about the issue of, in fact, let’s talk a little bit about that immigration reform, closing the borders, doing different things. I mean, obviously I’m assuming you’re not for what Donald Trump has done. How would you handle that, that side of it? Cause the, we do, we should have borders right?

Nabilah: [00:12:26] Yes, no I agree that we should have borders. We’re a sovereign nation. Now as far as… We’re asking people that are abroad that are Americans to come home soon. I think that we are going to have to monitor the situation very, very closely, in making sure that people that are coming into the country aren’t carrying more cases of the Coronavirus. And so, I saw that they started testing, earlier this week. In making sure that people didn’t test positive.

Rico: [00:13:32] Fine, immigration. I mean, certainly, you know, being a, you’re running for Congress, you’ll be one out of hundreds of them. Some of them may be leaving. I mean, there’s so many, I don’t know how many of them have caught the Coronavirus already at this point. It seems at least two, if not three. And they’re, you know, quantitating the…

Nabilah: [00:13:56] I know that we have one in the State Legislature.

Rico: [00:14:00] I’m sorry?

Nabilah: [00:14:00] I know that one of our State Senators has the Coronavirus.

Rico: [00:14:04] Yes, I saw that too. So I mean, no one’s immune to this. Anyone can get this, that everyone’s going to get really sick from it. Not everyone’s going to need a ventilator. I think that says something about 2% of the population that gets it may get to that point. It’s a
possibility. So I mean, there will be a lot more deaths as well as we go out, because unfortunately that’s the nature of the beast right now.

Nabilah: [00:14:34] No, I was just saying, no I agree with you. I think what we need to do is ramp up testing. I think a lot of people are carrying the coronavirus and don’t know it, because they’re asymptomatic. And we need an upper testing significantly to identify who has it and who doesn’t so that they can properly softcore team.

Rico: [00:14:51] What would you say to the young people out there that are on the Florida beaches now? They’re not all young down there also, you know, thirties and forties down there. Which could be younger but, what would you say to them?

Nabilah: [00:15:04] I would say go home, stay home. I think young people have this notion that they’re invincible, that you’re young and what they don’t. What more of these folks need to understand is that you could be carrying this virus without even knowing it and passing it onto someone that is elderly whose immune system would be compromised and therefore die. And that’s what we’re seeing in Italy is that 90% over 95% of the people there that have died in the coronavirus is 60 years or older. So be mindful of others. Please.

Rico: [00:15:40] Yeah. Those are attacks I can say, cause my heritage is Italian, but they love to kiss and hug, and that’s probably how they spread it really fast. All right, let’s get on to Medicare for all you know, that’s obviously, you know, one of the comebacks that someone said about Italy’s that it’s a, this was in, is a debate with Bernie Sanders, is that Italy has pretty much Medicare for all, right? And yet their exposure to it was greater than any other Western nation outside, you know, from China certainly. So, and that, that’s climbing there. Did it work? That network, is that even relevant? Is that the same thing or is it something different?

Nabilah: [00:16:25] So I, you know, I have heard of that and I will say that it depends where you’re implementing the system. Like, cultures are different. For example, in Italy, families live together. You live with your parents. There are, there’s more density. And so when one person gets sick in the household, it spreads to everyone. And so what, and then there’s an older, Italy has the oldest population in Europe. And so, I mean, they were just, it was a perfect storm for that virus to come in and wreak havoc. I think the single payer healthcare system in America would address the fact that so many people are losing their jobs right now no longer have access to healthcare because they can’t afford it, because their health insurance was tied to their employer. This is, you know, people are understanding why this is a problem. And in this district, about 20%, you know 130,000 folks don’t have health care, including myself. And, it’s particularly dangerous. It’s really dangerous now because folks are terrified of getting this virus because yes, testing is free. But like treatment could run up into the thousands. You know, the medical debt, two thirds of medical debt. In this country, people go into debt because two thirds of it is from medical debt. And so, it’s a huge issue and I think Medicare for all will address it. Two-thirds of families go bankrupt because of medical debt.

Rico: [00:18:01] Do you think, well the debate with some people is, there are about 11 to 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States. That number varies out a bit, depending on which side of the aisle you’re on and who you are. But we know that there’s millions and certainly probably over 10 million. They, likely not, don’t have enough money to go to the hospital. They likely will not go to the hospital, especially with what’s going on with ICE and all that lately, especially in States that support, you know, the support, that aspect of it and that, that I understand is being suspended. Now, ICE will not do that. And at this point, supposedly the suspended going after, immigrants that are not felons or not related to arrests. So then they’re going out searching at this point, at least this is what I understand from CNN. So at some degree, you know, everyone has to verify the facts, I guess. But, you know, the fact is that they don’t, you know, that’s where the problem is too, right? Cause if you, you can’t get the test if you have it and you don’t know and you’re not able to go to the hospital, you’re spreading it. Great, so having a system in place makes sense then. I’ve always argued that whether, and people always say, especially Republicans, might say, well, they’re illegals, they shouldn’t have it, and I always said, well, then we’ll have a pandemic at some point because they will not be able to go to the hospital. Makes sense. You have a fear, may not want to be able to go. So there’s some of that, aside from the young people in Florida that just can’t get it together, they think that they’re, that they’re immortal. Where else can you go with immigration? I mean, at this point it takes years. I mean, I met someone that his whole family from, I think it was Argentina, they had applied like eight years ago, nine years ago, and nine years later to get the approval to come as a family and they had to wait nine years. Does that make any sense?

Nabilah: [00:20:16] No, it doesn’t. My mom actually sponsored her older sister and all of my cousins that I saw when I was a little girl in the village, and it took them about 11, 12 years. And so we have a very complicated immigration system. We need to simplify it. Families shouldn’t have to wait that long to reunify. I, and I think that, you know, this district is one of the most diverse districts in the country. Gwinnett itself is the fourth most diverse County in the country. And when I talk about immigration reform, I talk about how we need comprehensive immigration reform, how we need a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented people in this country. We actually have the highest number of DACA recipients in Gwinnett County, in the entire state. And so, you know, I believe that these people that grew up just like me, you know, probably came to this country when their parents brought them at one or two. I went to school with a lot of them. I remember, you know, they would, you know, we would talk about how they were going to figure out how, Oh, you’re going to go to college. And like they were just as American as me. It was just heartbreaking that my life had a different trajectory than theirs, but I believe that they should be protected and they should have a pathway to citizenship as well. You know, these folks are our neighbors. These folks are, you know, startups, small businesses, and go to school with our children. So I feel like they should, they should have a pathway to citizenship.

