How Georgia State legislation affects local cities, self-taxing districts, medical cannabis and more [Podcast]
1 year agoon

How does 5G technology and public safety work? Explore the creation of self-taxing Community Improvement Districts and how they help a city. Urban development, changing cityscapes, new zoning for medical cannabis, and smart city planning—all this and more in the latest episode of Prime Lunchtime with the City Manager Brian Johnson and host Rico Figliolini.
State of Georgia Legislative information on the CID
Medical Cannabis Information
00:00:00 – City Manager Brian’s 5G Initiatives at Curiosity Lab
00:04:34 – Public Safety Initiatives and Legislative Defense
00:09:16 – Exploring the Creation of Community Improvement Districts
00:14:21 – Funding and Benefits of a Community Improvement District
00:16:54 – Upcoming Town Center Improvements and Openings
00:22:26 – New Obstacle Course and Memorial Day Plans
00:28:16 – April City Council Meeting on Development
00:31:06 – Urban Growth and the Limits of City Authority
00:34:37 – Urban Development and Changing Cityscapes
00:37:45 – Navigating City Growth and Zoning Changes
00:41:52 – Planning Zoning for Medical Cannabis in Georgia
00:44:56 – Regulating Dispensary Locations and Processes
00:47:00 – Anticipating Zoning Requests and Smart City Planning
Podcast Transcript:
Rico Figliolini 0:00:00
Hi, everyone. This is Rico Figliolini, host of Peachtree Corners Life. And today, Prime Lunchtime with the City Manager. Hey, Brian, how are you?
Brian Johnson 0:00:09
Good. Rico, how are you?
Rico Figliolini 0:00:10
Good. Good. It’s a beautiful day, actually, when we’re recording this remotely, but we have a lot of things we’re going to be talking about. But before we get into that, I do want to say thank you to our corporate sponsor, EV Remodeling, Inc. Eli, who lives here in Peachtree Corners, where the company is based, is a great guy doing great work, from buildouts to whole house remodels. So check them out at evremodelinginc.com. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. So now let’s talk a little bit about Brian. I know you’ve been busy. You’ve been going out doing speaking engagements. I want to mention one that you’re going to be going to at some point, which is next month, ISC West 2024, which is a conference trade show in the security, public safety realm. You’re going to be talking to them about what we’re doing here. Why don’t you give us just a three minute thing on that, again that’s happening in April. Tell us, what’s the plan?
Brian Johnson 0:01:09
So I was asked to speak at that conference specifically about how we’re using 5g within the curiosity lab testing environment to help enhance and scale certain products in certain areas. This conference specifically is interested in cybersecurity, then some autonomous vehicle and then public safety, like drone, or as our marshals have stood up, body cam testing and using 5g as a way to make those products better or to be able to scale them. An example of that would be if you get a 5g environment to be able to get to where all the law enforcement officers within that environment that are wearing body cameras when they’re turned on, the 5g environment is robust enough that it could actually stream live back to maybe real time crime center. Or they can download video of an engagement where they turn the camera on because they don’t have it on all the time. There are certain times you gotta turn it on. But currently, police officers end up at the end of their shift. They go back to the station and they’ve got to take out the memory chip and put it into a computer and download it directly. That way, just because it’s so much video data really takes a lot of space. And that would be huge if they could both stream it live back to command center, where you have other people watching and be able to download it live and not have to go back to the station. It’ll just be an example where 5G can be used to deal with. So I’m going to be talking about, I was asked to talk about some of those applications that we’re using 5G to help do research and development on.
Rico Figliolini 0:03:09
Which is great because most of these conferences that you all go to, both here in the states and overseas, like Israel and european countries, they end up actually bringing sometimes companies to our city that want to do work here.
Brian Johnson 0:03:24
So good economic impact, just conference speaking engagements. It used to be to where we were always having to make our case as to why we’re interesting enough to speak at them. And it’s kind of, we get reached out to, but we don’t generally go to conferences. And it’s just conference where you’re like walking a showroom floor handing out business cards. We usually use this as, call it an excuse to line up meetings with companies that are in the area, that are in certain sectors that we want to make them aware of curiosity lab and its capabilities as a way to get them to be like, oh, wow, I didn’t know that that existed. And you don’t charge to use it and you have all these cool toys and infrastructure we can use. So we turn down a lot of these things if they don’t correspond to us being able to meet with other companies at the same time. So this is a space that with the Marshall stood up public safety space has certainly expanded. And so it’s more of interest to us than it hasn’t been in the past. So we’ve been asked to speak of this before, but this time we accept it just because we have more public safety r d going on here than we have.
Rico Figliolini 0:04:55
Right. Cool. So let’s bring this back a little closer to home. Now, actually, Atlanta under the gold dome, because there’s a legislative session going on. There’s legislation in there particularly that would affect the city of peace for corners that you all have been working on. So tell us a little bit about that and what impact that will bring to the city.
Brian Johnson 0:05:15
Well, I’ll start with legislative sessions are 95% defense and 5% offense. So as usual, our legislative affairs people, lobbyists that we use and in some internal staff, we’ve ended up playing defense on bills that could hurt us in some way, shape or form. We’ve talked about this before in years past, or I’ve used as an example. But yet again, there was another bill that was introduced that would prohibit property tax bills from having anything other than the one property tax line item.
Rico Figliolini 0:05:58
Brian Johnson 0:05:59
For municipalities that either don’t have property tax or have a lot of additional fees that they charge residents and don’t want to stand up a billing department or don’t want to have a bill that only has fees on it, it would be significantly negative for us because our collection. So we use Gwinnett County’s property tax bill for us to put on solid waste. So your trash collection is billed annually. Your stormwater user fee is billed annually. And for some locations that have street lights that are assessed based on the frontage of their property that’s on there, our collection rate is 99% because it’s on a property tax bill. And if you don’t pay the whole bill, technically speaking, at some point you can find your property being auctioned off on the courthouse steps.
Rico Figliolini 0:07:01
Brian Johnson 0:07:02
So people pay it. But if you removed it and we had to invoice, just say solid waste and stormwater, our collection rate, for the nationally of cities that do that, their collection rate is about 65%. It’s crazy because a lot of people think, for instance, they don’t pay their trash collection, and then they’re kind of like, whatever.
Rico Figliolini 0:07:31
There’S no recourse doing it.
Brian Johnson 0:07:33
I’m going to dump my trash in a vacant lot. I’m going to do whatever. I’ve abandoned the property. I mean, just a lot of different things. Water, they’re like, what are they going to do to me if I don’t? Drainage. So just bad bills like that. We try to do what we can to make our state legislators know that it could harm municipalities. We also fight a lot of bills that would remove our decision making at the local level and move it to the state level where cities are generally posed to, because we feel like the best decisions are made by elected officials closest to the area that’s affected.
Rico Figliolini 0:08:23
Agreed. I think some of that was dealing with at one point with building materials, whether it was steel or wood, for three story or higher buildings.
Brian Johnson 0:08:34
Rico. So there the state decided that in their wisdom, they would prevent cities from having any kind of requirements of building material that commercial office buildings are built. And this stemmed from some cities saying that if you hit four stories or more, it had to be structural steel. There are wood products out there that allow you to go up to that height or more that are a wood product that has the same, I guess, structural strength as steel. And the state said, no, we’re not going to let you decide at the local level. Those are ones that know, no offense, but a state legislator from Rabin county or Chatham county is not necessarily the best position to know what is best for Peachtree corners. But anyway, there’s a long way of saying, play a lot of defense. This year, we did have a little bit of offense. We decided to take advantage of this session to do something that we’ve been thinking about doing and may do in the near future. We don’t have it exactly set at our level to execute quite yet, but it’s around the creation of community improvement districts, or CID, as they’re called. Probably the closest one to us here is Gateway 85 CID, correct?
Rico Figliolini 0:10:11
Brian Johnson 0:10:12
It is an area of city or county in which the businesses inside of this defined CID agree to voluntarily tax themselves at an additional rate. And that additional rate creates resources that have to go back into this particular area to improve it in various things. We’ve kicked around a couple of locations where that might be of value at some point in the future. But in order to do it, you have to have legislation allowing that local government to create it. So we decided this session to go ahead and have that legislation created so that in the future it only requires two things. One is a certain percentage of, again, the property owners within the area that you want to do this, they have to agree to do it and then has to agree, and both of those entities have to match up. But what this local legislation does is at least removes us having to go back to the general assembly. This removes that. So it’s kind of the first step of a three step process, and we just wanted to do it. And that bill is moving along. I have every indication to think that it’ll pass this session, and then in the future, it could be the near future, it could be a long time, it may never happen, but at least if the decision was made that there’s a certain area that it makes sense to do, there would have to be a campaign and lots of meetings with all those property owners to get them up to speed on the value. And then you basically have a mini referendum, and if you get the required number of votes that’s presented to city council, and the last step is city council to say, yes, the id is created.
Rico Figliolini 0:12:13
I’m assuming the. Let’s not assume it would be votes of people within a defined district, that you all would draw the boundaries around and it would be commercial and residential or just commercial.
Brian Johnson 0:12:26
Well, it’s kind of property owner, so it can be residential if residents are in there. But there’s an equation. It’s got to be a certain percentage of property owners and then also got to be a certain percentage of the taxable value of the property contained. So, for instance, if you had an area in which there was this big Goliath corporate tenant there, and they were significant part of it, you a don’t want them to be singularly able to say yes or no. But then conversely, you don’t want a bunch of small, little property owners to be able to do something that ends up putting a huge burden on this big goliath. So it’s a combination of both that has to weigh in, and all those requirements are laid out in state law that we don’t get to choose our choices, but we just have to have legislation allowing city council to create CIDs if these other votes are.
Rico Figliolini 0:13:38
And Cids for those that aren’t aware. I mean, the one that you mentioned before covers, I think, Jimmy Carter, 85, Gwinnett Place mall. That whole area over there, Gwinnett Place.
Brian Johnson 0:13:51
Mallette Place is Gwinnett Place. CID is another CID.
Rico Figliolini 0:13:56
Brian Johnson 0:13:57
Gateway 85 does not cover that. Gateway 85 is more like Jimmy Carter on both sides of 85. It’s kind of a corridor.
Rico Figliolini 0:14:09
That’s right. It’s more of a corridor.
Brian Johnson 0:14:11
Place CID is its own CID of what was or is the Gwinnett Place mall itself and some of the surrounding businesses that are kind of in that.
Rico Figliolini 0:14:22
So what does it fund, generally? What does a CID fund, they’d want to know?
Brian Johnson 0:14:30
Could be public safety aspect. Could be additional streetlights, it could be cameras, it could be off duty police officers. There could be infrastructure improvements. You could improve roads, signage, facade improvements to businesses. It’s really whatever that CID, because if a CID is created, a board has to be created to govern it. And the board’s composition also is stipulated. You have to have a certain number of board members have to come from property owners, and a certain number are appointed by city council. You just have board composition. And so that board decides the rate which is capped. There’s a cap to decide the rate. They decide what it’s going to go to. They manage. But gateway 85 has done a lot of flock and video cameras. They pay for off duty police protection. They’ve done street lighting. I’m not sure if they’ve done any actual physical infrastructure, but that’s kind of the type of thing, I’ve seen it where facade improvements, where businesses could come in and actually give a refresh to their building through collected there. So the theory is if this defined area kind of rising tide lifts all boats, then that also feeds itself, because then that means the tax value of the properties go up, which means there’s more money collected even without changing the amount because the value is more. So that’s even more money in there. And it just self fulfills.
Rico Figliolini 0:16:18
And it doesn’t regulate anything, usage or anything within that CRD.
Brian Johnson 0:16:25
No, that’s why it’s just community improvement district. It’s just to improve that community through some of those things I said. But no, every business still operates the same. He’s still the regulatory agency for that. You get your business license. If you meet zoning restrictions, you can do whatever you want. Still America, right?
Rico Figliolini 0:16:51
All right, so let’s move on to. Let’s talk a little bit about town center improvements. I know most of it’s coming to a head shortly as far as grand openings and things coming to fruition. So give us a rundown of what’s actually going to be opening soon and where we are.
Brian Johnson 0:17:11
Yes, we got a bunch of the improvements around the town green that are kind of going to be finishing up here in the next month or two. First one is going to be the dog park. The dog park is essentially done. The video cameras over the dog park are getting installed on Monday, which is important because we both know that it’s probably day two. We’re going to get some dog fight, and somebody’s going to reach out to the city to say, I want that video because that dog attacked my dog and they should pay my bills. So we wanted to make sure we had video surveillance. And then Friday, March 15, at 04:00 p.m. Is the grand opening of the dog park. If you bring your dog, we have some peach tree corners, chopskis that are dog related. We’re going to give out. Yes. And the dog park will be open. So that’s the first one.
Rico Figliolini 0:18:23
Before we leave that one. What was it called? The bar or the concession? The bone bar. Is that going to be open, too?
Brian Johnson 0:18:33
It will not be open quite yet. We still have three or four weeks before that’ll be done. But yes, there will be a small, not a shed, but a small little bar that it’s going to look like Snoopy’s dog house. And it’ll have a window that will open into the fenced area of the dog park and also outside. So you actually, when we do, we’ll have to end up bidding out the contract to be able to use that. We haven’t quite decided on hours and whatever, but we’ll bid it out. Somebody will win the bid and then they’ll be able to open up and have some sort of beverage component that you have access to. So before too long, you could take your dog to the dog park and while you’re there, go get a drink of some kind, alcoholic or non alcoholic, and then chill out on the benches there. We got some shade structures that are there, so shaded part. Half of the dog park is artificial turf and then half of it is natural wooded area. Then we have a small dog and a big dog component to the dog park. So it’ll be for dog owners who want to go there. And maybe it’s even in the morning where there’s coffee served out of there. Not sure, but it’ll be used, hopefully to provide a value to the dog owners who are thirsty, cool and town green.
Rico Figliolini 0:20:20
I know they’re getting sod, not sod. Well, sod. Yeah, I guess that’s going to be finished soon, too.
Brian Johnson 0:20:27
Yes. We removed all the old sod and dug down like, I don’t know, 3ft and removed all the old Georgia clay out of me. And we put in a drainage system and good soil backfilled. And we are ready to start laying sod late next week. And we’re wanting to lay it in as soon as possible. It’ll still be off limits for use because we need the sod to take.
Rico Figliolini 0:20:56
Brian Johnson 0:20:57
And in preparation for our May concert, our first concert in May, which I believe is the Taylor Swift cover, I can assure you herself, I doubt, but it’s a, you know, entertainer. And so as a result, there could be certainly a significant amount of people who go to that concert, and we don’t want the sod to be walked on too early. So anyway, that’ll happen. Then. The tot lot, the smaller kid playground, the mat install around the playground equipment is starting next week, and it’ll be the end of this month at some point, I believe. Lewis Svela, my communication director, is trying to come up with the best date. But it’ll be the end of this month. We’ll have a grand opening of that. And so then that lot, that little kitty playground will be open.
