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City of Peachtree Corners

City of Peachtree Corners Installs Bioswales on Bankers Industrial



To assist with water quality and lessen the impacts of potential flooding, earlier this year, the City of Peachtree Corners installed a bioswale on Bankers Industrial Drive. A bioswale is a shallow, landscaped depression in the ground that collects, filters and treats stormwater runoff. Bioswales are designed to reduce flooding, filter pollutants and slow runoff.

This project began as an offshoot of the Georgia Environmental Protection Department’s Nancy Creek Watershed Improvement Plan.  The city participated due to the headwaters of Nancy Creek being located inside Peachtree Corners city limits around Bankers Industrial Drive.  

To help fund the project, the city applied for and was awarded federal Section 319(h) funds of $400,000 for design and construction. The city was then required to provide a local match of $392,749.  

About the project

The Bankers Industrial area is heavily urbanized, with many impervious areas, including large buildings, parking lots and connecting road networks, which are common in industrial complexes. The area typically sheds large volumes of stormwater runoff, which has caused localized flooding and water quality impacts downstream in the tributary of Nancy Creek.

This project installed 10 (ten) linear bioretention cells/bioswales totaling up to 13,000 square feet in area within the city right-of-way along Bankers Industrial Drive. The linear bioretention cells/bioswales were installed as a retrofit into the landscaped areas adjacent to parking lots, roadways and/or large rooftops within the existing stormwater drainage system. The bioswales infiltrate and treat stormwater before its discharge to the existing system.

As the system previously existed, most stormwater infrastructure discharged directly to the Nancy Creek tributary without any treatment or attenuation since the area was developed before the current Georgia Stormwater Management Manual (GSMM) design standards.

This project demonstrates watershed improvements by retrofitting and installing updated stormwater controls, green infrastructure and stormwater treatment within a heavily urbanized area while leveraging dedicated funding sources, including the city’s stormwater utility.

Environmental benefits

In addition to managing nonpoint source pollution, the project provides several other environmental benefits, including the reduction in volume and rate of runoff flow into the tributary of Nancy Creek.

The excessive volume generated by impervious surfaces in the headwaters of the watershed has damaged the health of the tributary downstream, impacting aquatic habitat and increasing the sediment loads carried into Nancy Creek.

This project is expected to infiltrate approximately 4 million gallons of runoff per year and provide an effective solution for addressing water quality impacts by addressing runoff reduction and infiltrating stormwater runoff.

For more information, visit peachtreecornersga.gov/civicalerts.

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City of Peachtree Corners

Peachtree Corners State of the City 2024



Aerial view of Peachtree Corners at night as the sun sets. Peachtree Corners State of the City 2024 in green, blue and white text is laid over the image and the PTC logo is in the bottom right corner.

Mayor Mike Mason welcomes residents to the 2024 State of the City address, emphasizing that the city’s success is a team effort, and introduces you to members of the City of Peachtree Corners team.

The Town Center, which celebrated its 5th anniversary, continues to thrive as a community gathering space. Recent upgrades include improved lighting, Wi-Fi, security, a new drainage system, a dog park, a tot-lot playground and additional seating and shade. Overlook Garden was also built as a memorial to Debbie Mason.

The Peachtree Corners Pedestrian Bridge has further unified the city’s downtown, spurring redevelopment at The Forum with housing, retail and entertainment options.

Technology and public safety

Curiosity Lab, a key innovation hub, has supported over 150 companies in testing smart city technology. The lab has enhanced public safety, transportation and economic development, adding 2,700 jobs and supporting 84 startups.

The newly launched Marshal’s Office enhances security with advanced technology, including AI-powered cameras and drones. Communication with residents is also improving through a new city app and website upgrades.

Smart growth

Peachtree Corners remains Gwinnett County’s most business-focused city, with strategic zoning and development plans ensuring smart growth. Infrastructure projects, including road improvements, a new park and expanded trails continue enhancing the city.

Mayor Mason concludes by celebrating the city’s achievements, crediting its dedicated team and engaged residents.

Watch the State of the City

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City of Peachtree Corners

Peachtree Corners and ConnVAS Collaborate on Intelligent Crosswalk Technology



Pedestrian Crossing and One Way signs in a suburban neighborhood. There are power lines overhead and trees in the background.

Live pilot in Georgia smart city showcases groundbreaking advancements in pedestrian safety and roadway technology 

Peachtree Corners — one of the nation’s first smart cities powered by real-world connected infrastructure and 5G — has announced a collaboration for a pilot project with ConnVAS, an innovator in advanced traffic and pedestrian safety solutions.

The pilot launched outside of Pinckneyville Middle School, addresses the safety challenges of busy crosswalks by testing how real-time, AI-driven detection can reduce accidents and create a safer environment for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers by activating alerts, even when pedestrians do not activate crosswalk signals.  