Rico: [00:21:41] All right. Talking about children and talking about education, I mean, part of what you say is that the education, I think is, we all agree is a great equalizer. It puts that benchmark. We’re all there. I mean, money does help in many ways. Colleges you attend,
whether it’s private or public, does help being around the different financial level of people does help right to a degree. I’ve heard that all the time. Well, and you see it in movies, popular movies to Harvard. If you attend Harvard, you’re expected to start a business, right? And if you attend Kennesaw state or a GSU, you know, would you say the same thing. You know, so from which school? My son went there also. He commuted, he did his graduate work and graduated from there. Education can be different for different people, right? Cause you, you get all, you want to be one thing, you graduate and then you end up doing something else. And yet you’re saddled with the debt of the institution, right? Whether it’s $20,000 or it’s $100,000. So how would you handle that? I mean, do you believe in free education, state and state in public schools? Do you believe in forgiveness of debt and a few forgiveness of that someone has to pay for that, right? It just doesn’t go away. Mythically I mean, tell me.

Nabilah: [00:23:18] I, like you said, like I, and I’ve, I think I’ve got it on my website, is that education is one of the greatest equalizers, and I believe that everyone should be afforded the opportunity to you know, have a good education. So right now you have a free education from K – 12. I believe that we can make that from K – 16. So yes, I believe that, I believe in free college. and I also believe that, you know, we have about one point 4 trillion in student debt. If people are saddled with that. I myself am saddled with $30,000 in college debt as well. I’m running full time for Congress. So this is, this is literally my full time job. And in order to do it, because running for office is cost prohibitive. It’s, the system’s not really designed for working people to run. And I put my college loans into four prayers, which basically means that I’m accruing interest. And then I will have to, at the end of my forbearance period, we will be paying more. And I think what’s happening, I’ve been talking to my peers, and all throughout the district it’s pretty, this is actually a pretty young district. So the average age in Gwinnett is 35. And, you know, they’ve been telling me that they’ve been putting off starting, you know, families, they’ve been putting off buying homes. And this is not, this is not something that’s unique here. This is something that is affecting, you know, our generation all over the country. With that being said, I, you know, our government has you know, spent trillions of dollars. For example, our president spent about $2 trillion for weapons, during the time that we were on the, maybe on the brink of war with Iran. And if you had instead, you know, he could have used that money to forgive, cancel student debt. So the money is, it’s is there when it comes for, you know, war. I think we need to prioritize the budget and, you know, taking care of working people who give so much back to our community.

Rico: [00:25:29] Now you talk about forgiveness of that and no, Bernie talks about that too. I know that back four years ago when you ran, I felt that Bernie-Burn also, even though I’m a Republican here in the South, I used to be a Democrat up in New York. You know, they say when you get older, you buy a house, you have kids. You become a little bit more conservative and stuff. I didn’t really become conservative. I think it just changed my views on some things. But I still do feel about personal responsibility, right? If you take out a loan, you should pay the loan. If we forgive those loans and we go and provide free education should there, there should be certain requirements, right? I mean, I always felt like the hope scholarship was great. If you had a 3.0 and you kept that 3.0 you kept the hope scholarship. You didn’t keep the 3.0 you’d
lose it. Made sense to me, right? If you can’t do the work, then you might as well not be in school. Would there be requirements in what you’re looking at and it, would it be a straight forgiveness of debt? Would that be depending on income? Would that be, what would that be? How would that look?

Nabilah: [00:26:38] So, ideally, I would love to see a plan where we can finally cancel student debt. And I understand that that might take longer. So I’ve seen, you know, as various presidents have and running on different student loan cancellations on certain amounts of that they would allow it to be canceled. I would love to just start the process of being able to forgive student debt. And, we could, you know, perhaps prioritize different career paths in doing so. But eventually I’d love to see the ability for the US Government to be able to cancel the debt overall.

Rico: [00:27:17] With the presidential race going the way it is. I mean, everyone’s doing what you’re doing, right? They’re not, I shouldn’t say everyone, I don’t know. Most people are not in a stadium. I don’t think that Trump will be in one soon. I think he’s gonna do what he’s doing away from it. I think he’s taking this, this whole thing seriously as well at this point. But do you, who would you support? Biden or Bernie? Or whoever the nominee is, if you became…?

Nabilah: [00:27:47] You know, whoever the nominee is. I think, you know, every. It’s understood at this point, that Biden will probably be the likely nominee. And so, you know, I’m going to support whoever the nominee is, vote blue no matter who. With that being said, I am someone who’s, like you mentioned earlier, some of my policies do mirror Senator Sanders in the progressive policies that I’m advocating for. But I feel like we need a different leadership and I’m really hopeful that we will be able to elect a democratic president.

Rico: [00:28:32] What are you finding out there when you’re campaigning? You know, obviously you’re doing virtually now. I don’t know if you’re holding virtual watch parties or what have you been doing inside? What are you doing? How are you doing it virtually?

Nabilah: [00:28:48] You know, campaigning during a pandemic is uncharted territory. You know, it’s something that you can’t really call up someone and be like, Hey, what did you do when this happened? So, we suspended it all, in-person campaigning on person canvassing door to door. I just need to think it was safe for my volunteers or my staff or my community. As this virus is extremely contagious, you know, it is deadly. So we are completely virtual. Now we operate a, I’m doing Google Hangouts with my team every single day. We are doubling down on text banking, phone banking. We’re going to have two virtual town halls that we’re scheduling for next week so that people can essentially meet me via, you know, Skype and be able to ask me any questions that they have. I think nothing can ever replace face to face contact, you know? Earning of someone’s vote and asking for it. But I think with people self-quarantining and being home and being on their phones, and there’s a lot of anxiety about what’s happening, people are paying attention to the news. And I, so we’re going to make sure that we’re communicating with as many voters as possible.

Rico: [00:29:59] So the primary has been pushed out, right? We pushed to May at this point, and I don’t even know if most people understand that the primary that was going to happen this month was really just the presidential primary, the May primary NASC and have the presidential and the local statewide and local races and all that. I don’t know how many people would have known that young people might’ve voted in the primary that tend not to vote on the, on the local level, they tend to vote more national. But now the opportunities there are to be able to vote down that ticket and get what they got on that ticket in one day and through that. So, how you know, and quite a few people, I’ve already done an absentee ballot. No, they’re going to be allowing that to continue on and hopefully they don’t push the primary out past May is anything possible. And even if they don’t, it’s going to be long six foot apart lines of people going to vote. We will encourage people to do absentee ballots. Have you done anything along those lines to help people to enable that to be easier for them?

Nabilah: [00:31:08] So, as you mentioned, the presidential primary has been moved to May 19th. So we’re expecting a much larger turnout, with the presidential and all of our downfall elections. With that being said, I think, you know, I’ve been telling folks that I really think this pandemic is going to get worse before it gets better. I don’t think, I think it would be irresponsible to ask people to wait in, you know, three, four hour lines, you know, crunched together and, you know, I think that would just be a scenario for just spreading the virus. And so, I think, you know, I’ve been hearing that, will most need, well, I’ve been hearing that we’ll probably most likely be moving to a vote by mail. Now that’s nothing permanent, but I feel like a lot of States are moving that way. With that being said, if the state does mail in request, if, you know, if you want to vote by mail, they need to mail it to everyone. Not age group to keep it there.