Rico Figliolini 0:22:05
Brian Johnson 0:22:06
So that’ll be good. And then the end of this month, we should have the towers placed on what was the old fitness trail area. It’s really become an obstacle course now. And just why we’re having to secure it like we are. But the towers are going to make it look like a frontier fort.
Rico Figliolini 0:22:31
Brian Johnson 0:22:33
Then we’ll have some signage on what age people can use it, because we certainly run into people who have no business being on it unsupervised. It’s just an insurance nightmare potentially for us, but that’ll be good. So I would say beginning of April, everything except Middletown Green itself will be open, fully used, and then by the may concert we’ll essentially be done with all of the upgrades that ring the town green and it’s off to the races.
Rico Figliolini 0:23:14
It’s amazing. It’s just going to be amazing. Especially with the concerts coming in and Peachtree Corners festival happening later. It’s all cool. Can’t wait for that all to be complete.
Brian Johnson 0:23:27
Rico, one thing we didn’t talk about prior to the show that maybe talk about now, the obstacle course presented an opportunity that the Peachtree Corners Veterans association is going to potentially take advantage of, and that is on Memorial Day. As you know, the festival or the Peace Street Corners Veterans association organizes an event for Memorial Day and Veterans day out at the Veterans monument. And the Veterans association is essentially going to have an obstacle course competition aimed at young people, like middle and high school age kids that’ll be supervised, but for the purpose of maybe instilling a greater value to military service than the military right now is getting from young people, recruiting his way down. This might be a way to get some kids excited. So we’ll have the different stations, the ones that we think are good ones to use, and we’ll have them in sequence, and we’ll have the kids go through and see which ones can get through all of them properly in the shortest amount of time, all while followed with a veteran who can both provide them guidance on how to do it and as a safety monitor, if you will. So we’ll have prizes and that’ll be in the morning, I think around from like nine to 1030. And then at eleven, the Memorial day event will take place right there at the Veterans monument. So it’ll kind of be a little bit more of a half a day type of thing. So more to follow on that. But the association is looking and discussed with the city this. And so I think it could be kind of a cool thing for some kids who maybe was there or haven’t been shown some of the best ways to do it, or these are ones. I have a 15 year old son who thinks he’s 10ft tall and bulletproof and he can do all of those things better than most, or at least better than his old man, which I don’t know, I think I can still take him. So we’ll see.
Rico Figliolini 0:26:11
Yes, you’re a vet yourself, so that would be cool. Great. Going to have to check with Lewis on details then. Before we go to press on the next issue. All right, so why don’t we also, there’s a couple more things I want to talk quickly about. One is Da Vinci court in that development that’s happening in pretty much the unused parking area. So that was approved or working through or. How is that working? What’s the details on that insurer?
Brian Johnson 0:26:42
Well, yeah, first I want to say it’s not a development that’s happening. It’s just a property owner who is wanting to do something, but the city hasn’t given them permission to do yet. Da Vinci Court is the name of the road that enters into an area that has a couple of class A, four, maybe five story office buildings. And when we’re built, as is often the case, they put a lot more parking than they need. They really had more parking than they need even before COVID but certainly after Covid with that. And so they have been wanting to do something with the unused parking areas, and they have submitted an application to the city for a mixed use development there on that site. And so it’s headed to city council? It has. I think the March Planning commission meeting is when they’ll present their case to planning commission. It’ll have its first read at the March city council meeting, and then it’ll be the April city council meeting where it’ll be officially considered.
Rico Figliolini 0:28:05
Gotcha. Okay. Because development doesn’t stop in the city. Peaceful corners. There’s always someone that wants to do something. I know the day building is one of those buildings that are being looked at that’s on Peachtree Corner Circle. So there’s always someone looking to develop. So it’s good to have some guidance.
Brian Johnson 0:28:25
It’s probably important for me to bring up. When you say that is, we do get. We’re not immune to this. Probably all cities get this right.
Rico Figliolini 0:28:33
Brian Johnson 0:28:34
Some people who end up basically wanting the city to not approve anything, they’re not even getting into, whether it’s equity or rental or anything, they’re just like, we moved to the city back in 91 and it was a certain way, and all this development is happening, and we don’t like it. We get it. I mean, the city gets it. The city is not necessarily, in fact, I would say it’s single digits. The percentage of land use considerations that the city even has anything to do with initiating 90 plus percent of it is the private sector property owner wanting to do something with their property. We don’t have. Cities and counties don’t have the legal authority to just say no. If somebody wants to develop their property, they have property owners. Property rights in America are very strong. Property owners have a legal right to the highest and best use for the property. Now where the city comes in is it can regulate some of it if it doesn’t keep into keeping with the character area of certain place. Or there could be certain things like it would add density that would overwhelm the public, say, transportation infrastructure in the area. Those are reasons we can say no. Or if the zoning. It’s currently zoned a certain way and they want it to do something that they’re not zoned. In some cases, you can just say no, but not in all cases. We can’t just indiscriminately say for the sole reason of it’s adding people, we don’t want to approve it. That was the only reason. And there was public infrastructure that could support additional density, and it met the zoning. He couldn’t just say no. So I bring that up to say growth is inevitable. In a metro area like this. Getting more dense is almost inevitable, because may not be only in residential, it could be other things. But there’s many times where we don’t have the ability to say no. Even know behind closed doors. We’re kind of like, would rather not that happen. But some of it is even a use by. Right. The one that you brought up earlier that was just approved, Dr. Horton on engineering drive came in and got approved for a little over 70 townhomes, right?
Rico Figliolini 0:31:33
75 units.
Brian Johnson 0:31:35
How many?
Rico Figliolini 0:31:36
75 units?
Brian Johnson 0:31:40
That property owner came to the city in the fall of last year, late summer, fall of last year, with like a 225 to 250 unit. Remember that development? And the city denied it. And we had reasons. We were able to deny it. Property owner came back to city staff, myself and staff, and said, well, what? We really want to do something. The building is uninhabitable. The old office building. We want to do something with it. What can we do? And we said, look, why don’t you decrease the density? Equity is always more palatable. So they went from like 250 apartment units down to 75 equity townhome units. And even then, we had residents who at the city council meeting were angry that we were letting anything happen. And that really was a good news story. The city ended up decreasing the density. It’s an equity product. We even had a complaint about the condition where we said no more than 15% of the equity townhomes could ever be rented. And that would be enforced by the Hoa, which we required them to set up.
Rico Figliolini 0:33:03
Brian Johnson 0:33:04
A complaint that we were even allowing 15%. And the complaint was you should have said 0% rental. That’s another example where legally we can’t do that because there are lots of instances, including even in covenant protected single family detached subdivision, you could have somebody who lives in Riverfield or Neely Farm or Wellington Lake in a house that’s 5000 sqft. They may want to rent the house out or they may be in a financial position where they can’t sell it or they would be underwater or whatever. We can’t just say no, never. We can put some.
Rico Figliolini 0:33:51
Limits to it.
Brian Johnson 0:33:53
On it and even then. But sometimes those are the things that residents don’t oftentimes understand, that government in our country especially was set up to only have certain authorities and that’s what the city has. And so it’s not always exactly what we want. But in this case, we got a much better product than what was originally submitted to the city.
Rico Figliolini 0:34:17
Yeah. Interestingly enough, I mean, that piece of property is on Peachtree Parkway, I think, right?
Brian Johnson 0:34:22
No, it’s on engineering drive. It’s one parcel in from engineering and Peachtree Parkway.
Rico Figliolini 0:34:30
That’s what I mean.
Brian Johnson 0:34:31
It’s east side of where the liquor store is. Yeah.
Rico Figliolini 0:34:34
Right. So the point is that there’s no residential around it. It’s not like butting up to residential. It’s not making intensity change to, let’s say an r 100 and that you’re putting townhomes next to it. The interesting part is that cities have comprehensive plans. Right? I think, wasn’t it the 2040 plan that was just recently approved?
Brian Johnson 0:34:57
Last year we just did a rewrite of ours.
Rico Figliolini 0:35:00
So that comprehensive plan actually spells out where development can go, what densities are possible in certain areas that may not have already that density. But being the way the city is growing, cities take into account through public meetings and input where there might be more density allowed, even though it might already be single family homes. Like Medlock Bridge Road, for example, I point out, because single family homes along the way. But the comprehensive plan looks at that and says because of this corridor, because of development around it, this actually could be multi use, could be apartments or equity, larger density. So there are plans out there. So it’s not like the city’s just making things up.
Brian Johnson 0:35:45
No, even that in our comp plan, there was an AJC article about it like two days ago about technology, parks and what needing to do to stay healthy. And it was that they’re becoming mixed use areas in and of themselves. It’s not just big office parks and office parks only now they’re intermixing different types of use, residential, food and beverage. Our comp plan calls that out. That tech park Atlanta needs to have pockets of residential. In this particular case, it had a three story office building on it that probably, I don’t know, was probably 100 and 2550 thousand square feet. I guarantee when that office was occupied, there was more than 75 employees that went to that building. Now only going to have 75 townhomes. The traffic will be less than it was when that office building was fully open. And it adds some pocket of residential intermixed with the office building. So we’re kind of diversifying the uses. So it even called it out. So it was in keeping with it. But it just goes to show you that, again, some people wish that we could hit the freeze button and just we look like we did in 1981.
Rico Figliolini 0:37:14
Brian Johnson 0:37:15
And it won’t be that way for that to happen. Our job at the city is to regulate that inevitable growth and try to make sure that it happens in a healthy way. But we just can’t stop. It’s like trying to stop water from going somewhere. You just direct it where you want it to go.
Rico Figliolini 0:37:38
Same people that would look at the forum back several years ago and note that there was 16. I would drive through there and count how many storefronts were empty. One point, I think it was about 16 storefronts empty. And people were like upset with nap buying it. There were some people upset with it because they wanted to bring more density to it and they want to adjust the way it was, adjust the feel and look of the place. And they’re doing a great job. And there’s some disruption now, but the fruits of that will show over the next year or two. But things like that have to change, otherwise things go sideways, and then there’ll be people complaining about that. And since we’re talking about use and such, there were two new rezonings, actually, that the city also has developed one dealing when we were talking ahead of the podcast, social recreation and social hobbyist, if you will, and what the difference would be with like a social and pickle if that was based in pastry corners, because is it a restaurant? Is it recreation? So what fermented this discussion in making these changes?
Brian Johnson 0:38:47
So what we’re doing is we’re looking to add two zoning categories, use categories. As a result of some developers, property owners in the city, coming to us with ideas in which they’re mixing things that are oftentimes regulated separately. You use pickle and social, or chicken and pickle. If anybody’s ever been to those, it’s almost like Topgolf. Topgolf will be another one. Is that a recreational use? Golf? Is it a restaurant? Because of the food? Is it a bar? Because it has a bar and it serves alcoholic beverages, they mix it all together. So what category do you put that under? We’re getting a lot of unique type of things. Virtual reality racing simulators that have a membership component and may end up having food and beverage, car, antique car storage, car, club, lounge, all under one roof where you’ve got memberships and you could go there for food and beverage. Pickleball here, another one where there’s some even.
Brian Johnson 0:40:11
We’ve had model railroad, where they want to model railroaders looking at an office building where they were going to not only meet on a regular basis, but build out one of those big areas where you could walk amongst all the paper machete mountains and tracks, but they want to also have it where the club can meet there. There can be drinks. What is it? Is it a hobby? Is it a club? Is it a bar? And we’re getting more of this as office space is such a. There’s so little demand for commercial office space right now with the work from home component that office building owners are looking to fill their space with unique uses. And so we’re trying to get ahead of these things that I just threw out to you, which are, to a degree, just ideas that property owners have come to us with saying, hey, we’re looking to maybe do this if we wanted to. What are our restrictions? What could we do? And at the end of it, we’re kind of like, we don’t really have somewhere where this fits right now, before we get an official request by any of them, we’re wanting to create a zoning classification for them. So that’ll be discussed over the next month or two to create these so that we get ahead of it. These are good things. Those are uses that could be, you add to a particular area, but we got to regulate it.
Rico Figliolini 0:42:00
Most people don’t know. I guess most average citizen might not realize there’s a zoning for everything. Zoning for restaurant, a bar, and regulations that go with those particular zonings and things that have to be done with those zonings. So this is good. I mean, this is what a city does, right? It anticipates things that are going to be going on, development that’s going on, and you have to be ahead of that curve. This way you can know what you’re doing and being ahead of another curve. The last thing on our discussion, if you will, medical cannabis has been made legal in the state of Georgia. We’re not talking recreational cannabis, we’re talking medical cannabis. And in fact, there’s only, I forget what the number is, 15 or 16 approved uses for medical cannabis. And you can find them on. I’ll have a link in the show notes about this. Where can it be sold and how it can be sold in the city of Peace recorder. So you all are going to take that up. I think specifically every city can do mean there’s state legislation that regulates to a degree, but there’s enough leeway in there that each city can adjust particular rules about it.
Rico Figliolini 0:43:18
So tell us a little bit what the city is looking to do on.
Brian Johnson 0:43:21
This a little bit also to get ahead of something that we foresee is going to be an official request is if the city is wanting to facilitate this, because there are instances in which it could happen without the city saying yes or no, because it’s regulated by the state. But there are certain things the city can get involved in, like whether we want to vary on distances between schools or churches, whether we want. I think it’s like 1000ft, the state law says, but there’s a component where the city could issue a variance, so it could be to where somebody’s like 995ft from a school or a church. Do we want to be able to vary or just say no? Also, what distance might we want to have between. If there were two of them that wanted to come into the city, we can kind of draw a circle and say, in Peace street corners, you can’t have them closer than 5 miles or 1 mile or whatever. And then what process would it be for this to happen? Again, these are dispensing locations which are essentially pharmacies, right?
Rico Figliolini 0:44:53
They have to be independent pharmacies, I believe.
Brian Johnson 0:44:56
Yes, independent compounding pharmacies. And they have some extra training I go to. And then these are people who have a note from a doctor and a card, right. That’s essentially when they get it, they get their card scanned so the state knows who’s getting it and they can’t get it more often, and it can be for only those uses. You said, do we want to create a process to where. I don’t want to say encouraging it, but facilitating it in areas where it might require it might be just a little bit closer than 1000 ft to a location?
Rico Figliolini 0:45:43
Well, the way it’s measured, right. I mean, it could be 1000ft door to door. It could be 1000ft property line to property line, right. Different municipalities and counties, you bring up.
