
Christ the King Lutheran Church Welcomes New Pastor Jay Bergstresser



Pastor Jay greets one of his youngest congregants as the family arrives at church. (Photo provided by photographer Jeffery Wheeler and Liz Simmons.)

First days on the job are always difficult. Now imagine starting a new position as a pastor amid an unprecedented pandemic. That is the challenge facing Pastor Jay Bergstresser, who served his first official Sunday on September 20 at Christ the King Lutheran Church (CtK) in Peachtree Corners.

Despite the struggles that the pastor is bound to face in his new church home, serving a diverse congregation that needs guidance in these trying times, Pastor Jay seems wholly optimistic about his latest placement.

“I love being a pastor. It’s something I always wanted to do and have always enjoyed,” Pastor Jay said.

A background of faith

Pastor Jay’s father was also a man of the cloth, so Pastor Jay grew up in the church surrounded by strong Christian family values. Pastor Jay has served in two other Lutheran churches, the first was Grace Lutheran in Berwick, Pennsylvania, and then Resurrection Lutheran Church in Cocoa Beach, Florida. He served in Cocoa Beach for over 24 years.

In the Lutheran tradition, they have what is referred to as “the call process.” Not unlike a secular dating site, churches in need of pastors, and pastors looking for a change, write descriptions of who they are and what they are looking for in a profile.

“When I read the profile for Christ the King, I knew that it would be a perfect match. The church’s call committee felt the same way about me. They are a wonderful congregation,” Pastor Jay said.

Leaders at CtK have plenty positive to say about Pastor Jay.

“Pastor Jay is a warm, caring person who cannot wait to get out and meet the congregation members and people in our community,” said Lee Davis, Office Manager at CtK. “Pastor Jay is going to be very engaged in the community. He asked how he can get connected in Peachtree Corners events. I’m hoping that [through him] Christ the King gets known in the community as a warm, friendly and welcoming church.”

Worship during the pandemic

Currently, two in-person services are held each Sunday at the church; 8:45 a.m. is the traditional worship service and 11:15 a.m. has a more casual contemporary format. There are many safety protocols in place, including a face mask requirement. The full list of safety precautions can be found at

Pastor Jay posts devotions three times a week on the church’s social channels. Several Zoom gatherings are also held, in addition to the 11:15 a.m. service that is recorded online and posted every Sunday. There are plans to potentially use the large parking lots for socially distanced events once the weather cools down.

“I’m proud of the social distancing, sanitation and mask wearing rules that the church has in place to keep attendees safe. The church also has an amazing music program led by Grammy-nominated composer and pianist, John Burke,” said Pastor Jay.

Creativity in the face of adversity appears to be the cornerstone of leadership that Pastor Jay hopes to usher in. All this busyness and activity must weigh on him at times, so it is fortunate he has a great support system in his wife Lisa and their two adult children, Anna and Renee.

Pastor Jay seems content to call Peachtree Corners his new home and to serve his community. “I love Peachtree Corners!” he said. “The people I’ve met at the church have been so friendly and welcoming. I’ve also found that out in the community…so I’m right at home.”


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