Rico: [00:32:08] Would you say everyone that’s registered?

Nabilah: [00:32:10] Everyone that’s registered, yes. So I’ve been hearing that, you know, there are thoughts of just sending it to people that are 60 and above. And I think that it should be sent to all registered voters, and so that everyone has equal opportunity to ask for a ballot in, you know, mail it in.

Rico: [00:32:33] We’re, are there any other issues that will be live that you would like to speak about that we haven’t touched on?

Nabilah: [00:32:44] You know, we touched on, I think everyday working class immigrants, and I grew up in Gwinnett County. You know, the majority of my life went to public schools here who work low wage jobs here, as did my parents. And so, you know, this is a working class district and I understand the day to day issues that people are going through at an intimate level. And I think it’s very important that the people that lead us also live among us and understand, you know, our lives. And I also really truly believe that this is a district that deserves to have a reflective representation of our diversity and our values. And that if Democrats want to flip the seat in November, we’re going to need a candidate. And that’s exciting. That brings out young
voters and brings out minority voters and all sorts of folks in it has an inspiring message so that people come out and vote. And, I’m trying to be the voice for this community.

Rico: [00:33:44] Cool. Then let’s end it here. Tell us, ask for the vote. We got one minute to ask for the vote and then tell people where they can find more information about it. Nabilah: [00:33:58] Okay. Well, if you’re watching this, if you liked what you’ve heard, I would love to earn your vote. I’d love to be your first Congresswoman in this district and flip this district blue and represent it with progressive policies that are going to uplift our families in the working community here. You can learn more about my campaign, at my website: www.NabilahForCongress.com​. And I also have very active social media. So check me out on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook: @Nabilahforga07

Rico: [00:34:34] Cool. Stay there for a minute. I just want to sign off with everyone. So I want to thank everyone that’s either watching this live or end up watching this on, during the next four days as we boost this out. And that may find this either on YouTube or as a podcast on iHeartRadio, Spotify, wherever you find this, just rate us on this podcast. If you want to share this, go to the Facebook page Peachtree Corners Life. If you’re not all in there now, and you can share this video out to your friends and let them know about this podcast and about the interview that we’ve done today. So thank you very much and we’ll see you next time.

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City Government

Why Vote in the Upcoming Gwinnett County Elections? [May 21]



On Tuesday, May 21, there will be county-wide elections to choose new judges, school board representatives and party primaries.

On Tuesday, May 21, there will be county-wide elections to choose new judges, school board representatives and party primaries.

For the first time since 1996, the school board District 3 seat (which includes most of Peachtree Corners) is open as Dr. Mary Kay Murphy is not seeking re-election after serving seven terms. Five candidates are running to succeed Dr. Murphy.

There are several open county judicial seats with multiple candidates running. There are also seats open for the Georgia Supreme Court and Court of Appeals.

Since no Republican candidates qualified for the Gwinnett District Attorney race, the winner of the Democratic Primary on May 21, will become the next District Attorney (DA). If the incumbent Patsy Austin-Gatson wins, she will continue as DA for the next four years.

If one of the other two Democratic candidates wins, they will be unopposed in November and will replace Ms. Austin-Gatson in January 2025. Any voter wishing to participate in the Gwinnett DA race would have to vote in the May 21 primary and request a Democratic ballot. If you’re ready for a new DA, waiting until November will be too late.

Where and when to vote

Voting precincts will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21. Confirm your registration status and voting location at mvp.sos.ga.gov. You must go to your assigned home precinct to vote on Election Day.

Gwinnett offers in-person early voting every day from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. through Friday, May 17 at 11 locations around the county. The closest location to Peachtree Corners is at the Pinckneyville Community Recreation Center.

The full list of locations is here. Voters can go to any early voting location, regardless of their home precinct.

Absentee ballots can be requested here and must arrive at the Board of Elections office by 7 p.m. on May 21 to be counted. The ballots can be mailed or put in an official drop box.

Due to changes by the State Legislature, counties are now limited to one drop box per 100,000 registered voters. Consequently, Gwinnett has only six drop boxes for the 2024 elections (as opposed to 23 boxes in 2020). Also drop boxes are not available 24/7, but only during early voting hours. The closest drop box to Peachtree Corners is at the Pinckneyville Community Recreation Center. The full list of drop box locations is here.

Primary Voting is a bit different from voting in the general election in November. You must select one of three ballots:

  • Non-Partisan Ballot: only includes the property tax referenda,  judicial candidates and the District 3 school board candidates.
  • Democratic Party Ballot: includes Democratic candidates for federal, state, and county positions, and the property tax referenda, judicial and school board candidates.
  • Republican Party Ballot: includes Republican candidates for federal, state, and county positions, property tax referenda, and the judicial and school board candidates.

Georgia has open primaries and voters do not register by party. You can select either the Democratic or Republican ballot for this primary election, regardless of how you voted in 2022 or prior years. For some races, like Gwinnett District Attorney there are only candidates from one party, so the winner of the primary will be unopposed in November.

View a sample ballot at My Voter Page.

Here are some of the local contested races on which voters in Peachtree Corners can weigh in by voting in the primary. (Many races on both sides of the aisle have only one person running, and are not listed here).


Both of the referenda on the May 21 ballot relate to the Homestead Exemption, the reduction in assessed value on a property that serves as the primary residence for the taxpayer. For example, if the assessed value on a residential property in Gwinnett is $200,000 and you claim it as your primary residence, the assessed value is currently reduced by $4,000 to $196,000 for the purposes of calculating your property taxes. The lower assessed value is then multiplied by the millage rate to determine the amount of tax owed.

  • Referendum 1: Increase the existing Homestead Exemption from Gwinnett School Taxes from $4,000 to $8,000
    • If approved, residential property owners in Gwinnett would see a reduction in school taxes charged on their primary residence of $76.80 per year (based on the current school tax millage rate).
    • If rejected, the exemption would remain at $4,000.
  • Referendum 2: Create an additional Homestead Exemption from Gwinnett School Taxes of $2,000 just for Public Service Employees
    • If approved, “public service employees” (defined as firefighters, paramedics, police officers, teachers and staff of Gwinnett Public Schools, staff of Gwinnett hospitals, and members of the Armed Forces) who reside in Gwinnett would see a reduction in school taxes charged on their primary residence of $38.40 per year (based on the current school tax millage rate).
    • If rejected, public service employees would not receive an additional exemption but would continue to receive the same exemption as all other residential property owners.

Note: neither referenda, if passed, would affect county government property taxes or city property taxes. The new exemptions would only apply to school taxes and only to the regular school taxes, not any school taxes related to the repayment of bonds issued by the school system.

Judicial races

  • For Superior Court, Kimberly Gallant has received bi-partisan support to succeed retiring Judge Batchelor. Gallant has served on the Municipal Court, Juvenile Court, and State Court.
  • Also for Superior Court, Regina Mathews and Tuwanda Rush Willams have received strong recommendations and bi-partisan endorsements to succeed Judge Beyers.
  • Incumbent State Court Judge Shawn Bratton has also received similar bi-partisan support in his re-election campaign.