Brian Johnson 0:45:54
Some good alcohol is measured door to door as a person would walk or drive, and so you could actually be closer than, say, 1000ft property line. But if you go out one door and then you go in the front door of the other, it would be farther. The way this was written, medical cannabis is property line, right? So you may have cases where the property lines adjoin, but there’s no risk of there being interaction between the two users of the properties because that’s another consideration. The city. So we just got to talk through it and then make sure that we have our own additional guardrails beyond what the state already put in state law. And it’s to do it in preparation for what we foresee as an official request of the city for this here in the near future.
Rico Figliolini 0:47:00
City has done that a lot over the past few years, always ahead of anticipating zoning requests and variances and stuff. So it’s good to see that the city is working the way it should be working. It’s a smart city. We need to be working smartly, right?
Brian Johnson 0:47:17
Yeah, we certainly try. We don’t always get it all right, but we are certainly doing the best we can. That’s kind of a lot of land use as usual going on and other stuff. So I wish there were some days in which we were a little bit sleepier than we are because I’d like to end the day having accomplished everything I wanted to, but it also keeps us young and motivated. When you got a lot of stuff going on, you got to keep your energy up. So good.
Rico Figliolini 0:47:50
Sure. For sure. I want to thank you, Brian, for being with us, for walking through a lot of this stuff. Also want to tell everyone, latest issue of Southwest Gwinnett magazine is out talking about food trucks as our cover story. But a lot of other things going on in the city of Norcross, Peachtree Corners and Duluth. Just lots of stuff going on. So you should be getting that in the mail. If not, pick it up at the local restaurant or place in your community. We’re working on the next issue of Peachtree Corners magazine. Lots going on there, too. It’s going to be a good, really packed issue of things happening, covering people that are retiring, new developments, new businesses coming into Peachtree Corners. Great stories to be told there. If you’re looking for more information. Every day, every other day we’re publishing to livinginpeachtreecorners.com. You could check that out. Certainly check out our podcast. Like this one, UrbanEbb is another one that I do, talking on a wider reach of different cities and things happening in the urban and suburban environments. Want to thank EV Remodeling, Inc. For being a great sponsor of ours. Corporate sponsor. Check them out. Evremodelinginc.com. Thank you, Eli and his family, and thank you, everyone, for listening. Check the show notes for any relevant links. Appreciate you being with us. Thank you, Brian.
Brian Johnson 0:49:16
Rico Figliolini 0:49:17
Bye, guys.
Peachtree Corners Life
Inside the Solicitor General’s Office: Lisamarie Bristol on Justice in Gwinnett County
2 days agoon
March 25, 2025
On this episode of Peachtree Corners Life, host Rico Figliolini speaks with Gwinnett County Solicitor General Lisamarie Bristol about her work addressing the county’s growing case volume and implementing new justice initiatives. From launching a public resource website to tackling a 4,000-case backlog, Lisamarie shares how her office is improving efficiency and accessibility in the legal system.
She also discusses innovative programs like the Diversion Program, the Duty Attorney Pilot Program, and the Special Victims Unit—each designed to enhance fairness and provide second chances where possible. Tune in to hear how Gwinnett County is adapting to its rapid growth, the role of technology in legal processes, and how community partnerships are strengthening justice for all.
Key Takeaways & Highlights:
- Understanding the Solicitor General’s Role – How the office prosecutes misdemeanors, traffic offenses, and quality-of-life cases.
- 4,000-Case Backlog Solution – Strategies to streamline processes and improve case resolution speed.
- New Legal Resource Website – How Gwinnett residents can access critical legal information and victim advocacy services.
- Diversion Program Success – Over 1,400 successful cases, providing alternatives to prosecution and preventing repeat offenses.
- Special Victims Unit – Dedicated to handling sensitive cases like misdemeanor sex crimes and vehicular homicides.
- Teen Dating Violence & Social Media Risks – How technology is impacting legal cases involving young people.
- Expanding Access to Legal Support – Partnerships with Mosaic Georgia, PADV, and HIMSA House to assist victims and underserved communities.
- Justice System Challenges – Addressing mental health, substance abuse, and legislative changes affecting prosecution.
Listen in for an insightful conversation on justice, reform, and the future of law enforcement in Gwinnett County!
Gwinnett County Solicitor Website: https://gwinnettsg.com/
Campaign website: www.lisamariebristol.com
Mosaic Georgia: www.mosaicgeorgia.org
PADV: www.padv.org
Ahimsa House: www.ahimsahouse.org
00:00:01 – Rico Figliolini
Hi, everyone. This is Rico Figliolini, host of Peachtree Corners Life. I appreciate you guys joining us. We’re in our little smart city just north of Atlanta. I have a great guest today, Lisamarie Bristol, Solicitor General for Gwinnett County. I appreciate you joining me, Lisa.
00:00:18 – Lisamarie Bristol
Thank you so much, Rico. It’s a pleasure to be back with you.
00:00:21 – Rico Figliolini
Yes, this is our second podcast together. I think the last one was just before you got elected?
00:00:29 – Lisamarie Bristol
00:00:29 – Rico Figliolini
Right? ‘22?
00:00:30 – Lisamarie Bristol
It’s when I was still campaigning so probably about three years ago now. Oh my.
00:00:34 – Rico Figliolini
Yep, yeah. You took office January ‘23 so a good tenure. So lots to talk about right? But before we get to that I just want to say thank you to our sponsors. And we have two great corporate sponsors both based in Peachtree Corners, both family run. EV Remodeling Inc is a company that does great work. You have a dream home, they can build it, renovate it, add home space to you, renovate your bathrooms, your kitchens. They design your space like they want to design your life. So 260 families plus have been really happy with their work. So you should check them out. EVRemodelingInc.com. We appreciate their support. And Vox Pop Uli. Vox Pop Uli is family run as well. I want to thank Andrew and Daniel for supporting us. You have a brand, you want to bring it to life. These guys will put your logo, your brand on almost anything. Think of truck, car, vehicle wraps. They’ve done over 1,600 last year, I think alone. So check them out, trade show things, embroidering, whatever you need. If you have a logo and you want to put it on an object, challenge them because I think they have yet to fail whatever we need done. So it’s kind of cool. So check them out, voxpopuli.com. So I appreciate them doing that and supporting our journalism, our podcasts, and the magazines that we produce. But let’s get to Lisa. Let’s get to, do you prefer Lisa or Lisamarie?
00:02:11 – Lisamarie Bristol
Marie, actually.
00:02:13 – Rico Figliolini
Okay, Lisamarie. So you’ve been tenured in the job of Solicitor General for Gwinnett County since ‘23 of January. For those people that aren’t aware, tell them what the job entails. What does that job do in this county?
00:02:29 – Lisamarie Bristol
Great. Well, thank you so much again for having me here today. I’m really honored. Full circle moment. You were the first podcast I did when I was first campaigning for this seat. So it is wonderful to be back here. As Solicitor General, my job as the elected prosecutor is to handle prosecuting cases in state court, recorders court, and we handle all of the misdemeanors, the traffic offenses, the code enforcement, animal cases. So everything that’s not a felony comes through my court. My office is responsible for prosecuting cases in 11 courtrooms. We are the second largest office in the state of Georgia in terms of Solicitor General offices, and we are definitely a high volume office. So anything from DUI, domestic violence cases, death cases that are misdemeanor amounts, as well as traffic offenses and quality of life cases like junkyard and animal barking cases. All of those are prosecuted through my office.
00:03:33 – Rico Figliolini
Wow. That’s a lot. And I remember when we first spoke back then that there was a huge caseload backlog of I think over 4,000 cases in ‘22 and it was going to be a challenge for anyone that took office, the amount of courts, the amount of work to be done. And trying to make it in an efficient way. So you’ve started some programs to help better work the system if you will versus the system working you. So one of one of the things you all set up and maybe you could tell us about it. It’s the launching of the new website and what that does for anyone that needs to interact with the agency, with the department.
00:04:20 – Lisamarie Bristol
Absolutely. One thing I realized is a lot of people understandably just don’t really know what my office does. And the reality is, is most people will interact with a Solicitor General’s Office traffic court or something at that level. Lots of people get traffic tickets or they may be the unfortunate victim of a traffic accident. There’s lots of, you know, lower level misdemeanor kind of public safety or public nuisance crimes that may touch our community where they may be a victim or a witness to a car accident case or something that occurred in their community, not necessarily severe violent crimes all the time. And so one thing that I thought was really important was reaching our community. And reaching our community in a way that they got an opportunity to understand what we do, how we do it, why we do it, in not a very traumatic way. And so we created this website which allows us to give out information that we know we’re constantly being asked about. Things like record restrictions for people with older cases and older convictions to clear their record. So we have lots of information on there about that. Lots of information about our victim advocacy program and how victims and survivors of crimes can receive resources and help and assistance if they need it. We also talk a lot about what my office does and how we can help people and what we’re here to do. So if you go to GwinnettSG.com, there’s just lots of different nuggets of information. One thing on the website that I’m especially proud about is we started a safety resource library where we’re trying to periodically add different topics, whether it’s teen driving safety or DUI, a safety PSA, so people can kind of go there and kind of get like the high level nuts and bolts about different topics that affect everyone in our community and just get some quick information.
00:06:26 – Rico Figliolini
Well, you also have some additional links to other websites that are helpful as well, it seems, right? Gwinnett County Courts website and all that.
00:06:36 – Lisamarie Bristol
Yes, we have websites and links to all of our other county stakeholder partners, as well as lots of resources to other agencies that serve victims in the community. So whether it is somebody who needs help for domestic violence, they need shelter, they need resources, food, culturally relevant services. We’ve tried to provide kind of a one-stop shop if this is where somebody ends up to find all of the things that they could possibly need. Additionally we have you know the generic contact us page where if you reach out to us if you can’t find the information on our page, contact us, send us an email. And if we don’t have the answer we will definitely try and point you in the right direction of who does.
00:07:21 – Rico Figliolini
And the good part is that the site can be read in not just Spanish, but Russian, Portuguese, Italian, German, French, Dutch, Chinese, Arabic. Quite a few languages.
00:07:34 – Lisamarie Bristol
Yes, whatever language you need. I mean, Gwinnett County is the most diverse county in the entire United States. I don’t know if anyone had the opportunity to see our chairwoman deliver the state of the county earlier this month. We have, for the longest time, Gwinnett’s been known as the most diverse county in the Southeast region of the U.S. We’ve recently been recognized as the most diverse county in the country. I think that’s phenomenal. And as such, I thought it was very important to have a website that could properly serve such a diverse and vibrant community. So yes, all of the languages are available with a click of a button.
00:08:15 – Rico Figliolini
Yeah, that must complicate things, I’m sure, in the courtrooms as well, right? A little bit.
00:08:20 – Lisamarie Bristol
Yeah, it does. And we try and have, you know, court certified reporters as quickly as possible when needed. And I’m grateful for the resources that we do have and definitely trying to expand the resources that we have even within my office. One of the things that we definitely worked on was making sure some of the core victim resources that we put out on a regular basis, we develop them in more than just English and Spanish. We expanded them, I believe, to Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, some of the more regularly seen languages that we were seeing throughout the community to make sure that we could reach people where they are.
00:09:00 – Rico Figliolini
For sure. I mean, there’s a large Korean population, Vietnamese population in Gwinnett County. Yeah. So it must be. So, I mean, with the growth of the county, which continues to grow, with second largest county in the state, a million plus residents, and that’s going to keep growing probably as much as 20% over the next decade, I bet. Easy. How does that affect your office? How does that affect budgeting and the things that you have to do?
00:09:30 – Lisamarie Bristol
Well, growth is a thing. Actually, the day I took office, my office grew. So we gained an extra judge in our circuit, a seventh state court judge. And gaining an extra seventh state court judge meant growing my office by an extra team and that was day one. And yes we do continue to grow, we do see an increase in numbers of cases that come in. I think we’ve seen a growth of approximately 2,000 cases per year so far that coming through state court. Two to three thousand citations per year and increasing coming through our recorders court. And the growth is something that we do have to deal with. I have increased my staffing levels and kind of restructured, not kind of, actually restructured how my office handles cases in an effort to be as efficient as possible. We have flipped how we look at our cases. So we are front loading a lot of the work. And what I mean by that is the effort that we’re putting in, every single case that comes through my office has to be touched. It has to be investigated. We have to reach out to the victims. We have to make these first critical touches and calls and safety planning and things like that. That has to happen no matter what. At the beginning of 2024, we had approximately 14,000 cases open in this office for state court alone. But by front-loading the work, by having my amazing investigations unit, my amazing victim advocate unit, who all since I took office has been nationally credentialed and poured a lot of training into both teams. What we’re able to do is we’re able to figure out which of those cases need further resources and need to be prosecuted at a higher level versus which ones we can divert and put into our diversion programs. Or which ones we need to go ahead and put in our accountability courts by identifying those low level offenses by identifying those low level or non-frequent fires so to speak, we’re able to kind of reserve some of that energy and efficiency so we can put that towards the cases, the more serious violent cases that we know need our attention.
00:11:48 – Rico Figliolini
So we’re talking about the implementation of the diversion unit essentially. And how that frees up the case, well not frees up but certainly frees up the time. I can see why you want to front load that to just, it’s almost a triage in a way because the flood keeps coming, right? It doesn’t stop. You can’t even put up your hand and say, whoa, it’s going to get more just essentially even just because of the expansion of population. Just the natural thing of it. So how do you identify these cases sooner than later? What makes you delay them or divert them? What criteria do you use?
00:12:31 – Lisamarie Bristol
That’s a great question. So diversion for those who don’t know, free trial diversion is an alternative to prosecution. So what it means is that someone who either has a minimal or no criminal history is given the opportunity to still be held accountable for their behavior, but rather than it ending up with them having a criminal conviction and criminal history, it gives them an opportunity to participate in this program pre-adjudication and keep a clean record if they successfully complete the program. So typically, a diversion program will be for someone who is either a youthful offender with very few cycles on their criminal history, less than three, someone who’s not been convicted of any felonies or any violent crimes, someone who’s maybe had a couple of traffic citations, anything that’s not violent or overly serious, things like that. They come into the program, they have to pay a fee. They usually have to do some forms of community service. The fee is not exorbitant. They’ll do some community service and they may have to do, well, they will have to do some sort of treatment. Maybe it’s anger management. Maybe it is a values clarification course, if it’s a theft-based class. Maybe it’s defensive driving if it’s a traffic offense or something of that nature. But they complete their portion in hopes that we are addressing what got them there in the first place, right. And once they successfully get through the program, which takes about six months, with no further arrests or any run into the law, the tradeoff is we will expunge their record. We’ll dismiss their case and the record will remain clean. So it gives them an opportunity to have. Yes, they did mess up. Yes, they did get a case. They were held accountable. They did have to pay their fine. They had to be supervised for six months. They had to go through this program, but they hopefully learned a lesson from it. And they have a chance to have a do-over without having the tarnish of a criminal record on their back.
00:14:37 – Rico Figliolini
So does this, just because the question pops to mind, I’m sure that other people might have the same question. Number one, are these minors or this would be anyone?
