The Peachtree Corners Festival, a beloved local event that brings together residents and visitors for a weekend of community spirit, entertainment and good vibes, is back...
The Peachtree Corners Business Association (PCBA) awarded a check for $500 to Paint Gwinnett Pink on July 25 at the PCBA Business After Hours Speaker event. Paint Gwinnett Pink is...
Berkeley Lake second graders make fans across the globe with sweet children’s story. When rescue dog Apollo found his forever home with Megan and Mackenzie Grant,...
With community development director Diana Wheeler stepping down to pursue a consulting career, Peachtree Corners city leadership turned a challenge into an opportunity. In January, Shaun...
The role team sports play in building authentic relationships is pretty apparent, especially the relationship between a coach and the individual players. Showing strength often means...
Diana Wheeler starts her own consulting business When a city is established, there’s a lot to do to get it going. One of the most important...
Rooted Interiors, a new non-profit organization dedicated to transforming lives through design, has announced the completion of its largest transformation project to date. With a commitment...
For more than two decades, Dr. Sunit Singhal has been a member of the Peachtree Corners community. In February 2001, he opened Suburban Medical Center, making...
What started 20 years ago with two Texas moms looking for ways to get their sons involved in community service projects while spending quality time together...
Peachtree Corners resident Adam Pomeranz will celebrate 20 years at a place of hope where hundreds of adults are served each day. That place is Annandale...