School board

For School Board District 3 (to succeed retiring Dr. Mary Kay Murphy), there are five candidates. This almost guarantees that no one will get a majority in the first round and the top two will advance to a run-off.

The first of the two leading candidates are Yanin Cortes, a graduate of Georgia State, a former teacher at Shiloh High School and a successful entrepreneur for the past 15 years.

The second, is Shana White, a graduate of Wake Forest, Winthrop University and Kennesaw State. White is a third-generation teacher (Summerour MS, Peachtree Ridge HS, Sweetwater MS, Creekland MS, and Pace Academy) and a computer science instruction consultant.

White has earned the endorsement of the Gwinnett County Association of Educators, while Cortes has been endorsed by Dr. Mary Kay Murphy and Peachtree Corners Mayor Mike Mason.

Key Republican primary races

  • For District Attorney, there are no Republicans running. The winner of the Democratic primary will be the next DA.
  • For County Commission Chair, there are two Republicans running, John Sabic and Justice Nwaigwe. Sabic ran in 2022 for Commission District 2, losing to incumbent Ben Ku. Sabic has been very visible in the community and is now running for Commission Chair. Nwaigwe is a first time candidate, but is also running a strong race.
  • For State Senate District 7 (which covers central and eastern Peachtree Corners), four Republican candidates are running: Fred Clayton, Gregory Howard, Louis Ligon, and Clara Richardson-Olguin.

    With four candidates, this race will likely go to a run-off between the top two contenders. Richardson-Olguin is running as a small business champion and has received several endorsements from state and local Republicans while Howard has focused his campaign on public safety and education.

The other local Republican races like Congressional District 4, State House Districts 48 and 97, State Senate District 40, and County Commission District 1 only have one Republican candidate each. Those candidates will automatically advance to the November general election.

Key Democratic primary races

  • For District Attorney (which prosecutes felony crimes in Gwinnett), career prosecutor Andrea Alabi has received bipartisan support as she seeks to oust Patsy Austin-Gatson. Alabi worked under former DA Danny Porter, has tried over 1,000 cases, and has never lost a single murder case. Alabi has been endorsed by eight mayors in Gwinnett, including Peachtree Corners Mayor Mike Mason. The third candidate is Daryl Manns, a former Assistant District Attorney who worked for Ms. Austin-Gatson until resigning in 2023. With no Republican candidates in this race, the primary winner will be the next District Attorney.
  • For County Commission Chair, incumbent Nicole Love Hendrickson faces former state representative Donna McLeod. Hendrickson, first elected in 2020, has been endorsed by 12 Gwinnett mayors including Peachtree Corners Mayor Mike Mason, Norcross Mayor Craig Newton, and Buford Mayor Phillip Beard. Dozens of state legislators have also endorsed Hendrickson.
  • For State Senate District 40 (which covers the western edge of Peachtree Corners), incumbent Senator Sally Harrell is opposed by David Lubin. Harrell has served in the Senate since 2018 and has been a strong supporter of the cities in her district, including Peachtree Corners.

The other local Democratic races like Congressional District 4, State House Districts 48 and 97, State Senate District 7, and County Commission District 1, only have one Democratic candidate each. Those candidates will automatically advance to the November general election.

This information was sourced from Peachtree Corners Councilman Eric Christ’s monthly digital newsletter. Sign up for his email list here.

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Elections and Politics

What to know about voter registration and municipal elections in Peachtree Corners



On this episode of Peachtree Corners Life, Diane Fisher, a representative from the League of Women Voters Gwinnett chapter, delves into the world of voter registration and municipal elections in Georgia. With the implementation of automatic voter registration and the upcoming municipal elections in Peachtree Corners, Fisher sheds light on the importance of informed voting and active participation. From understanding address updates to exploring the power of thoughtful voting, listeners will gain valuable insights on enhancing voter engagement in their community. This podcast serves as a guide for residents to make their voices heard and shape the future of Peachtree Corners, Georgia.

Diane’s Email: Fisher@lwvga.org League of Women Voters
Website: https://www.lwv.org/local-leagues/lwv-gwinnett-county
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lwvgwinnettcounty/

“Being a prepared voter means being an informed voter. It’s not just about the presidential election, but about all the congressional seats, the House and Senate seats, and county positions. So, there will be an awful lot on that ballot. Knowing when and who is on the ballot is crucial for an informed vote.”

Diane Fisher

Time Stamp

0:00:00 – Introduction
0:01:54 – Voter registration process and information for new residents in Georgia
0:05:13 – Voter maintenance and the importance of updating voter registration
0:08:34 – Absentee voting process and how to request an absentee ballot
0:10:52 – Municipal elections in Peachtree Corners, Georgia
0:17:18 – Being a prepared voter for the 2024 elections
0:20:37 – The need to know who’s on the ballot
0:21:31 – Sharing personal experience about involvement in politics
0:23:02 – Misleading information and the importance of understanding the ballot
0:23:45 – Lesser-known positions on the ballot and the impact of voters’ knowledge
0:25:42 – Thoughtful voting and participation in local elections
0:28:04 – Encouraging voters to engage with candidates and attend events
0:29:39 – The process for third-party and write-in candidates in Georgia for the 2024 elections
0:31:25 – Seeking additional information that Georgia voters should know
0:33:28 – Advising voters to verify their voting location due to possible changes
0:34:17 – Closing

Podcast Transcript

Rico Figliolini 0:00:00

Hi, everyone. This is Rico Figliolini, host of Peachtree Corners Life. Appreciate everyone joining us. We have a special guest today from the League of Women Voters, Diane Fisher. Hey, Diane, thanks for joining me.

Diane Fisher 0:00:11

Nice to be here.

Rico Figliolini 0:00:13

Yeah, this is going to be a good educational podcast. We’re going to be discussing how to be a prepared voter and everything that comes with that for 2024 and municipal elections. But before we get to that, I just want to thank our sponsors, Clearwave Fiber, our corporate sponsor. They’re an internet providing business here in Peachtree Corners, serving over a thousand businesses. Peachtree Corners Life, they’re actually based in the Southeast, and they provide better than what you would expect from a cable provider. Fast Internet connection, great support, especially to businesses and residents. So check them out. Clearwave Fiber also check out EV Remodeling, Inc. Eli, who is the owner of the company. Him and his family live here in Peachtree Corners. It’s a great business. They do design to build renovation work. Lots of good activity out there, lots of good references for them. So check them out, Evremodelinginc.com, and you’ll be able to find out a little bit more about our two supporters that way. So let’s get right into the show. Diane, I appreciate you joining us. League of Women Voters, it’s been around for quite a while. You are the Gwinnett chapter of the organization, correct?

Diane Fisher 0:01:28

We are the Gwinnett chapter. The national organization has been around since 1920, founded out of the movement for women’s suffrage. And we in Gwinnett in this iteration, have been around since 2019. Comes and goes. And so it is relatively new coming back. And so that’s where we are now.