00:14:48 – Lisamarie Bristol
It could be anyone. It depends on their criminal history. So if, for instance, someone who is in their 50’s for the first time comes into contact with the criminal justice system and has a slip up and they’ve never done anything, they too would be eligible for our diversion program and would be able to maintain a clean history.
00:15:13 – Rico Figliolini
Go ahead. I’m sorry.
00:15:14 – Lisamarie Bristol
Well, as I’ve said before and what I campaigned on is knowing that convictions even to misdemeanors can have such a dire impact on people’s lives. It can keep from getting student loans, from you know stable housing, from jobs, from serving in the military. There’s a lot of things that can impact them. People with criminal histories may be prohibited from even getting a liquor license which may prevent them from being able to get a job as a server at a restaurant. So our goal is for those who are low risk, who have made a mistake, who may be restorative, to have that opportunity to do so. And so we’ve really expanded our diversion program. We’ve expanded our reach. We’ve tried to get people into our diversion program as quickly as possible. And I’ll tell you, our numbers are impressive so far. Between ‘23 and ‘24, we put in about 1,900 people into our diversion program, 1,900 cases, excuse me, with over 1,400 cases successfully completing it. So we have about a success rate of successful completion of about 74% on our diversion cases. We haven’t tracked this year yet.
00:16:31 – Rico Figliolini
So I guess the question for me would be a couple of questions. One is, how do you keep track of that? That’s a lot of people. You know, how do you keep track of it and make sure that it’s done in a comprehensive way? Because, you know, people can do things and fool around and stuff. And maybe you’re not getting quite all the information. But so how can you track that reasonably well? And the second part is when you expunge the record, what if they come in back into the system? Do you still, will you still know that they’re a repeat offender at that point? Or because the case is, the records expunge, you don’t have that record. So I guess that’s the two questions that I know that would come to mind to a listener.
00:17:19 – Lisamarie Bristol
Great questions. So for the first one, how do we keep track? Well, first, my office keeps track of, we have a team that is dedicated solely to our diversion program. And so their sole responsibility is keeping track of sending out the offers, maintaining the offers, signing them up, keeping up with their monthly check-ins. They are actually supervised by the probation office, not by my office, but they are responsible for staying on track of them and at certain timelines, checking in to ensure that certain cases have hit certain benchmarks to see that we’re on track. If someone has absconded or has disappeared or is not doing what they need to do, that team then pulls that case. We’re notified by probation. We pull that case and that case is then put on the regular track for prosecution, which would account for the 26% of people who unfortunately did not successfully complete the program. So we have multiple ways to track it, both internally within my team, as well as the independent probation office that handles the actual supervision of the people in the program. In terms of how do we know if they’re second offenders, the great thing is, well, what people are going to always know is for criminal records, there’s levels, right? As a criminal justice agency, we will always see somebody’s entire criminal history. So even though their record is expunged, that means for employers, for housing, for those reasons, yes, it is expunged. But law enforcement will always be able to see it. So I will always have access to their entire criminal history and see whether or not they’ve already been afforded an opportunity to go through diversion on a previous case. So those are all things that are checked prior to them being admitted into our program.
00:19:13 – Rico Figliolini
Cool. Okay, great. That answered my questions on that. So glad to see that that would work that way. Anything else about the diversion unit that you’d like to share?
00:19:25 – Lisamarie Bristol
I think one of the things I’m really happy about with our diversion unit is we are working really hard to expand the service providers within it. And by that, I mean, we’re trying to find as we are such a diverse county and not just in culture, but in needs. So we’re really trying to find diverse service providers that we can refer people to. That means having a variety of different types of anger management courses, not just always sending people to the same provider. The reality of it is, is if you have, say, a 23-year-old young lady, she might respond very differently to an anger management course then, let’s say a 30-year-old man. And we’re trying to be mindful of things like that and having a better rolodex of options so that people can be placed with the most impactful provider that will actually help them buy into the reformation and actually make a difference in what they’re doing.
00:20:26 – Rico Figliolini
Are you working with nonprofits in Gwinnett County as well that do outreach of this sort?
00:20:32 – Lisamarie Bristol
Yes. And as we go around and we meet new nonprofits, I have members of my team who are able to kind of vet what they’re able to do, how they’re able to do it, and whether or not we can refer people not only through our diversion program, but sometimes through regular deed bargains with our defendants. Sometimes the victims in cases need some of these resources. So it’s really been helpful to kind of build these relationships with our community partners and other nonprofits. so we know what’s out there and so that we can utilize them and they can get the support as well.
00:21:08 – Rico Figliolini
Cool. There’s another program that you implemented as well, the Duty Attorney Pilot program. I know you’re proud of that as well. So tell us a little bit about that.
00:21:19 – Lisamarie Bristol
One thing we recognized when I took office is that, you know unfortunately some people are unable to bond out of the jail. They get arrested on a misdemeanor charge and they may have, they may, they will have a bond, but they may be unable to post the bond for various reasons. And for every day that they’re in jail, that leads to housing instability, job instability. It can really have a huge impact on them. And some of these crimes are, again, you know, nuisance crimes or nonviolent crimes that could destabilize them. One of the things I worked really hard with and did take partnership with other community partners, with other stakeholders rather, was getting a schedule so that we could have duty defense attorneys scheduled to be at each one of my jail calendars. We do three jail calendars a week so far. Hopefully they’re going to increase that soon. And at each of those jail calendars, there is a duty defense attorney. That means every person that we can get ready and put on those calendars, has the opportunity to resolve their case, even if they would otherwise not have had that opportunity or they would have had to wait a little bit longer for an appointed attorney to maybe get to them. The reality is we don’t have a public defender’s office here in Gwinnett. And our indigent defense defendants are dependent upon the attorneys who take the cases. And sometimes they’re stretched thin. Sometimes there’s complex things happen. People get stuck in other courtrooms. And what was happening is sometimes the defendants in jail got stuck because their attorneys could not make it for various reasons. I really wanted to address that. And having the duty pilot program has worked. It’s worked a great deal. I’m very proud of it. We’ve been able to increase our volume, increase our calendar sizes, and really start to move those cases on a more consistent basis. Because, honestly, the cases that we’ve identified that can be fast-tracked, our goal is to get them out of the jail, let them be held accountable for whatever they’ve done, and keep moving forward. It saves the county. It’s better for us in terms of community safety, and that’s definitely what we’re working towards.
00:23:38 – Rico Figliolini
So, obviously, you’re addressing a lot of the pressing challenges of the office, and you’ve done it, right, since ‘23. The, there’s other challenges as well. And you’ve implemented another program, the special victims unit program that you all did. And very important part, right, for the other side of that crime. So tell us a bit about the special victims unit.
00:24:03 – Lisamarie Bristol
So when I took office, one of the things I also recognized is there are some cases that just require extra care. I’m very fortunate I’ve had the experience to have worked with all types of crimes throughout my career on both sides. Whether it’s been from traffic, through serious violent felonies, as both a public defender and a prosecutor. And sometimes there are crimes that just require a little bit more TLC, a little bit more attention, more training to deal with them. We have a great deal of misdemeanor sex crimes that the legislature has carved out to be handled in state court now. And those are crimes of sexual nature that occur between consensual teenagers, anywhere between 14 and 18, sometimes 13 and 17. And frankly, those are just very sensitive. The subject matter is sensitive. All the facts usually surrounding the topics are sensitive. Both parties on both sides, usually the parents and guardians involved, it can be very sensitive. And I recognized really quickly that it was important to have a team that could really dive deeper and focus in on that, that I could spend extra time training and focusing their attention on handling those cases with the extra care they really do require. So our misdemeanor sex crimes, our vehicular homicides, which are cases where unfortunately due to a traffic accident, someone has passed away. And those are horrendous cases to deal with, but unfortunately they happen. So it’s an accident that a loved one has passed away. Again, very sensitive, very highly emotional at times and requires a little bit of extra attention. And so there are just certain crimes that have been, that we’re seeing an increase in volume at times in the office. Gwinnett has the largest school district in the state. So a lot of kid cases and just needed that extra touch. And so creating that Special Victims Unit was my solution to that.
00:26:16 – Rico Figliolini
Are you finding, I mean, so there wasn’t anything like that before? Or is this new? Are you improving on what might have been there?
00:26:28 – Lisamarie Bristol
Special Victims Unit is brand new to this office. There wasn’t anything like that in this office before.
00:26:34 – Rico Figliolini
Are you finding any trends in that part? Let’s stick to that for a second. When you say, you know, we have the largest school district, you know, and parents worry about the safety of their kids, both inside the school and outside. Are you finding any trends that you’re seeing that you’d like to share?
00:26:53 – Lisamarie Bristol
What we are seeing is we know that teens are engaging in intimate and romantic relationships younger these days, and they’re exposed to a lot more. They are, whether it’s on the phones, on the media, what have you. And we are seeing that they are exposed and more experimental with things earlier now than probably several years ago, 10 years ago, even. I think that’s part of the reason why this whole kind of Romeo and Juliet portion of sex crimes is carved out. So what my office is trying to do is not only are we not only just the creation of the special victims unit, we’re also trying to be very proactive. So for instance, February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. And my office participated in a number of activities trying to get ahead of it. And what we did was we participated in resource tabling here at the courthouse where we set up tables with tons of information about teen dating violence, where we could share the importance on signs of healthy dating, management partnerships, and just regular partnerships amongst teens. We actually went out and we were in five different high schools throughout the month of February, where we were invited over their lunch periods to meet with various teenagers throughout the Gwinnett County Schools and talk to them and meet them where they are about healthy dating habits, healthy boundaries, how to seek help if they felt like they were in an unsafe situation. Whether it’s a friendship or an intimate partnership. Because what we do know is sometimes teens don’t feel comfortable or don’t want to talk to their parents. So we were able to give them other resources. Here are some toll-free numbers you can call. Here are some safe adults you can speak to. Speak to your teachers, speak to your counselors, if that’s what you need to do. There are some red flags you need to consider. So we’re really trying to be proactive with educating the public as well, not just being reactive.
00:28:58 – Rico Figliolini
Are you seeing any activity or exposure to social media that you have to attend to in some of the cases that you do?
00:29:08 – Lisamarie Bristol
We do. Sometimes a big part of it is explaining to teens the impact of some of the things that they’re doing on their phones and the potential pitfalls to some of that behavior. And a lot of times going out to the schools, whether it’s just a teen dating, violence awareness, tabling event, or just being at their career fairs or going to career days and speaking to different youth groups and answering those questions has been really beneficial. We also participated in a teen summit where we did a panel discussion, there was an attorney, an advocate, and an investigator from my office that all participated in the Teen Summit, which was in partnership with PADV, the Partnership Against Domestic Violence. Huge event over at Gas South last month. And they had the opportunity to ask those kinds of questions. What is, you know, what happens if I take this picture and I send it to my friend or if I get this picture and I send it out to my other friends? So I think having those conversations with young people in a space where maybe they feel a little bit more comfortable asking those questions has definitely been helpful. And we’re certainly trying to make sure that when we’re talking to them, they understand who we are and they’re meeting us not on the worst day of their life. So they can build that kind of trust and rapport with us.
00:30:32 – Rico Figliolini
I like the way you put that not on the worst day of their life, yes. Because some kids don’t you know, I think critical thinking sometimes is lacking, depending on the age. And they think you know they get a picture from from a friend from a friend and they think it’s okay to put it out because they didn’t shoot it you know. And it’s like you know whatever. But yeah some of these kids just, you want them to grow up a little faster in how they think, but you don’t want them to grow up too fast, right?
00:31:02 – Lisamarie Bristol
00:31:03 – Rico Figliolini
Technology, you know, that’s always, we’re talking about phones and smartphones and all sorts of things. How has technology affected you? Good and bad, either in office to make efficiencies or in other ways? Are there innovative technologies you all are using? How does that work?
00:31:26 – Lisamarie Bristol
So one of the things we were able to do in coming into office is we did apply for some federal ARPA funding. And, you know, the ARPA funding was earmarked for offices affected by the COVID backlog. And I was like, hey, that’s us. We are definitely affected by the COVID backlog. And very grateful we were able to apply for some of that ARPA funding to enhance and upgrade a lot of the technology in our office. Whether it is scanners for investigators so that they can move quicker in uploading evidence along with our trial assistants, just making sure we have the equipment that my team needs to work more efficiently. So those are things that we were able to do and does help us do our job better.
00:32:17 – Rico Figliolini
You talked a lot about community outreach just before. You talked about preventative. Preventing crime, crime awareness in the community, promoting that. Are there any significant partnerships or collaborations that you’re doing with other agencies within the county that may not have been done before that you’re expanding on?
00:32:38 – Lisamarie Bristol
Yes. One of the first partnerships that we were able to forge was with Mosaic Georgia. Mosaic Georgia is a nonprofit here in Gwinnett County, and they service victims and survivors of sexual assault crimes. They do free sane exams. They do free counseling and forensic interviews and anything that somebody may need. If schools reach out to them, if a victim reaches out to them, they’re a one-stop shop. They’re an amazing organization. Mosaic is someone, is an organization that I think is critical to a county like Gwinnett and the work they do is just so important. I was really excited to develop a partnership with them. They are one of the nonprofits that receive benefits from the annual 5K that my office does. It’s our signature event. So every October, we’ve done two so far. We do our Dash for Domestic Violence Awareness 5K. It’s the first Saturday in October at Alexander Park. And the proceeds from that 5K, every single penny we raise, whether it’s from registrations from runners and participants or sponsorships, is divided amongst Mosaic Georgia, Partnership Against Domestic Violence, or PADV, which is another nonprofit that services survivors of domestic violence both here in Gwinnett County. They also service them in Fulton County. We have a shelter here in Gwinnett County under PADV. They assist survivors with getting TPOs, temporary protective orders. They will help house them for about 90 days as they get back on their feet and give them some housing stability, child care, a little bit of job training to help people who are leaving those really hard situations stabilize and have a moment to catch their breath with dignity so that they can hopefully make that pivot and launch to a better place. And we also formed partnerships with the HIMSA House. HIMSA House is probably one of the more unique organizations that my office has partnered with. On a steady basis, the third recipient of proceeds from the 5K. HIMSA House houses animals. When people are leaving domestic violence situations, what a lot of people don’t realize is about 70% of people who would leave a violent situation do not because of their pets. And they don’t want to leave their pet behind. They have no escape to bring them. HIMSA House will house their pets up to a certain amount of time. And not just cats and dogs. And I ask them every year what’s the most interesting animal they’ve had for the year. They’ve housed horses, snakes, dogs, cats. They have quite an interesting list. But it gives that survivor that extra level of peace so that they’re able.