An AI-driven computing system

The pilot utilizes ConnVAS’s MAGIC (Multi-Access Generic Infrastructure Controller), AI-driven edge computing system, which incorporates cameras mounted on RRFB poles (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon) to monitor pedestrian and vehicle movement, V2X transceivers for real-time vehicle-to-infrastructure communication and an integrated audio-visual alert system.

ConnVAS AI-driven tech used for safe crosswalks
photo courtesy of City of Peachtree Corners and ConnVAS

When the system detects a pedestrian or cyclist using the crosswalk, crossing outside of the crosswalk lines or a vehicle approaching the crosswalk, each of its technologies work together in real time to immediately activate alerts to both the users of the crosswalk and incoming drivers — even if the pedestrians did not press the crosswalk buttons.

The system also continually collects anonymous data such as felonies, near-misses and pedestrian and vehicle counts for ongoing analysis of crosswalk usage and traffic.  

“Peachtree Corners is dedicated to implementing technology solutions that address real-world safety challenges for our residents,” said Brandon Branham, executive director of Curiosity Lab.

“The ConnVAS system provides an innovative solution to common safety hazards such as pedestrians crossing outside of designated areas, failure to press crosswalk buttons and drivers failing to detect pedestrians or cyclists in time,” he continued.

One Way and Pedestrian Crossing signs in a suburban neighborhood with power lines overhead and trees in the background. Logos from city of Peachtree Corners, ConnVAS and Curiosity Lab are on top of the image
photo courtesy of City of Peachtree Corners and ConnVAS

“By integrating advanced AI detection and real-time alerts, this ConnVAS pilot enhances safety in an area where our residents need it the most today, while also generating actionable insights that can guide our development of smarter, more responsive infrastructure in the future. We are excited to be continuing the pilot program to continue to gain insights in how we can improve our city for our residents.”  

Collecting data and observing patterns

Preliminary results from the pilot program that were extracted from a midweek 72-hour period, show distinct patterns that can better help city managers ensure roadways are safe and efficient for VRUs (vulnerable road users) and drivers.

At the pilot location, ConnVAS reported over 220 pedestrian crossings for more than 70 crossing events, with only three false alarms. The system consistently and successfully activated flashing beacons and audio alerts in real time, ensuring those crossing the road and oncoming drivers were promptly warned.

Additionally, traffic data collected by the system is being used to evaluate the technology’s impact and will aid city officials in making informed decisions about improving road safety and urban planning in specific locations.  

Pedestrian crossing sign with lights in a suburban neighborhood
photo courtesy of City of Peachtree Corners and ConnVAS

“The pilot we are conducting in Peachtree Corners has been instrumental in refining our technology and demonstrating its impact in a real-world environment,” said Danny Frydman, founder and CEO of ConnVAS. “Through continuous testing and data analysis, we’ve been able to improve the accuracy of our system’s AI detection, ensuring faster and more reliable activation of alerts. This has directly enhanced the safety of the area by addressing critical challenges, including missed warnings for pedestrians and cyclists or delayed driver awareness.”

“The insights gained from this pilot are helping us evolve the software to adapt to complex traffic scenarios and create safer, smarter intersections everywhere,” Frydman added. “We hope to scale this solution throughout the city as the pilot and technology continues to develop.”

Evaluating features

The ConnVAS pilot in Peachtree Corners is continuing to evaluate various features, including autonomous operation features that eliminate the need for manual button presses and reduce false alarms, cyclist-friendly designs and V2X connectivity to communicate with connected vehicles to alert drivers of crosswalk activity.

Additional capabilities such as dynamic illumination based on pedestrian location are also being explored to further enhance VRU safety. 

About ConnVAS

ConnVAS is an innovator in advanced traffic and pedestrian safety solutions. At the core of ConnVAS solutions is the ConnVAS MAGIC — an AI-driven edge computing traffic detector. The MAGIC stands at the heart of ConnVAS enhanced RRFB, intelligent signalized intersection and traffic analytics solutions.

Providing edge computing solutions that include AI detection, V2X communication and diverse interfaces, ConnVAS enhances the safety and efficiency of the transportation environment.

For more information, visit connvas.com.

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City of Peachtree Corners

PTC NEW Events Calendar for 2025



The City of Peachtree Corners has a lot of great events planned for 2025. From the return of concerts and flicks on the Town Green, to holiday happenings, ongoing classes and community fun, you’ll find it here!

So, check the calendar and save the dates!

2025 Events calendar for Peachtree Corners

To see more of what’s happening throughout the city and in your community you can also visit PTC’s new Online Community Calendar, which launched January 20.

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