Rico Figliolini 0:01:54

Excellent. So I saw you, I met you at the Peachtree Corners Festival, which is part of what you all do, outreach to the community. And you were out there, I think, at the time when I passed, you were registering a new voter that came on and she was asking questions so similar to what we’re going to do here. We want to know a little bit about how if you’re a new voter and you haven’t voted yet, or if you just moved to the state of Georgia and you have to register here to vote. Because obviously, from where someone comes from, you have to register in the state that you’re going to be voting in at the residence that you’re going to be voting in. So tell us a little bit about what would be needed for someone to register new here in the state of Georgia and Gwinnett County.

Diane Fisher 0:02:40

Sure. So in Georgia, we have automatic voter registration through the DDS, through driver services. And so when anyone gets a new license or changes an address on a license or does anything with DDS, they actually are automatically registered to vote. So we actually have very high voter registration in Georgia because of that. What doesn’t happen, though, is sometimes people you know move down the street, sometimes they move across town, sometimes they move within a county, sometimes they move out of the county. And you do, as you mentioned, need to be registered to vote at your current address. And so it’s important for everyone to make sure that they take care of making sure that that happens. Because sometimes people don’t always update a license in a timely fashion, but they actually move. And the reason why it’s linked to where you live is because who you vote for is determined by where you live, what precincts, and so it is important that you are registered your current address so you can always check. One of the best resources for checking the status of your registration is the Secretary of State has their website which is MVP, SOS ga gov and if you put in your name and birth date and county you can find out where you’re registered to, if you’re registered, where you’re registered, what precincts you vote for, where you vote. All of that information is available on that site. And so we encourage every voter before every election to check the status of their registration, to make sure that everything is above board, that it’s where you need it to be and that nothing happened. Because there is a list maintenance that happens as a regular part of the process and sometimes people are put moved to inactive status if they miss a notice or something like that. So we just always want to make sure that everybody checks their status, which makes sense.

Rico Figliolini 0:04:55

I just did that for two of my kids, I showed them how to do it because they hadn’t voted since they hadn’t voted. So I think one of them, in a decade maybe voted once and I said there’s maintenance, they could purge you from the list and they were still on the list, right?

Diane Fisher 0:05:13

So if you don’t vote in two federal election cycles, then you are moved to inactive status and that starts a process of eventually dropping you off the roll. So you’re not obligated to vote in elections. But obviously we encourage everyone to vote, but it is important to respond to those kinds of requests that you get because they probably did get some kind of notice in the mail indicating that, questioning if they are still at address, that they live, that they were registered, right, no doubt.

Rico Figliolini 0:05:48

And I think younger people have a bit more of a problem following that up because it’s not on their to do list, obviously. I think the demographics show that older people more regularly, younger people less regularly, unless it’s a presidential race and even still sometimes it just depends. And COVID hasn’t helped either, people moving back home with their parents, whether they moved in from out of state, maybe they still wanted to vote for if they were living in New York, maybe they still wanted to do an absentee ballot back up there, and that’s possible, but they wouldn’t be able to vote down, right, right.

Diane Fisher 0:06:26

You can only be registered to vote in one location. And quite honestly, one thing that people don’t know is that if you register so say you move I’ll use your example from New York and you move to Georgia and you register to vote in Georgia. There is not a process like an automatic unregistering. You from New York, you actually have to request that. My daughter, when she moved out of state, it took us a long time to get her off of the voter rolls, know, because you actually have to request that to happen. Most people do not think that that’s something that they have to do. And that’s why sometimes the roles are not updated or updated. You might show up on a place where you have no intention of voting and never voted because you’ve moved and you just didn’t think that you need to do anything about it.

Rico Figliolini 0:07:17

Sure, I think you’re right. Most of my friends would not even think about, oh, I need to know if someone know. Technically, you could end up doing a mail in ballot to New York, let’s say, and vote here, and no one would know the difference, apparently. Obviously we don’t want that happening.

Diane Fisher 0:07:39

There have been cases before the state election board that come, people being caught doing that, and it is not situation. So yes, that is illegal.

Rico Figliolini 0:07:50

It’s a federal offense.

Diane Fisher 0:07:51

It is a federal offense. That is certainly not something that we encourage. And most people who register, they move someplace, they register, they have no intention of voting elsewhere. But young people particularly, or people who are transient, it does mean that you have to pay a little bit more attention and make a plan to vote. I think it’s also important to think about not just being registered, it’s then knowing when elections are, knowing what your plan will be. Will you vote absentee, will you vote early advanced voting, will you vote on election day? What’s that plan? To make sure that you’re actually being able to vote.

Rico Figliolini 0:08:34

So in the state of Georgia, if I’m going on vacation or even an absentee, you don’t need an excuse for an absentee ballot. You can ask for that.

Diane Fisher 0:08:44


Rico Figliolini 0:08:45

So you could go online to one of the sites or which site to go to to get an absentee ballot.

Diane Fisher 0:08:51

Yes. So that depends on the election. And I will say, and I only raise that because we’re coming up on municipal elections here in Gwinnett County, actually statewide, but also specifically here in Peachtree Corners and in Gwinnett, the county does not run the municipal elections. Every city runs their own municipal election. So the answer for coming up for the November 7 election, which will be the municipal election here in Peachtree Corners, is that you need to request the absentee ballot from the county clerk in Peachtree Corners. And if you go to the website, you can get that information. There’s a form there that you can request the absentee ballot for the Peachtree Corners election. Typically for every other election, you would go to the county. Well, actually either the Secretary of state’s website or the county Board of elections office, and you can get the form there. One of the changes that happened in election forms is that you can’t register just on an online portal anymore. You have to print out the application because it has to have a wet signature. It has to actually have an actual signature on it. So you have to print off the form, fill it out, sign it, and then you can send it back digitally. But you can’t just I think there was a time when there was a portal where you could just go on and put in your information and request it. So now you have to print out the form and then return it to the county election office.

Rico Figliolini 0:10:29

But you can scan that form, return.

Diane Fisher 0:10:31

It digitally, scan it, or take a photo of it, and then email it back to the elections office and do it.

Rico Figliolini 0:10:40

So they’re just forcing you to print it out to do that website, which.

Diane Fisher 0:10:45

Means that you now have to have access to a printer, right?

Rico Figliolini 0:10:49

How many people do know?

Diane Fisher 0:10:52

And so that is the process now and where you go. And again, because Gwinnett is unusual, Gwinnett’s one of the few counties in Georgia that the municipalities run their own elections. Most other counties in the area, Fulton, Jacab, the counties run the municipal elections as well. And so what that means for us here in Gwinnett and in Peachtree Corners is that when you go to vote on election day for the municipal elections, you will not go to your regular location where you normally would are used to voting. So at Simpson elementary or at Peachtree Corners Baptist Church or any of the different locations where you always go to your regular precinct location, everybody in Peachtree Corners for the municipal election will vote at City Hall, down around in the room, around the bottom, the community trust room, around the left side of the building. That’s where elections are held for the county, for the city, I’m sorry, for the city.