00:35:40 – Rico Figliolini
I didn’t even think about that. That makes a lot of sense. When you think about that the other things come to mind also then. Yeah, it’s just amazing. So let’s shift gears a little bit and because you know you’re not you don’t live in a silo right? Georgia State House legislators they’d like to pass laws and, you know even if we need them or don’t need them, the reforms that are happening at the state level and legislation, they tend to impact a variety of people, a variety of organizations. I am sure they impact sometimes the prosecution of cases or stuff. What approach do you have to that? And what do you see happening in the statehouse currently that might affect Gwinnett cases?
00:36:28 – Lisamarie Bristol
Yeah, that is an excellent question, especially. Like of us just getting over crossover day. I think what we’re seeing in the legislature is sometimes we have lawmakers who have the best of intentions and they want to fix one problem and it sometimes causes a domino effect down the line. And we don’t always have the opportunity to be like, wait, wait, wait, let’s stop and think how this can play out because you’re going to, you’re going to pass this lovely law and then you’re going to hand it to me to enforce it. And so the way I approach it is I really do try and be open and have relationships with my Georgia delegations. I actually spend as much time as I can down at the Capitol while they’re in section. So I’ve been down there quite a bit. I have conversations with different committees. I’ve testified before the committees and offered input on legislation that is being put before the Senate or before the House to make sure that they understand the impact of what it is that they’re trying to put out there and maybe reconsider some of the wording, reconsider some of the clauses. And I think having that open dialogue and having the availability to do that makes a huge difference. And I think it makes an impact because they know before they do something, they know they have a partnership in their prosecutors and they can say, hey, is this going to mess you up? How is this going to mess you up? How do we shift that? And we’ve definitely seen some improvement, I think, on certain things, not all things, by having that communication.
00:38:13 – Rico Figliolini
Do you, are there specific legislative reform or policies you would like to see updated that hasn’t been touched yet?
00:38:24 – Lisamarie Bristol
I would love to see us have some updates on or some better clarity on our intention with the misdemeanor sex cases. That’s been one of the things that I’ve been talking about probably the most since taking office, just in terms of intent and direction and some better guidance. It’s a really sensitive topic, and I would love to dive a little deeper into that. And generally, you know, most recently they passed some more law. I don’t know if they’ll make it to the governor’s desk or not, but I know it’s about crossover day regarding how we are assisting victims. We need to be victim-centered and whether or not victims can include their pets for TPO protection and things like that. So I think we’re seeing the legislature becoming more sensitive and aware to a more victim-centered, trauma-informed approach. And I think that’s important in this work that we’re doing.
00:39:24 – Rico Figliolini
Okay, cool. Mental health, substance abuse. I mean, we touched upon that a little bit. Is there anything you want to share about that as far as some of those issues, mental health issues, basically?
00:39:39 – Lisamarie Bristol
I think mental health is an issue that we’re continuing to see in the community as we continue to search for resources. I think that’s going to be our biggest downside is finding the right amount of resources to assist the people who need it. I think we’re trying. I think we’re at least acknowledging that, you know, there are people that we’re scared of and the people that we’re upset with and the people that are just in new settings. And I think we’re finally moving into an era where we know we can’t treat them all the same. For the people who, their real issue is mental health. It becomes, okay, well, what can I do? So you don’t just keep coming back. We don’t quite have the answers yet, but definitely working on it to make sure we’re not just putting them on that hamster wheel so they keep turning back.
00:40:27 – Rico Figliolini
Yes. I think we all feel to some degree we’re on a hamster wheel, right? Day keeps going, which is that by the time Friday comes, Monday comes, we’re still doing the same old, same old, and you want to make sure that you don’t keep doing that, right? So, okay. I mean, you’re only in this now. It’s been two years? Well, two years.
00:40:52 – Lisamarie Bristol
I’m in my third year now. Yes. Two years and two and a half months.
00:40:57 – Rico Figliolini
So too early to talk about a legacy, of leaving a legacy in Gwinnett County. But what would you like that to be if that was the case? What is the most important thing that you’d like to make sure you left once you do leave?
00:41:14 – Lisamarie Bristol
That’s a really great question. Thank you for that. I would really love to know that you can look back at the work that my office does, the work that my team does, the work that I do, that it makes an impact, that it leaves people better than how we found them. That I understand that a big part of what I do is supporting victims during some of the hardest times of their lives. Trying to keep the community safe during, you know, really hard times, whether it’s DUI or domestic violence cases, or whether it’s a family grieving their loss of a loved one. That can be really hard work. My desire is to have a legacy in knowing that people look back and say, even though it was a really hard time, Solicitor Bristol’s team treated me with compassion and kindness and respect and dignity, whether they were the defendant or the victim or the witness. And that even when held accountable, they came out knowing that what happened to them was fair. That is the legacy I really want to leave because sometimes you may not like what happens to you. You may not like being held accountable, but you can still acknowledge that it’s fair. And I think that’s important to me. It’s very important to me that what the work we are doing, we are supporting the victims. We’re educating, giving resources and doing what we can, but we’re still treating everyone with dignity and compassion and being fair in how we do it.
00:42:51 – Rico Figliolini
I’ve got to believe being a mother of three, middle schooler and high schoolers, that that probably informs a little bit about how you feel about doing these things.
00:43:03 – Lisamarie Bristol
Absolutely. Everything that I do, I’m always mindful that my children are watching me. And I never, ever want to do anything that I would be ashamed to do in front of them. So absolutely.
00:43:14 – Rico Figliolini
Well, yeah, the kids are definitely watching even when we’re thinking they’re not watching.
00:43:19 – Lisamarie Bristol
All the time.
00:43:21 – Rico Figliolini
Final question, I guess. You came in on, I won’t say it was a wave or anything, but you came in during a time of a lot of elections going on in ‘22, a lot of changing of the seats, if you will, changing of the chairs. It feels like musical chairs sometimes, they keep going back and forth. But I think there was some good expansion, some good things done. What would you consider saying to someone seeking a career in public service or law enforcement in Gwinnett County, what would you say to them that they should know about from your experience?
00:43:59 – Lisamarie Bristol
I think anyone who wants to serve publicly has to know it can’t be about them. It has to be about people. It’s a very humbling experience, and you may think you’re right, and you may think you have the best approach, and you might. You might be correct in that, but this work is not for the faint of heart. I will say, knowing when you walk into public service, you are walking into a situation where you are dealing with a cruise ship, not a speedboat. And it’s going to be small, incremental changes that make the biggest impact. And sometimes it’s easy to get lost in thinking, I’m not doing enough. But if you take a breath and you look back over it, and know where you’re heading, it’s worth it. It’s absolutely worth it. And so when I look back at where we started on January 1st of 2023, where my team is today, it was small. It was small steps along the way, but I am incredibly proud of the work that we’re doing. And I’m absolutely looking forward to continuing it on into a second term.
00:45:11 – Rico Figliolini
Excellent. So we’ve been speaking to Lisamarie Bristol, Solicitor General in Gwinnett County. Appreciate the time you’re giving us. Thank you, Lismarie. Hang in there with me for a minute. I just want to say thank you to our sponsors again, EV Remodeling and Vox Pop Uli for their great support of these podcasts, the magazines, and all that we do. If you have questions for Lisamarie, certainly if you’re watching this on Facebook, YouTube, or X, leave them in the comments, post them. I’ll have links in the show notes as well so you can reach out to her directly. If you’re listening to this on an audio podcast like Spotify or iHeart, certainly share it with your friends and share our video podcast as well. We appreciate that. It’ll be easier for other people to find our podcasts as well. So Peachtree Corners Life here in the city of Peachtree Corners. Thank you, everyone. And thank you, Lisamarie.
Why Patient Experience Matters: A Conversation with Dr. Aristo Shyn
4 days agoon
March 23, 2025
On this episode of Peachtree Corners Life, host Rico Figliolini sits down with Dr. Aristo Shyn, owner of Link Dental Care, to discuss his journey from corporate dentistry to running a thriving private practice. Dr. Shyn shares insights on the challenges of entrepreneurship, how he built a patient-centric practice, and how technology is transforming modern dentistry.
They also dive into Link Dental Care’s community involvement, the role of social media in business growth, and the importance of creating an exceptional patient experience. Whether you’re interested in dentistry, business ownership, or local community impact, this conversation offers valuable takeaways.
Key Takeaways & Highlights:
- From Corporate to Private Practice – Why Dr. Shyn left corporate dentistry to build his own patient-focused practice.
- The Power of Technology in Dentistry – How 3D imaging, digital scans, and upcoming Botox treatments improve patient care.
- Growing a Business – The challenges of launching and expanding a dental office without prior business experience.
- Community Involvement – Supporting local schools, charities, and offering free dental makeovers.
- Navigating Insurance & Patient Care – Why transparency in billing is crucial in healthcare.
- The Role of Social Media – How Link Dental Care’s Instagram skits helped grow their brand and even go viral.
- Balancing Work & Family – Juggling a growing business while raising two kids.
- Future Plans – Potential expansion, but always staying patient-centered under one roof.
Listen in to learn how Dr. Shyn built a thriving dental practice while prioritizing technology, patient experience, and community engagement!
00:00:32 – Rico Figliolini
Hey, everyone. This is Rico of Figliolini, host of Peachtree Corners Life here in the city of Peachtree Corners, Gwinnett County, just north of Atlanta. We have a great guest here today, Dr. Aristo Shyn, who owns Link Dental Care. Thank you for allowing us to do the podcast with you today.
00:00:48 – Aristo Shyn
Thank you for having us. I’ve been calling you our very own Joe Rogan for years now, so it’s an honor.
00:00:54 – Rico Figliolini
I’ve done over 250 episodes. I feel like I could be Joe Rogan. I get the head for it. Before we get into the show, though, let me say thanks to our sponsors. We have two. EV Remodeling, Inc., and Eli, who owns it, that lives here in Peachtree Corners. Great family. They do great work. They do design to build, whole house renovation, or your bathroom, your kitchen, or an addition to the house, whatever you need. They’ve done over 260 homes throughout the metro area. I think you should check them out. EVRemodelingInc.com is where you can find that. Vox Pop Uli, our second sponsor, is also here in Peachtree Corners, also family owned. So they take your brand and they bring it to life. So think about it. You have a brand, you have a car, vehicle. They do, I think this past year, they did over 1,600 vehicle wraps alone. You go to trade shows, they’ll put up a whole setup for you. You need shirts, they’ll do that for you. You need just one or you need 1,000, they’ll do all that for you. If you have a logo and you want to imprint it on an object, bring it to them. Challenge them. It’s amazing what they’ve done. So check them out. Vox Pop Uli is the company, and we appreciate the sponsorship of these podcasts, the magazines, and our journalism. Now that we’ve done the sponsors, I appreciate the conversation we’re going to have today. Aristo’s been, Dr. Shyn has been our family dentist for quite a while for all my kids and my wife and myself. So seeing you guys grow from a very small office that was probably big enough for you when you started.
00:03:06 – Aristo Shyn
Yeah, you’ve been with us since the beginning. Yeah, very humble beginnings.
00:03:09 – Rico Figliolini
So just moving from that, I saw you know you guys were getting more and more patients. The place was getting filled and now you’re in a larger location, a very beautiful place here right on Jimmy Carter Boulevard, Holcomb Bridge Road here. So tell us a little bit about your origins, where you started.
00:03:28 – Aristo Shyn
How far back do you want me to go?
00:03:30 – Rico Figliolini
Where were you born?
00:03:33 – Aristo Shyn
So I was born in Kansas City, Missouri, next to UMKC, which is where my dad went to dental school. And then moved to Alaska afterwards. Stayed in Alaska from ages 2 to 14. And then I moved to Florida, pursued a golf career, and then naturally transitioned to dentistry after that.
00:03:57 – Rico Figliolini
00:03:58 – Aristo Shyn
Yes. And then I’ve been in Georgia since 2012.
00:04:01 – Rico Figliolini
That’s amazing. You went from Missouri, where I’ve never been. I’m a Brooklyn kid. Kid. No longer a kid, but from Brooklyn. So I don’t know that place. Alaska, which is, for me, you know, grizzly bears is what I think of. So you went, right? From grizzly bears, snowstorms, to Florida, alligators, rocks, and hurricanes. And now Atlanta, of which you find almost none of that, actually.
00:04:25 – Aristo Shyn
It’s nice.
00:04:27 – Rico Figliolini
Yeah, it must be different, right? But you went to start with a golf career. When did that even take hold?
00:04:40 – Aristo Shyn
In Alaska, of all places. Yeah, I was pretty good at it. Again, we moved to Florida to pursue that, but I think dentistry was my true calling, and I think I made the right choice.
00:04:55 – Rico Figliolini
Well, and you were kind of young too, I think, when you got your dental degree?
00:05:00 – Aristo Shyn
Yes. I try not to talk about that too much, but I was 23 when I graduated.
00:05:07 – Rico Figliolini
I saw that. I was like, that’s amazing. And so you’ve been practicing since then, obviously.
00:05:10 – Aristo Shyn
00:05:13 – Rico Figliolini
Yeah. So you’re in Atlanta. You moved here in 2012. You decided to start your business in less than a year of moving here.
00:05:23 – Aristo Shyn
Yeah, I think my first job in Atlanta was a corporate job. It wasn’t for me, to say the least. I think I lasted about seven months before saying, I got to do this. I got to do something else. I got to do this on my own. And that’s how I came to Peachtree Corners.
00:05:45 – Rico Figliolini
So just to be clear for people to know, it’s corporate dentistry is what you were working at. So corporate environment with multiple offices and stuff is a whole different business model, I think. Isn’t it?
00:06:02 – Aristo Shyn
Yes, to say the least.
00:06:08 – Rico Figliolini
Yes. You might not want to say it, but I’ll say it. Corporate dentistry is not that great. When you don’t have an owner that owns the business and doing the work that’s passionate about his patients and his community, it’s way different than dealing with someone that’s billing out of Texas let’s say or they have multiple 20, 30, or 90 offices throughout the country. And they sound like they’re local because they sort of keep the name of the place so they sound local but they’re really not. And so they’re driven by money because they have a big nut to pay.
00:06:36 – Aristo Shyn
Yeah, you’re just trying to get me into trouble right now.
00:06:39 – No, no, I’m saying it so it’s okay.
00:06:42 – Aristo Shyn
Listen, I would, in general, and this is from my own experience and what my colleagues have experienced as well, it’s just a lot of, and I think there are good dentists there, but unfortunately they don’t have the autonomy or the control over the whole operation. So I would say a lot of corporate offices, a lot of chain offices, are profit and production driven versus being patient-centric.
00:07:02 – Rico Figliolini
Yeah, I can’t argue with that.
00:07:05 – Aristo Shyn
Yeah, I mean, for example, and this you’ll find often in the industry, when you have your morning huddles, a lot of times at those offices, you’re looking at the schedule for that day. And if there’s not enough production on the schedule, you have to find crowns or implants somehow. And I’ll let our audience use their own imagination for that one. But when we have our meetings, we don’t really talk about that. And we talk about how to streamline logistics and how to improve the patient experience. And these days, fortunately or unfortunately, we’ve been doing some Instagram skits. I’ve been putting my staff through a whole other level of stress.
00:07:58 – Rico Figliolini
You all have to visit the Instagram channel that he has. He comes up with all the skits himself. Some of them are really cool. They’re all pretty good. I mean, some of them are hilarious.
00:08:09 – Aristo Shyn
Yeah, we really, you would expect, you know, before and after photos or us selling something. But I think we’re just trying to have fun there. I really don’t know what we’re selling, but it’s fun. I think it still gives us exposure in a different way. We have a live follower counter there. We’re trying to get that up right now. So follow us, please.
00:08:27 – Rico Figliolini
What is the Instagram? It’s Link Dental Care.
00:08:30 – Aristo Shyn
It’s @LinkDentalCare.
00:08:32 – There you go. So follow them. They want to hit 1,000, like, you know, soon. But no, I think that’s a great team building to be able to do that. There’s a lot of pressure sometimes in doing work and such, and every day is different. I think we would talk before a little bit about how you, you know, you go from one patient speaking English, let’s say, to another patient and speaking Spanish or maybe Korean. So multiple languages here in the office, and multiple challenges, dental challenges, right?
00:09:06 – Aristo Shyn
Yeah. I mean, due to the range of services that we offer from fillings, crowns, to root canals, implant surgeries, sinus surgeries, we get quite the variety of cases here. And then there are days where in one room I’m speaking obviously English, and then next room, I’m speaking Spanish. The other room, I’m speaking Korean. And I think we did a count earlier. We speak a total of nine different languages in this office.
00:09:38 – Rico Figliolini
It’s amazing that you speak three languages, at least.
00:09:43 – Aristo Shyn
Two and a half. We’ll call it three.
00:09:43 – Rico Figliolini
Okay. You get by on it. That’s good. So busy, busy work. Technology, though, drives a lot of dental practices now, too. So tell us a little bit about some of the technological improvements you’ve made here. Some of the technology you’ve brought in.
00:10:01 – Aristo Shyn
Well, everything’s new here. So it’s all digital. All new x-ray units, we have our 3D cone beam imaging machine, we have a 3D scanner, we’re doing really cool stuff with digital photography not just for before and after cases but also to communicate with our lab. We’re doing botox and dermal fillers soon. Busy.
00:10:29 – Rico Figliolini
Yeah, that’s amazing. Botox. How does that work in dental?
00:10:34 – Aristo Shyn
I think it’s been requested quite a bit. We haven’t started it yet. We will very soon. It’s not just for, I don’t think it’s just for cosmetics, but it can do a lot with TMJ and related issues.
00:10:51 – Rico Figliolini
Now, when you started on Peachtree Park, it was just you. I think your mom was helping at the front desk.
00:10:55 – Aristo Shyn
No, she wasn’t there at the time.
00:10:57 – Rico Figliolini
She wasn’t there. She came later, maybe.
00:11:01 – Aristo Shyn
Yeah. It was, I think it was a thousand square feet. I don’t think anything was digital at the time. And I had, it was me, one and a half hygienists, one assistant, and one person in the front. Yeah, I still remember I could actually stand in the middle of the office, and if I did a 360, I could see everything. The front office, the four chairs, the lab.
00:11:23 – Rico Figliolini
Yes, I was just thinking the same thing. That’s how small this place was. How many square feet is this place?
00:11:33 – Aristo Shyn
I think it’s just over 3,000.
00:11:38 – Rico Figliolini
And you took on a new, also an additional practitioner with you as well?
00:11:41 – Aristo Shyn
Oh, yeah. New staff, front offices, expanded assistants, hygienists. Another doctor. I mean, she’s been terrific.
00:11:42 – Rico Figliolini
Dr. K?.
00:11:51 – Aristo Shyn
Yep. Dr. K.
00:11:52 – Rico Figliolini
So business has been going well. So that’s good, no?
00:11:54 – Aristo Shyn
It’s been busy. It’s been busy.
00:12:00 – Rico Figliolini
Can’t complain. And there are challenges, right? So let’s go back a little bit. Challenges of opening a business. What would you say to an entrepreneur, to another dentist that wanted to do the same thing? What challenges did you have to overcome when you did that?
00:12:16 – Aristo Shyn
When we first started everything I mean, I was still learning. I had no business experience, I had no HR experience. I mean, I was still learning dentistry at the time so you know the normal course for I’d say acquiring a dental office is, you know you’re usually out in the field for a few years and then you kind of pick up on things and you know slowly transition. But everything happened at once for me so I don’t recommend you do that because it’s quite the learning curve. But going back to everyday challenges, though, I would say half of my stress is just due to my staff, which I love very much, who I love very much. I think we have the best staff ever right now, but you’ve got to deal with staff every single day. So there’s always something. And then beyond that, it’s insurance. Insurance is an issue for, I think, everyone involved in the insurance game. And then after that, it’s just dealing with a wide range of patients and cases that we have coming in, which is also fun for me. But there’s also some focus and stress, and we’re always on our toes. So there’s that aspect to it.
00:13:35 – Rico Figliolini
I think part of that stress probably is because you’re, of your concern for your patients and stuff. I mean you’re sharing that stress with them right? Because some of them, because like you said insurance can be an issue. You know they come in they have to do certain things insurance may or may not cover it or you know, yeah. I mean so, has that changed in the state of Georgia a lot over the past decade?
00:14:01 – Aristo Shyn
I don’t know, insurance is kind of like a foreign language to me. We try our very best to be transparent with everything, I mean not just in my communication with our patients but also you know with our front desk communicating you know regarding finances and numbers. But you know, we try our best, that’s all I can say.
00:14:19 – Rico Figliolini
No that’s good. That you know, I mean that’s the toughest part I think when it comes to medical.
00:14:23 – Aristo Shyn
And our front desk goes to bat for patients if there’s any issues with insurance we don’t just give up and you know tell them that it’s on them so yeah. I know my front desk works very hard.
00:14:36 – Rico Figliolini
Okay cool. You know, the care that you show into the community as well, right? You’re involved with the community. So let’s cover that a little bit as well. What do you like doing in the community? What have you done? Where has Link Dental Care been involved in when it comes to community organizations, events and stuff?
00:14:55 – Aristo Shyn
Well, it’s very different now than when I first started. And I’m very happy and proud of where we are today. For example, I mean, even last year we were able to sponsor the Norcross High School Marching Band, local photography club. I’ve worked closely with Norcross Co-op for quite some years. And it’s, you know, when we interview for dental school, you know, one thing that we’re always saying is we want to be part of the community. We want to be involved in the community. And, you know, that wasn’t the case when we first started. Now that we’re here. Yeah, I plan on staying here and being more involved as time goes on.
00:15:37 – Rico Figliolini
That’s cool. You know, I mean, the biggest thing that we do at the magazine and stuff is that we like to be a cheerleader for businesses that are giving back to the community, doing things with the community, especially if you’re pulling from this community. You know, your patients, your customers, and all that. So being involved makes sense.
00:15:57 – Aristo Shyn
Yeah. And I think we’ve done quite a bit of charity over the years. We don’t advertise it or we don’t really post a whole lot of it on social media. But outside of working at volunteer clinics, we try to take on at least one patient a year and give them a makeover, which they wouldn’t have been able to get otherwise. That’s something I’ve been doing.
00:16:21 – Rico Figliolini
That’s cool. That’s great that you’re able to do that. When the business gets to a certain point, and you’re facing these everyday challenges, right? At the end of the day, what do you do to release that stress, that pressure? I mean, what do you do outside of the office? You’re not playing golf anymore.
00:16:53 – Aristo Shyn
No, it takes too much time.
00:16:54 – Rico Figliolini
Do you get out of the office? What time do you close up?
00:16:57 – Aristo Shyn
Well, it’s a good thing I still like what I’m doing. But yeah, life’s gotten busy. So the way I see it, I mean, I do have a few hobbies, but really it’s been work and my kids right now. So when I’m working, the way I see it, it’s overtime in a football, basketball scene. And then when I’m with my kids, it’s game seven, triple overtime. So that’s where all my focus has been after work.
00:17:28 – Rico Figliolini
Sure, sure. You have two kids, I think? Two kids. Good-looking kids. So, you know, you’re expanding. You’ve done your expansion. But there’s a future, right? I know you want to stay here. You want to expand. What does the future look like for Link Dental Care? For you?
00:17:44 – Aristo Shyn
We just moved in here. We’re talking about expansion again.
00:17:47 – Rico Figliolini
Are you really? You just moved in here. How long has it been? It’s been a few years. Can’t you stop?
00:17:58 – Aristo Shyn
I mean, a few. I mean, patients and staff have asked me in the past, what do I plan to do? Do I plan on opening multiple offices or another location? And to answer one part of that question, I think when a dentist branches out to two, three, four offices, there comes a point where you’ve got to stop being a dentist and become more of a businessman. And I still like what I’m doing a lot. And I really want to keep our practice patient-centric and really emphasize that we are a people business, not a tooth-cutting business or a production business. But, you know, I definitely plan on staying in Peachtree Corners. We’re not leaving. I mean, if there ever is another expansion, you can rest assured it’ll still be under one roof. That’s been always important to me. And I mean, going forward though, I think we’re just, we’re going to continue doing what we’ve been doing. We’re going to continue to stay up with technology, continue to reinvest in the office and the community.
00:19:19 – Rico Figliolini
Okay. Yeah. Sounds good. This is a great place. People want to take the tour. I mean, 3,000 square feet is a lot of space. I think you have plenty of space to expand in. What should people know about you maybe that they don’t know? Is there anything interesting that you want to share?
00:19:41 – Aristo Shyn
I can share what our dental practice focuses on. I think a lot of times patients and dentists alike, they emphasize, they put their emphasis a lot on good dental care. And that is absolutely important. But, you know, to us, you know, good dental care alone doesn’t really, it doesn’t always equate to a good patient experience. And I care a lot about the patient experience. So that means the patient experience starts from the first time you call into our office, from the time you walk through our doors the first time. From the way you’re greeted from the front office, from the way, you know, our assistants or hygienists take you back to the clinical area. So, you know, bedside manners and having clear communication. So, you know, when you’ve put in all those factors, you know, the receiving good dental care, although quite important, it’s not the only piece to the puzzle. So that’s been my focus.
00:20:48 – Rico Figliolini
Cool. Patient-centric, essentially. Well, we’ve been speaking to Dr. Aristo Shyn. It’s a great practice, you guys have. I’m glad that he’s my dentist also, my family dentist. He has been doing a great job. So I appreciate you giving us some time and telling us a bit about your business.
00:21:06 – Aristo Shyn
Thank you.
00:21:07 – Rico Figliolini
Thank you. Everyone, if you have any questions, you can actually check out the website, which is?
00:21:13 – Aristo Shyn
LinkDentalCare.com. There you go.
00:21:15 – Rico Figliolini
And Instagram, it’s the same handle, @LinkDentalCare, right? Anything else you want to share? Count is 455, so we need to get that up to 1,000 apparently.
00:21:25 – Aristo Shyn
It was 200 a few months ago. I’ll tell you one more thing about Instagram before we end this. Within a couple months of us actually trying on Instagram, we actually went viral on one video. We got 1.3 million views.
00:21:41 – Rico Figliolini
Damn, which video was that one?
00:21:43 – Aristo Shyn
That was last year. It was the one about our 3D scanner. So I thought I figured it out and I was almost ready not to come into work the next day. And then here I am doing a podcast with Rico.
00:21:57 – Rico Figliolini
Sorry, it’s not a YouTube content or TikTok creator yet, but he’ll get there soon. Thanks everyone. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments. Of course, we’ll have links in the show note and you can always find Dr. Aristo Shyn here at Link Dental Care. So thanks again, everyone. Take care.
Burn The Ships: Alex Wright on Committing to Success & Helping Businesses Thrive
6 days agoon
March 21, 2025
Discover how Alex Wright, a former U.S. Naval officer, founding member of the City of Peachtree corners, and corporate finance veteran, made the bold decision to “burn the ships” and launch his own fractional CFO firm. Burn the Ships Financial embodies Wright’s philosophy of unwavering dedication to success. Wright explains how fractional CFO services can help entrepreneurs navigate their financial journey, from basic accounting setup to high-level strategic guidance.
Burn The Ships Website: https://burntheshipsfinancial.com/
Key Takeaways:
- Burn the Ships Mentality – Why Alex embraced total commitment when leaving corporate America to start his own business.
- Solving Business Challenges – How a fractional CFO helps entrepreneurs manage cash flow, optimize processes, and grow sustainably.
- Financial Storytelling – The power of translating financial data into actionable insights for business owners.
- City Leadership & Business Strategy – Lessons learned from helping launch Peachtree Corners as a smart city and how that applies to business growth.
- The Role of Technology in Finance – How tools like QuickBooks and Power BI can improve financial planning—if used correctly.
- Long-Term Business Planning – Why forecasting, budgeting, and understanding financial trends are crucial for sustained success.
Listen in as Alex Wright shares his journey from the military to corporate finance and now to empowering small businesses with Burn The Ships Financial!
00:00:02 – Interview with Alex Wright
00:02:27 – From Naval Officer to City Leader, Alex’s Remarkable Journey
00:06:45 – Burning the Ships, Commitment to the Mission
00:10:39 – Solving Business Problems as a Fractional CFO
00:13:59 – Optimizing Business Efficiency Through Financial Analysis
00:18:14 – Guiding Entrepreneurs to Financial Clarity
00:21:30 – Providing Financial Guidance and Structuring for Growing Businesses
00:25:46 – Translating Financial Data into Actionable Insights
00:31:19 – Leveraging City Startup Experience for Business
00:37:43 – Helping Others Succeed From Military to Coaching to Entrepreneurship
00:42:14 – Expanding Startup with Passionate Partners
00:45:31 – Connecting with Burn The Ships Financial
00:00:34 – Rico Figliolini
Hi, everyone. This is Rico Figliolini, host of Peachtree Corners Life. I have a great guest today, this morning, Alex Wright. Hey, Alex. Thanks for joining me.
00:00:43 – Alex Wright
Hey, Rico. It’s good to see you again. Thanks for the invite.