Rico Figliolini 0:12:02

And there’s one open seat, one open contested seat, I should say.

Diane Fisher 0:12:09

Every other election cycle we would have. So in this case, on the ballot is the mayor, post one, post three, and post five. So the only contested seat is the post five. And post five is an at large seat. And so that means that everybody, Peachtree Corners will vote for that seat. Post one and three are geographically defined, so the first three posts are based on geography. So post one, I think, is the southern section. And then three is the sort of the northern part of Peachtree Corners. So Alex Wright, Is and Phil Sod are in those seats, and those are uncontested seats. And then, of course, the mayor’s race is also citywide, and that is uncontested as well.

Rico Figliolini 0:13:07

So people understand this, come November, you’re going to have to go to two different places to do this.

Diane Fisher 0:13:15

No, the only election in 2020, right. The only election in 2023 is the municipal election.

Rico Figliolini 0:13:23

That’s right.

Diane Fisher 0:13:23

There have been times when you’ve had to go to two places because there were simultaneous elections, but that is not the case now. So November 7 and actually early voting and early voting does start for the municipal election on Monday, October 16. So Monday through Friday from October 16 through November 3 and then October 21 and October 20 Eighth, which are Saturdays from nine to five, is early voting. So you can go for three weeks early voting, including two Saturdays. And then, of course, on Election Day is seven to 07:00 a.m. To 07:00 P.m., election Day, November 7, and that will be just at the City Hall. If you go to your regular polling location, there won’t be anything going on there other than school or church or whatever might be happening.

Rico Figliolini 0:14:19

So people should also be aware, I think, when they send in the absentee ballot, how long do they have? How does it get date stamped if it arrives three days later? I mean, how is that process explain?

Diane Fisher 0:14:32

So, legally, your absentee ballot needs to arrive, in this case, City Hall by 07:00 P.m. On Election day. If it gets there the next day, it’s not going to count. It has to arrive. So if you’re going to be voting with an absentee ballot, you need to make sure that you’ve planned ahead to request it. And I would say request it like today. When you hear this, make sure you request it, and then as soon as it comes, fill it out. And you can actually I mean, if you are local and you’re just going to be out of town, you can actually just bring it down to City Hall. Worry about the postal service. Obviously, if you’re a student who lives out of the area, needs to mail it again, do all of that life ASAP, because the time is a very limited window.

Rico Figliolini 0:15:31

Okay. And just because I’m thinking along this line, if someone was going to drop it off, like if I was going to drop off my son’s ballot, I could drop that off at City Hall. That’s okay.

Diane Fisher 0:15:42

Yes, you can drop off a ballot for immediate family, relatives, so your wife, your kids, a parent. You can’t, though, start collecting from people in your neighborhood and bringing those in, but for close family.

Rico Figliolini 0:16:00

Okay. All right, that sounds good. So the League of Women Voters is known for providing good nonpartisan information to get people to do to vote, to fulfill their civic responsibilities and all. And we talked a little bit about what it means to be a prepared voter before we started. So tell us a little bit, Diane, what does it mean to be a prepared voter going to 2024 into the presidential race, election year, where there’s going to be a lot on the ballot, I’m sure in a variety of states, but even here in Georgia, sure, because.

Diane Fisher 0:17:59

It’s not just about the presidential election. There will be all the congressional seats, there will be all of the House, the Georgia House seats and the Georgia Senate seats. There will be county positions, all of the county constitutional positions will be on the ballot. So there will be an awful lot on that ballot. And so being prepared voter means being an informed voter. So obviously, the first is to know when you need to be voting. And there are lots of elections in 2024, starting in March. The presidential preferential primary will be in March. Then we’ve got the regular primaries in May, and then we’ve got November elections and then any runoffs that may need to happen as well. So there will be a lot of elections. So it’s not just go in and vote once and be done with it. So that’s one thing knowing when all those different elections are. The second is knowing who’s on the ballot. And through that MVP site that I mentioned earlier, the MVP. SOS Ga gov, you can pull up it’s not available right now, but it will be available for 2024. All of who is on your ballot, you can pull up sample ballots. And so that will be really helpful to know ahead of time because I hear people all the time saying, like, I got into the polling booth and I had no idea that there were all of those things on the ballot. I wasn’t prepared. And so you can be prepared by pulling up the sample ballot and actually marking, doing your research. And there are lots of different ways to get information. There are candidate forums. Certainly the candidates themselves are out there putting information out. Will. The league is known for doing candidate information forums as well, and we likely will be doing particularly for our county races. The state may be doing some larger scale ones, but here in Gwinnett, the Gwinnett League focuses very much on what’s happening here in so, you know, doing your research in terms of getting information about not only what’s on the ballot, but then being able to check out the candidates so that you know who aligns with your values and with the things that are important to you. And so that becomes part of the conversation it’s important to have.

Rico Figliolini 0:20:37

Yeah. Coming from New York, I was involved quite a bit in political politics when I was younger, 1820. You see the things that go on, the amount of so doing it for such a long period of time to hear people say, I’m not prepared, or I don’t know who’s on the ballot. It gets really frustrating when there is a lot of information out there between news outlets. Granted, there’s a variety of news outlets, so some agendas on some of these outlets, but for the most part, you’ll be able to get the information out there. Candidates are especially local candidates are doing more door to door campaigning. You will get it inundated with mail, right? I mean, last year or the year before was just ridiculous. The amount of mail that was going out, literally three or four postcards a day coming in.

Diane Fisher 0:21:31

And you have to be careful about that mail because it’s not just the candidates who are sending out mail now. It’s all kinds of organizations, and some of the information is not always accurate or it’s political spin. And so I think if you’re looking to find out candidates positions on things, that’s where it’s important to look at various sorts. So the league does run nationally, a website called Vote Four One One, where we reach out to candidates to get their input so that you can hear from them what they believe about certain things. So we ask questions. There are other sort of neutral, if you will, sites. Alopecia has sort of a candidate profile site. So there are ways that you can get sort of just factual information candidates, as opposed to sort of the political spin that can sometimes make noise. And so we do encourage, but at the very least, pull up that ballot to say, this is what’s going to be on there. So you don’t get in and say, I didn’t know county, the clerk of the court, I don’t even know what that is. Those are the things that sort of sneak up on people.

Rico Figliolini 0:23:02

I mean, they’re lesser known positions. They get less exposure. People either tend to skip over them or they tend to, depending on the politics, tend to either vote for the incumbent because there’s an eye next to it, because that seems safer, or if they want to stir the pot, they’re voting for the other candidate to come in. It’s a variety of reasons, right, that people vote.

Diane Fisher 0:23:24


Rico Figliolini 0:23:24

And then there’s referendums on the ballot, and because they’re written in such legalese, sometimes you may be reading it in that moment at the ballot box and not realize really what it’s saying, because some of it’s written in such a way, you would think, oh, that’s easy, that’s what that means. And then you find out later, no, that’s not what that meant.