00:00:46 – Rico Figliolini
Sure. We’re going to have exciting things to talk about. But before we get into that, I just want to say thank you to our two sponsors, EV Remodeling Inc. and Eli and his family who live here in Peachtree Corners and the company is based here. Provide a sponsorship to us for supporting our podcast and our magazines. And EV Remodeling Inc. is a company that does design to build. You need a whole house remodeled or you just need your bath remodeled or your kitchen, they’re the people to do it. They’ve done over 260 large projects over the past few years. And you should check them out. Great supporter of ours. Great people. Nice guy. EVRemodelingInc.com is where you can find them. Our second sponsor, Vox Pop Uli, is also based here on Peachtree Corners. Family owned, they are a company, if you have a brand and you want to bring that brand to life, Vox Pop Uli is the people to do it. They do, think about the truck wraps, car wraps that you see traveling around, trade show booths, signage, anything you need imprinted on any object imprinting. They’re the people to do it. You need a backdrop for you, 20 feet by 10 feet tall, they can do it. Any of those things that will bring your brand to life is what they’re doing. Challenge them, and they’ll come back and surprise you. They’re right here in Peachtree Corners and Norcross. So check them out, Vox Pop Uli, and the link will be in the show notes. But if you search them, V-O-X, P-O-P, U-L-I, you’ll find them. Thanks again for your support. So now we have Alex. So let me introduce Alex a little bit. He has a great background. He served in U.S. Naval, as a U .S. Naval officer back during the 90s. He was the founding member of the City of Peachtree Corners City Council and has been a city councilman here in leadership here since 2012 when he was first elected. He was also the guy that originated the idea of Curiosity Lab that set our path on being a smart city and on so many foundational parts that the Curiosity Lab has been involved in including autonomous vehicle, 5G technology, and all that. So without him, I don’t know where we’d be when it comes to that. Georgia Institute of Technology grad, so much more. He’s also a board member of the Peachtree Corners Veterans Monument Association, if you’re familiar with that and the monument that we have at Town Center. So now that I’ve given a really good background, I think, of you, Alex, why don’t you tell us just a little bit more about what what you’ve been up to and where where we’re going?
00:03:33 – Alex Wright
Yes, that was a great introduction. I wish my wife could have heard how great you made me sound she would’ve found that entertaining. Yeah so I, after I got out of the navy, you know I went to the graduate school and then basically the next 25 years was at various companies in corporate finance. Some big ones, Glaxo Welcome, which I guess that was GlaxoSmithKline, Home Depot, Equifax. And then the last 11 years was at a big consumer products company in a divisional CFO role. That was here in Atlanta. And about three, I guess it’s probably November, I made a decision to transition out of corporate America and with some colleagues of mine that I used to work with, formed a fractional CFO company. Some people refer to it as business advisory firm. And it’s called Burn the Ships. That’s the name of the company. And so, yeah, we’re in the process of just getting engaged in the community, you know, looking for companies that could use our services.
00:04:56 – Rico Figliolini
So tell me, I understand the burn the ships part, but really what inspired you to name burn the ships financial?
00:05:04 – Alex Wright
So, you know, when I was making the decision to leave corporate America and, you know, that’s kind of all you know, it’s, you get comfortable with that and to make that, you know, giant career change you know it’s, it can be kind of scary. And I happened to be reading a book at you know during this time when I was trying to figure out and do I want to do this and the name of the book was called actually burn the boats. And the book is about it’s written, I can’t remember the guy’s name, but he’s an entrepreneur serial entrepreneur and the gist of the book is not to have a plan b. And you can apply that concept to really anything, whether it be your marriage or training for an athletic event or starting a business, that something that’s going to be challenging and require your full effort in order to succeed, you can’t have that thought of, well, if this doesn’t work out, I’ll just go back to that. It has to be a total commitment. So that phrase is a metaphor for total commitment. You know, there’s a, not to go into much of the history, but, you know, the phrase comes from, not to go into a lot of history, but of Cortes when he was exploring the coast of Mexico. He had been tasked with that. And he gets there and discovers that, you know, there’s the Aztec Empire is there and decides, hey, I want to go into the bowels of Mexico and see what’s going on there. He just had a few hundred men with him. These guys that he had with them were apprehensive, obviously, because he wants to march into the jungle, the unknown. Plus, their orders were to just explore the coast. Well, his solution to that was, I’m going to eliminate the plan B. And the way he did that was he literally burned all the ships. There was now no way to go back. It was succeed or, in their case, die. So that phrase is about total commitment to the mission. And it really, at that time, it rang, just struck a chord with me as I was trying to make this decision because that’s a big change in a lot of different ways. And so I really just loved the story, that idea of total commitment. And so that’s the brief background or as brief as I could make it, where that phrase came from, because I just loved that story about the, you know, the commitment. Those other, not to go on a lot of my other, you know, kind of pursuits that I’ve got in my life, but, you know, different, whether it be especially like athletic things or projects, some of the things we’ve done with the city where it’s only going to succeed, you know, totally buy into, you know, what we’re trying to accomplish, the total commitment. So that’s the, that’s the name. And you know another, some of the advice I got was you need to make the name evocative so when someone hears that name, I think what does that mean? You know versus opposed to a right CFO services.
00:08:27 – Rico Figliolini
Yeah, no I totally agree with that branding is key to to a lot of what we do and get people remembering. And I can appreciate what you’re saying too because having, I mean I have not worked in corporate environment except for a couple of years. And I’ve been on and off a business owner and then working for a company and stuff. So I’ve been on both sides of that so it’s a little different. But you’ve, your whole career has been with corporate large companies, so I can appreciate that jumping off the ship almost and not going back is really scary, I’m sure. So your experience has been as a divisional CFO at least for the past decade or so, I guess. How do you think that that’s going to, how does that shape the services that you’re offering through Burn the Ships Financial?
00:09:23 – Alex Wright
So in this role I had, when people say, I worked in corporate finance, that can mean a whole lot of different things because in larger companies, the finance department’s quite large. So the role I had, in this business, and this company had probably 15 businesses, and as a divisional CFO, you’d be embedded in the business. And what that means is you’re at the table with the decision makers actually helping run the business. From generating sales to making, say, manufacturing more efficient to how can we ship more efficiently to negotiating with vendors for better terms, you name it. You had exposure to that. So the relevance of that is you’ve seen, now granted, maybe it’s a bigger scale, bigger numbers, but the challenges of making a business successful, you’ve had exposure to a full P&L balance sheet, just like for a small company. And so that allows you, the reason that’s translatable is ultimately what, when companies hire someone. As a fractional CFO, really what they’re looking for is I’ve got a problem. I’ve got a pain point and I need someone to help alleviate that pain to make that, help take that problem away. So it’s really about problem solving. So running a business in the finance role is ultimately about solving problems as well. So I feel like the skill set is very translated because that’s what I did for 10 years, which was solve problems to make the, our business more financially successful.
00:11:13 – Rico Figliolini
In the practical way, can you give us an example, without sharing the company you worked with I guess or you know particularly, but is there an example that you can give of how that translates in an actual real life story?
00:11:30 – Alex Wright
Yes. So now you know at a larger company it’s especially when it’s publicly traded, you know, it’s all about how do we get our earnings per share up? You know, the company is normally pretty stable. And like, say, a smaller company, they might, in some cases, might be fighting for survival in some instances. So a little bit different scenario, but ultimately it’s about how do we make the company more profitable, whether it be small or big. And so an example of something we did at this larger company is, we were in a market where there wasn’t a lot of growth on the top because it was an industry that was actually kind of shrinking. So how do you grow profit if your top line is stagnant at best or maybe just growing through price increases, very low single digits? So one of the things that you could look at is, let’s look at our product, the actual composition of the product. So we are actually a manufacturer. Are there ways that we can make the product that we’re producing less costly, but hopefully in the process also make it more effective? And so in this instance, the product in this case was grass seed. You’re thinking, well, what can you possibly do to grass seed? But in today’s world, they actually take the grass seed and they put a biostimulant around it so that when the seed goes out, it has a much higher probability of germinating. So what you would look at is, what can we do with the stimulant to change the makeup of it, change the composition where it’s, maybe the germination is even higher, but we’ve substituted some type of material that costs less. So in those instances, you’re working with an R&D department, you’re marketing people. And so in this instance, we did that over a series of five years, switched all of our, you know, changed the composition of our products. And so the ultimate takeaway for that was we increased the margins for the business by about a thousand basis points. So what that means is let’s say your margin was 30%, now it’s 40%. So that’s, and that drops straight to the bottom line through that. Something is, it wasn’t simple, but you know, instead of saying, well, there’s nothing we can do because we’re not growing is to basically look at everything on the pan out. What are, you know, areas that we could look at? I mean, you could apply that to your own personal life. I’m trying to cut back on spending and you go through and look at every expense and explore it. And maybe we don’t need the 1G, you know, internet. Maybe we just need the 500 megabytes and, you know, no stone uncovered. That’s the way we had to operate and I think that’s very translatable skill for smaller businesses because most likely they’re going to be even more cost conscious than you know a bigger company that’s got you know, more resources at their disposal.
00:14:45 – Rico Figliolini
So it’s really looking closely not just at the books but at the process of what companies do, right?
00:14:52 – Alex Wright
That’s exactly right. So one of the things when I’m, and this is before I transitioned, you know people would say well you know what does finance do? It’s just kind of this broad term and I would always describe it as in three pieces and it’s very simplistic, the first the most basic part is the gathering of of information. And that could be billing AR, AP like in a big company that’s completely automated, smaller company it might not even really exist. The next level is you’re taking that information, you’re analyzing it, you’re putting it into a reporting format. At a bigger company, not completely automated, but mostly automated. At a really small company, especially like reporting, the small business owner, his financials might be his bank statement. That might be the limit of what he’s got. And the third part, and this is really where finance differs from, say, accounting, is. You are going to the decision maker and you’re saying, hey, if you pull this lever, this will happen over here. You’re giving them actionable data, advice, if you will, on how to drive the company, whatever the company’s financial goals are, giving them suggestions how to do that.
00:16:17 – Rico Figliolini
So it’s also, I guess. You know, if I look at it from what I do a little bit, from my business and stuff, every business is somewhat the same to the degree there’s peaks and valleys. You might not always have the same trend line of revenue coming in and stuff. So it’s finding how to maximize the use of the money that’s coming in and the money flowing out. Maybe it’s the manufacturing or the service side and how that’s being done. Whether that’s parts being delivered or how it’s being ordered and such. So you’re looking beyond just the numbers on the books. You’re trying to optimize the way a company’s doing business behind the scenes.
00:16:59 – Alex Wright
That’s right. And that’s the thing I was talking about being embedded in the business, being part of the decision-making is, again, looking at the full P&L. You’re not just reporting the news you’re trying to influence what’s going on. So you might be looking at in the course of a day okay how do we make our you know logistics more efficient. You might be looking at hey what’s the ROI on this marketing spend. You know any anything you can do to you know drive profitability. And that you know I guess that’s one of the upsides of a publicly traded company when you’ve got that pressure that quarterly pressure if we got to make earnings you know you’re looking at anything and everything all the time. Now there’s downsides to it because sometimes to make the numbers look a certain way things will be done that maybe aren’t super logical but you still have that relentless pressure to become more efficient to drive costs down as much as possible.
00:18:02 – Rico Figliolini
I think with certain types of business, like you said, the private business, smaller businesses, the owners tend to, the job keeps going, right? Three years will pass before you know it. Maybe they’re not optimizing their cash flow properly. Maybe they’re doing the work, if you will, and not really looking at everything because money’s coming in. Everything seems fine. They may not see even the trend of how things are going where maybe it’s going bad, but they’re not seeing it yet because maybe they have the revenue there. The cash flow is there. They might not see it for the next three months. And all of a sudden, they start realizing, whoa, this is bad. We’re beyond, why didn’t I see this before? So how does the aspect of what you do as a fractional CFO, let’s say, how will you give that foundation to these businesses? What’s the process, if you will?
00:19:01 – Alex Wright
Well, I think that obviously each company is different, right? You have to go in and see what, if any, processes they have. But I think if you make the assumption that they don’t, kind of your point, they’re just, you know, you’ve got this entrepreneur. They’re really good at making pencils. And that’s what their total focus is, selling those pencils, just growing, growing, growing. You know, they don’t really have a whole lot of time to, you know focus on the finances other than making sure they got enough money to meet payroll or buy anything. I think the key thing when you go in, in a situation like that is, you know, to talk to the owner or the founder, you know, understanding what is it that, you know, what are your, you know, try to define the goals besides just staying afloat, you know, kind of help them sit down. Okay. Let’s put this pen to paper. What is it you’re, I’m going to make something up, okay you’re doing 500,000, million in revenue and you want to get to a million and a half in two years. Again I’m just making this up. You know in the larger company it would be you know to be a budget or they’d call it a you know five-year plan it’d be some kind of structure you know a guide post if you will. I think that’s the, I mean you could apply that to your personal life. Like okay I’m trying to you know, retire at age 65 or I’m trying to lose 20 pounds or whatever it might be, whatever that you’re trying to accomplish. You’ve got the saying about if I fail to plan, I plan to fail. So I think that’s the key thing is to understand from that owner what it is you’re trying to accomplish. And then once, because ultimately it’s their business, you’re there to help them be successful. So once they’ve articulated what those goals are, then one of our jobs would be, okay, let’s lay out a plan to see if we can get to that. Because in some cases, you know, my experience has been people that are entrepreneurs, when it comes to forecasting financially, they’re not always the most realistic because they’re normally going to be really optimistic. I can conquer the world, which is you need that to be an entrepreneur. But one of the jobs of finance is to kind of poke holes in arguments, not to discourage people, but to make people think realistically, okay, can we grow from a million to a million and a half in two years? Understanding, you know, what is there a path to do that that’s realistic? And having those conversations with, you know, with these guys, because in some cases you’re bringing up things that maybe they haven’t thought about because they’re so focused on the here and now versus looking a year or two out that that’s just not really what they’re focused on because, again, they’re trying to grow the business.
00:22:08 – Rico Figliolini
So when you come into a firm, for example, you know, obviously people, you know, you want to build that foundation without the cost of a full-time CFO. I mean, that’s the idea, right? So work with me for a minute. In an ideal world, you would come in for a few hours or whatever that first month and then how would the rest of it work like is there a maintenance level that you provide? Quarterly stuff you provide? So give me in brief what that would look like to someone.
00:22:45 – Alex Wright
Right. So again, each company is going to be different but really kind of two levels, and I’m simplifying this, but really two levels of service. And you can pick one or the other or both. So let’s assume we’re talking about a company that we used an example earlier of the finances are literally the bank statement. I know how much cash I got. That’s kind of an extreme example. So we use that one as our example. So in that case, they don’t have a P&L or balance sheet. They don’t really know what’s going on other than, you know, how much cash they got in the bank and maybe in their head, they’ve got kind of a gut instinct of what’s going on. So in that instance, you know, you’re going to have to come in and create a structure that will allow you to build a P&L, which is, you know, the foundation of any type of forecasting or budgeting. You’ve got to have that initial document. And to get to that, you’ve got to go in and take basically all their transactions that, you know, are in their bank statement and create what’s called a trial balance, which is going to have a chart of accounts. Basically, all that is coding where, you know, okay, this is travel and this is, you know, sales and it’s basically, you know, accounting 101, right? And so that base level of service would be something like that plus reporting that goes with it. And that reporting you would get through programs like Microsoft power BI that can do you know anything at the like that but you’ve got to have the you know the numbers formatted. So that would be a basic level of service and the first time that initial transition that would be time consuming because you’ve got to you create something, a structure that’s not there before. But then after you’ve created a structure you know each month you’re just really just updating, you know the results putting them into a P&L format. And if we think back when I was talking about the three levels of finance that’s really like the first two levels combined. So that’d be like a fixed fee you know for that service almost like a subscription. The second level of service it’s more like what that kind of like that third level I was talking about before where you’re sitting down with the decision maker and you’re telling them hey, this is what’s going on with your business. And depending on if they wanted to have, layout objectives, then you talk about the progress each month of how are we progressing versus these objectives that we’ve laid out. And if we’re off course, what things can we change to get you back on course? And so that would be an in-person review where, the analogy I use is that movie, The Matrix, if you remember, they’ve got all the data that’s doing this, right? You can’t read it. And so if you’re not in finance, often people struggle to, you can give them 20 reports, but if they’re not a finance person, they’re often going to be like, I don’t really understand what this is telling me. That second level is, it’s really about storytelling, where you’re taking the information and you’re telling the owner a story, you know, not in a fictional way, but this is what’s going on with your business, but you’re translating it in a way that is easy for them to understand, versus if you’re just talking about debits and credits, they’re going to be lost with that.
00:26:21 – Rico Figliolini
So if they already have QuickBooks online, for example, they’re already getting reports, you’re at that stage already, but you’re able to tell them more than that, what the reports give them in numbers, because you’re looking at all of it, right? Holistically almost.
00:26:38 – Alex Wright
That’s correct. So you know a lot of companies will have you know they’ll have a controller, bookkeeper, you know maybe both of them. And so in my you know previous life I had plenty of accountants that worked for me and really what their job, and I’m simplifying and this isn’t to say anything negative about accountants, like I said I’ve worked in accounting. But their job really is to tell you okay this is the number and this number is correct. But if you ask them well okay that number is that’s a number ten, last year it was a five, why did it go from a five to a ten? That’s really not what their role is in most cases. So they’re challenged to you know explain the why part of it right? And so that’s where, that’s really where finance comes in to explain what is going on. And not just report.
00:27:36 – Rico Figliolini
And not just explain it. I would imagine if, from my point of view, you might explain why that went from a five to a ten, but you should probably be able to give me advice on, you know, where can we take that from now? You know, why is this? I know the difference is there. I knew it grew. Maybe it grew for this reason, but you might be able to tell me how we can adjust that, right? I mean, the whole idea is, for you to provide guidance. So almost like a, what do you call it? A person that, the accountability partner, if you will, in this.
00:28:15 – Alex Wright
Yeah. Well, that’s the great thing about, you know, having a budget is that you’ve, again, we were using examples earlier, but you could apply it to different parts of your, you know, personal life, but having that objective. If you don’t have that objective, then you don’t really know. It’s like driving a car. You’re trying to get somewhere, but you don’t have a map. You’re going to struggle without that map to point you in the direction you’re trying to get to.
00:28:45 – Rico Figliolini
So now we’ve got here, does technology play a part in what you do as well in financial advisory or in this type of field?
00:28:59 – Alex Wright
So the, remember when earlier I was talking about the kind of the three levels of not services but you know what finance does, and what’s occurred over the last 20 or more than 25 years is that systems like say SAP or Hyperion or for these large ERPs is they have really kind of flattened the work structure of companies because what they’ve allowed is it’s really like an early form of AI. Is they automated you know tons and tons of functions that before there would have been literally like armies of people you know just doing kind of mindless work almost and so technology, now some of these small companies you know they’re not going to have an SAP or Hyperion but when we were talking earlier about power where that’s like Quickbooks but on steroids the kind of things that can do. But the reality is, whether it be QuickBooks or Power BI, if you don’t have that basic level of the information formatted, the magic can’t happen without that. So ultimately, at the smaller companies, there is some manual aspect of, I’ve got to code this expense correctly, input it. So the technology, at a smaller company, you know, that doesn’t have an SAP or Hyperion or Oracle is really more in the, you know, the reporting phase, the things it can do once the numbers are formatted correctly. It’s almost mind boggling now that the danger there is you can have too many reports. I can produce 30, 40 reports, but it’d be too much, you know, information. And that’s the, so when people talk about, well, I got QuickBooks. or even got Power BI, if you don’t have someone there to interpret it for you, to say, well, this is actually what this is telling you, it’s a very limited value. Like we were, again, using the Matrix example of it’s great, but if I can’t take any actions based off of it, then I don’t really want to do it.
00:31:15 – Rico Figliolini
Right. And I can see that in a world where a company might have two, three, or four different credit lines using them for a variety of reasons. Well, the financial planner might come in and say, why do we have these two where your APR, your interest rate is this high, you’re actually utilizing the wrong credit line or, you know, there could be a variety of things there, right? Let’s look a little bit at experience. As a founding member of Peachtree Corners, the city of Peachtree Corners since 2012, how has the involvement in local government influenced your business perspective? Has that influenced it at all? And where does that go?
00:31:57 – Alex Wright
The thing that I, kind of a, not a comparison, but an analogy is, I was talking to someone about this the other day where we started the city. There was an election to whether to have a city, and then there was an election to elect a council. So we had seven people who, for the most part, didn’t know each other. And I mean that was the city, there was no city staff there was no anything. So the reason that’s relevant it’s almost like a startup where we’re like okay we need to find someone, it’s like you don’t know what you don’t know. You had to go find people to kind of help us get started and then there’s those growing pains of whether it be the relationships amongst the council or you know finding the right people from a staff standpoint to be part of a city startup because if you think about all the cities in the country, very few new cities. That idea of a new city, it’s not unique to Georgia but you know prior to say like 2005 that wasn’t something that was happening here. So it’s that, there’s only certain people that want to take that risk. I guess it was kind of like going from a big corporation to a startup, it’s you got to have the right you know mindset and you know kind of fire in your belly to do it so it’s being part of something and seeing it grow from you know literally the seven of us in a room one day like meeting each other to you know what there is now. It’s what I envision starting a company would would be like. And you know maybe the the comparisons aren’t you know the correlation not completely you know accurate but I would think for sure there’s some you know similarities those same kind of decisions we had to make about bringing the right people in at the right time and you know just being able to get along. Because at a smaller company I would think those relationships are, the importance of them are more pronounced because there’s fewer people. Versus at a larger corporation not that the relationships aren’t important but you know the success or the failure of say like working at the home depot headquarters is it going to be based on you know just a you know my relationship with somebody because there’s 400,000 people that work there.
00:34:17 – Rico Figliolini
Yeah, I think part of it too is you’re starting, you know, the city started with just, you know, with a certain amount of revenue because it took over some of that revenue being a city, franchise taxes, business licenses, but you also grew into a budget. And then as the city grew financially, I know it’s not a business, but you all treated it to some degree as a business, right? You didn’t spend money you didn’t have, or if you did there was a reason you knew where the revenue might come in from whether it was a grant or a loan or whatever it was. I’ve got to say that the city has overall done it responsibly. So has any of that informed the way you know or have you used your experience there you know working with that type of finance too?
00:35:08 – Alex Wright
So, you know the analogy I use sometimes with people is like the city council relationship, say, to the city manager is similar to in a company, a board of directors to a CEO. So that, you know, being a role, you know, because I was never on a board of directors at a company, you’ve got to be way up or probably older than me normally, you know, to be in that role of coming up with policies and then entrusting someone to execute those, you know, definitely gives you a different perspective. You know, running an organization because my career had been on the implementing people’s policy, you know, taking that directive from on high and implementing it and, you know, bringing it to some results. So to have that perspective from the other side has been, I think, good because, you know, I sit there and think about not too many people get that opportunity to be on the other side of the, you know, the table, if you will, to come up with policies. And trust other people, find the right people to enact those and make them successful.
00:36:20 – Rico Figliolini
Going from other experiences, your military service as a naval officer, has that also provided any experience that you’ve drawn on? Excuse my black cat.
00:36:34 – Alex Wright
No, you’re okay. That was a little more tricky. I think the thing that, where that part comes in, and this was really more about, you know, the why of, you know, I wanted to get into this type of work. Because when I was making the decision to leave corporate America, you know, I was in a position from a career standpoint, financial standpoint, a personal standpoint, you know, kids rolling off the payroll. There’s an opportunity here to do something different. And I did a, I don’t know if you know what a SWOT analysis is, but strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, did like a SWOT analysis of myself and thought, what is it that, you know, now in this situation where I don’t have as much responsibility as far as taking care of other people, like what really brings me, you know, satisfaction, fulfillment, besides just, you know, helping a company get that EPS each quarter. And, you know, the common theme as I looked at all these different things I’ve been involved in. I looked at my military experience, looked at serving on the city council. I looked at the 20 years I coached kids sports. All three of those things are thinking, how the heck are those three related to each other? But the common theme, because each one of those brought me satisfaction in different ways, was that you’re helping other people in each of those instances. You’re serving other people. You’re making other people either successful or in the case of, you know, the military is really about, you know, serving the nation, but it was doing stuff for other people. Again, differently. And I thought, how do I take these skills that I’ve built up over 25 years and do that in a way where I can help other people be successful? Because one of the things I would constantly hear from small business owners is, we were kind of talking about it before where they’re really good at you know that making the pencils or whatever it is but they struggle with finance because that’s not what their you know expertise is. And in a lot of instances can’t afford you know to bring somebody in or they don’t they don’t need someone full-time. And as I learned more about that industry I thought this could really fill that that impulse, if you will, you know, I’ve got about how can I help other people be successful? And in a way where you go in, you take this person’s got their whole life’s work tied up in this business. Their heart and soul in it. And to be able to go in and help them eliminate or alleviate some of their pain points that are preventing them from being successful. That really appealed to me much more than, well, I’m just going to go back into I’m going to call it the matrix of corporate america life we’re just going to you know get that EPS up three cents. You get to a certain point in life where like I’d really like to a bit of focus more on giving back. Just like with the you know city council it pays eight thousand dollars a year an occasional free t-shirt but you just have a great sense of satisfaction when you go out to the Town Center and you see like the the playgrounds and stuff we’ve built out there and you see all those people enjoying themselves you think you know I had a some small part of you know bringing that you know joy to these other people so it’s that same you know you want to do the same thing but in this different you know industry.
00:40:16 – Rico Figliolini
Now and I can see that. I mean you brought a lot, you’re passionate about the things you do. We were talking about a little bit about the industries that you’re passionate in, the areas of like CrossFit and stuff. So, you know, a person that’s driven that way and that’s sharing. I mean, you’re doing the Memorial Day Challenge for kids on Fort Payne, which is our obstacle course. That’s probably one of the best in the city, if not the best. So I can see that. I mean, giving back to the community and all that. And working with entrepreneurs, startup businesses, or even just businesses that have been around for a while, providing them with information. And you’re right. Some people, number one, either they think they can’t afford it, but they really can’t ignore it, right? Because if they’re going to grow their business, they really need to know what those numbers mean. And, you know, I mean, you’re right. Bank statement or even a QuickBook report. I mean, fine, so you can see your business is growing, you can see its profitability, but you may not see the things that are coming, which those numbers can tell you. It’s almost like being a futurist with it, right? Or being able to tell the future with numbers, if you will. And those numbers don’t lie to a degree. So giving back to the community as a business leader, as a political leader, I mean, I know that’s part of what you do. The relationships you’re building with Burn the Ships Financial, I mean, you just started out. This is your first few months in business. And you want to be able to give the feedback that you can to them. So tell me what, you know, what do you look ahead? What’s your company’s long-term goals? We’re towards the end of our interview here. So I just want to know where you think you’re going, where you want to be in a couple of years. What type of clients, what industry maybe. What do you want to be? Tell me.
00:42:24 – Alex Wright
So one of the things that I’ve done you know as I was learning about other companies that play in this space you know some of their you know limitations whether it be bandwidth or skill set. One of the things I did is I reached out to a lot of former colleagues and said hey would you be interested in going on this journey with me? Like hey, don’t quit your job but you know would you like to you know partner with me on this? And literally every person I reached out to was like, yes, I would love to do this with you. They were very excited about it. The reason that’s relevant is, it gives us a scope of skills and bandwidth that I would argue most of these other companies just don’t have because they don’t have access to these people that have worked in companies. The reason I mentioned that to your question is, some of these folks that are really you know fired up about you know doing the business initially, I was just, I’m just going to do it myself and take on four or five six customers you know that have compelling stories but as these other folks really wanted to get involved you know I’ve been rethinking that just see how things go but you know it could be that things take off and we’re able to some of these folks come on board we might you know make it a bigger plan. I just wasn’t expecting the level of response I got about how excited people wanted to do this as well. So that’s TBD, obviously. We’ll just see how that goes. But money is a very personal thing, whether it be our personal money or a business’s money. It’s really about trust. And obviously, you’ve got to build that over time. I’m anticipating, you know, it’s going to take several months where, hey, you got to inform people they have moved into this space and you’re spending a whole lot of time meeting with people and just telling them what I’m doing and, you know, getting the word out that I’m here to, you know, get involved to help people be successful. So we’re just, we’re going to have to wait and see how that goes. See what kind of growth opportunities there are. But, you know, Peachtree Corners, that’s over, I want to say about 2,500 businesses. They’re not all in the space that I’m looking to get involved in, but it’s a great location to be in, in terms of this industry.
00:44:51 – Rico Figliolini
For sure. We’re a growing city, so it’s never-ending. We’ve been speaking to Alex Wright with Burn the Ships Financial. Just started a startup of his own. A city councilman with City of Peachtree Corners here as well. Alex, I appreciate you being with us. Can you tell people where they can find more information about you, your website, your contact info?
00:45:15 – Alex Wright
Yes. So website is just like the company name, Burn the Ships Financial. We got that up a few weeks ago. And that’s probably the best place to go. It’s got my contact info and some of my partner’s contact info on there. Yeah, that’s going to have all my info. I was going to say you could go to the city website, but at this point, everything you would need would be on the company website.
00:45:46 – Rico Figliolini
In fact, on the homepage, there’s a phone number, email address, and a schedule a consultation button. So it is burntheshipsfinancial.com that you should all visit. And check out Alex Wright and his team and the services they provide. Hang with me for a second, Alex, but everyone else, thank you for joining us. Appreciate your support. Appreciate the support of evremodelinginc.com and Vox Pop Uli as well for supporting our podcast as well as the magazines and the digital work that we do, newsletters and all that, and the journalism that we produce. So thanks again to everyone. Alex, appreciate you being here. And if you all have any comments, leave it in the comment box, depending where you are. YouTube, Facebook, or just email Alex and he’ll be able to answer your questions.
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