Diane Fisher 0:23:45

Right. If I vote yes, it’s actually voting against. That’s right, because of the way that it’s written. Right. And so I think that those referendum and those also those are available, you’ll be able to pull those up on your sample ballot at the MVP site so that you can actually see it and read it and do your research. I mean, I know that I sit down when my kids were first voting, we would sit down and literally go through the ballot and research candidates together. And the referendum questions, even life, talk about what they mean and what the pros and cons, and if we didn’t have an answer, we disagreed or whatever, we talk about it. Sometimes we disagreed and they would vote one way and I would vote a different way. But point being that having that conversation and being informed because that is how we citizens are being able to make sure that what we want is actually happening. I mean, you hear so often people saying like, it doesn’t really matter who I vote for if I vote, because it just doesn’t matter, my voice doesn’t matter. Well, it matters if you do it thoughtfully. And if everybody were to participate, then we’re all in a better place. Here in Peachtree Corners, just going back, we have 27,000 registered voters, and in the last six municipal elections, the most we’ve ever had is a 10% turnout. So like 2700 voters. So when people complaining about whatever they might be complaining about, about the city, you need to actually vote to have your perspective put forward.

Rico Figliolini 0:25:42

It’s the frustrating part. Yeah. When I read things on nextdoor and people say, these people, they have an agenda, this is what they want to do, and it’s like it doesn’t take much. You’re right. Sometimes there’s more than 2700 votes. Right. There’s more than that, depending on the year now, really.

Diane Fisher 0:26:05

More than 10% of the voting. I think that when we first became a city that was a higher turnout, but since then, yeah, it’s a very small and we know there are elections that have been won by 15 votes, there are elections that have been won by one vote. And so especially in these smaller elections, makes it more important to get out there and have your voice heard.

Rico Figliolini 0:26:39

Yeah, especially because, I mean, in small elections like this, it depends on how many friends you have. You’re right. There was one election, I think was the last election that we had, where it was a 14 vote difference or something along those lines. If you want to make change. You have to be involved. You have to knock doors. You can’t just send postcards. You have to meet your neighbors, your voters, and figure it out.

Diane Fisher 0:27:10

I will say, I think candidates these days are very open to certainly the local candidates, the county positions, the state House representatives, and so mean you can go onto their websites, know, ask for a meeting. They will meet with you. And I think that that is important. And it’s important to meet with not just the people who you think you might agree with, but also the other side to hear what they stand for and what they plan on doing. And I think that we are in a time when it is easy to access your candidates, particularly at the more local levels, and go to events that they’re having or send an email and say, I’d love to talk to you. Will you have coffee with me?

Rico Figliolini 0:28:04

Right. Yeah. Some of them will put out their cell phone numbers, and you can literally call them and talk to them because how many people in their district, how many people actually can actually call their representatives? And I think people should be aware that their representative is they’re there to be able to expedite things. The constituent service, if they have a problem with government that rep, that represents you, is there to help make things easier or to at least guide you into what you need to do. They’re there for a reason. They work for you. I know that’s, like everyone says, they work for me. But they do work for you, and you’re the one that votes them in, and you should be able to they’re there to represent you. So to fill a purpose that way.

Diane Fisher 0:28:52

Yeah. You have resources and access that we don’t have, and they’re happy to facilitate things for us. Yes.

Rico Figliolini 0:29:00

So let me ask you. I’m a bit of a political junkie, but you don’t know about Georgia politics as much as I probably should after being here since 95. But now that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For example, decides he’s going to run as an independent candidate because the Democratic Party, according to him, has not given him the right for a debate or to run properly, they’ve changed the rules a bit, I guess. What happens with a third party candidate in 2024 when you live in the state of Georgia? Can you do a write in on a candidate like that?

Diane Fisher 0:29:39

So, two different things. There is a process for being put on the ballot as a third party candidate. And my presumption, I mean, we’ll often find a Green Party candidate on the ballot or things. So there is a process for that. Write ins are a whole nother story in Georgia. So I know a lot of people know, I’m going to write it in my husband, I’m going to write my neighbor, or I’m going to write in whatever you actually have to register to be a write in candidate. So only, the only write in votes that will count are people who have gone through the process of actually registering to be a writing candidate. If you don’t write in one of those people, it’s not going to count. So they don’t do a tally of all of those. Rico you couldn’t get 100 votes as a write in because unless you obviously go, yeah, so that notion of sort, I’m just going to write somebody in, in Georgia, it’s not possible. The different part, you do not have to be just a Republican or a Democrat to show up on ballot. There are processes for being a registered candidate from whatever party it happens to be.

Rico Figliolini 0:31:11

What should a Georgia voter know that we haven’t covered that may be trivial or not trivial, but detail that most people know that we should mean? Is there anything gone over?

Diane Fisher 0:31:25

So I will say that one of the things that I always say about voters is voters are creatures of habit. So if the last election I showed up and voted in this location, and I voted in that location for the past three elections or ten elections or 20 elections, don’t always presume that things stay the same. We know that we just had so, for example, we know that we just had redistricting with the census and numbers have shifted. And so there is a shifting of precincts and so on. And most of the time you’re going to stay in the same place, but always, again, check to make sure that you know where you’re voting. And just because you always voted at Simpson or New Age building or wherever it might be, don’t presume that that’s where you voted last time, that’s where you’re going to vote this time. Because sometimes because of the ways that the numbers have shifted, they shift. So again, I think it’s really important to always check, even if you think I’m pretty involved, and I check my voter page periodically and certainly before every election, just to make sure that, first of all, my precincts, not just the precinct is the same, but that I know who I’m voting for. Because we know that there were changes in congressional seats and House and Senate races and even County Commission seats. We have a new County Commission situation now from a couple of years ago. And so just knowing where the lines are, because the lines do sometimes change. So I think that that’s something that particularly coming right off of the redistricting situation that we had. If you haven’t voted recently since the last election, you may find that things have changed a little bit.

Rico Figliolini 0:33:28

Makes sense. I know that state House and Senate seats have changed. People have disappeared, or they’ve been drawn out of a district that they were in.

Diane Fisher 0:33:40

They may be running, and the lines have just changed. The numbers have changed. The lines have changed. Yeah, it’s.

Rico Figliolini 0:33:46

Amazing. So it really should go to that website that they have mentioned, MVP.

Diane Fisher 0:33:50

SOS ga gov, if you just remember MVP, if you start typing in MVP and in Georgia it’ll show up. And that really is if you remember one thing from this conversation, I would say remember that. And then the other piece is remember that for the upcoming election in Peachtree Corners, you’re going to be voting at City Hall right.

Rico Figliolini 0:34:17

For 2023. All right, cool. I think we covered quite a bit. We’ve given places that people can go. Is there anything else that you want to share, Diane?

Diane Fisher 0:34:31

I don’t think just I think if we want our government and our society to work for us and we need to be actively engaged with the process and the League of Women Voters is always happy to give information. I get calls all the time, emails from friends, neighbors, people across the county asking questions. So you can always call the county election office. But if you I’m a local Peachtree Corners gal, people are welcome to reach out to me. It’s Fisher@lwvga.org and I’m happy to answer any questions that you have.

Rico Figliolini 0:35:13

Cool. If anyone wants to volunteer for the League of Women Voters, they can reach out to you.

Diane Fisher 0:35:18

Absolutely. We are always looking for new members. As I said, we are relatively new in this iteration and we started right in 2019 and just as we got our feet wet and going COVID happened. And so we are eager to engage people who want to do voter education, voter registration work, helping people. We are nonpartisan. We do not support candidates or parties. So we really are just wanting to make sure that people have the information that they need to be able to exercise their rights.

Rico Figliolini 0:35:54

Excellent. Doing great work. I mean, that’s the biggest battle, getting people educated because walking into that booth, not knowing three quarters of that ballot would be the worst thing to be doing. So I appreciate, Diane, your time with us. We had a little power outage before so this recording took a little later than it was and there was not even a storm cloud in the sky and yet we had a power outage. So go figure. But appreciate you helping with educating our listeners on this. Thank you everyone for being with us. All these links will be in the show notes as well. But do remember MVP, I think if you put MVP elections, it’ll probably pop right up as the first thing on that page. But thanks again, Diane, and appreciate your time.

Diane Fisher 0:36:41

Thanks for having me.

Rico Figliolini 0:36:42


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City Government

Advocating in a Different Way



Lorri Christopher

Lorri Christopher will remain active in the community but wants to pave the way for the next generation of local leadership.

When it comes to Peachtree Corners City Post 5 Councilmember Lorri Christopher, her actions speak for her. Not one to raise a ruckus, her four decades as a resident of the area before it became a city had been chock full of leadership in business, education, and community service.

With all she has accomplished, it shouldn’t be a surprise that this 80-year-old woman with the stamina of the Energizer Bunny has decided she won’t be running for re-election when her term expires in 2024.

“I’m not going to stop advocating for the city,” she said. “I’ll still be Lorri Christopher. I just won’t be a city council member.”

Lorri Christopher in 2021 received the “Rotarian of The Year Award” and within days she was one of seven winners (out of 90 finalists) named in Gwinnett Chamber’s annual Moxie Awards. Lorri received the “Greater Good Award” from the chamber in August 2021. (Top photo by George Hunter.)

A life filled with achievements and successes

Christopher’s bio on the Peachtree Corners website points to a career brimming with numerous titles. Here are a few:

  • Principal in CAP Associates, a human resources consulting firm
  • Computer Information Systems (CIS) Faculty Program and IA Director at Gwinnett Technical College
  • Trustee of the Gwinnett Senior Leadership program
  • Former IT Project Manager for the 1996 Olympics
  • High school Math and Science teacher,
  • Management Information System (MIS) Director and CIS Program Chair at Trident College
  • COO of Atlanta Desktop
  • Co-president of United Mortgage Company
  • Marketing Director of Right Associates
  • Vice President at Midland Associates
  • Vice President of Finance and Management Information System (MIS) for Edwards, Inc.
  • Marketing and technical leadership positions at DCA and Burroughs/Unisys, and
  • Founding Director of Paces Bank & Trust.

Christopher has been well-recognized through the years. She is a recipient of the 21st Century Award from The International Alliance, Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) award, and the Triumph Inspiration 21st Century Woman Award. Christopher is also a member of the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) Academy of Women Achievers.

Her accomplishments include service to the community, business, and charity organizations. Christopher served on the leadership committee for the Center for the Study of the Presidency, chaired the Gwinnett County March of Dimes, and served on the Georgia Alliance for Children Board.

She is a member of several chambers of commerce, including the Gwinnett, Hispanic, Southwest Gwinnett, and Atlanta chambers, as well as the Gwinnett Village Alliance Board. Christopher is a past officer of Fox Hill homeowners’ association and a member-volunteer for United Peachtree Corners Civic Association (UPCCA), Peachtree Corners Business Association (PCBA), and the Peachtree Corners Festival.

Then there’s her education. Currently a Ph.D. candidate in Information Systems at Nova Southeastern University, Christopher holds an MBA in Business and Finance from Emory University, an MBA in Global Ecommerce from Georgia State University, and a BA in Mathematics and Chemistry from the State University of New York. She has additional graduate studies in CIS at Georgia Tech and Education at Hofstra University — and she holds a number of professional certifications.

“I worked in Peachtree Corners in the 70s and 80s in the Summit Building. Our technology firm, Burroughs/Unisys, was located there where we developed financial applications for the world …we had over 400 people in that facility,” she told Peachtree Corners Magazine in a 2019 podcast. “So, I’ve seen Tech Park when it was in its heyday. I’ve seen it since, and it is so exciting with what’s happening now.”

She added that seeing the vision that she and several others had for the area during the cityhood movement more than a decade ago now coming to fruition makes the hard work worth it.

A vision that’s blossoming

Besides the business growth and economic development, Christopher said she is proud that the city has remained one of the few that doesn’t collect property taxes from its homeowners. And instead of building a city hall right off the bat, Peachtree Corners officials chose to turn the Town Center property into a place for people to gather and be together. 

“We’ve worked really hard at keeping the millage zero and being fiscally responsible,” she said.

Christopher is a pioneer in her own right, blazing a path in Information Technology when women were often relegated to administrative support roles instead of heading departments.

After college, she’d gone back home to Charleston, S.C., and was offered a position as Chief Financial Officer and IT Director for a chain of stores where she’d worked as a cashier in her youth. Even back then, Christopher realized that she didn’t have to tell anyone what she could do — she just had to show them.

That’s what she hopes for the future of Peachtree Corners. She doesn’t want future leaders judged by anything more than their credentials.

It’s that kind of stewardship that Christopher said she’s looking for in her successor. She has someone in mind but insists that she’ll back anyone who has the knowledge, passion, and energy to continue the work that was begun more than a decade ago.

Christopher hopes someone will bring Peachtree Corners into its next phase with diversity and inclusion. “I’d like there to be more people who don’t look like me involved in city government,” she said. “I think it’s important that we do everything we can to make sure that we’re an inclusive city.”

Passing the baton

From the outside looking in, many people may not see the pockets of need in this seemingly affluent area.

Christopher would like the city to start receiving federal funds to pay for things like a homeless shelter. “We don’t have a plan for people that are indigent,” she said recalling a section of Spring Drive that had no streetlights for seven years. “It took too long to get lights there and that subdivision has over 200 homes,” she said.

Even though it’s impressive to gather a list of titles, Christopher stressed she does what she does because it’s the right thing to do — and she wants to see the city continue doing what’s right.

“I don’t want to be one of those people who die in office,” she said. “The City of Peachtree Corners is going to go on long, long after I’m gone. I see my decision as making room for another person.”

Photos by George Hunter

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