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City Manager: City Marshal Regs and Policies, Pickleball Feasibility Study, Weather Preparations and More



What’s the function of a City Council Work Session that is open to the public? The upcoming meeting will see a discussion of proposed City Marshal regulations and policies and the presentation of the Pickleball Feasibility study. We also discussed with the city manager the construction of an innovative EV charging station and the ongoing city commitment to sustainability, public safety, and community well-being. Plus, the latest updates on infrastructure improvements, the ongoing programs to address stormwater issues and power outages, and housing initiatives.

[00:00:00] – Introduction
[00:02:15] – Explanation of Work Session and Its Purpose
[00:04:18] – Parking Deck Design
[00:09:18] – City Marshal Regulations and Policies
[00:15:02] – Discussion on Pickleball Facility Feasibility Study
[00:20:10] – Preparing for Hurricane Season and Power Outages
[00:31:48] – Protecting Power Lines and Using Underground Lines
[00:34:47] – Solis Development and Its Start Date
[00:35:50] – Broadstone Development and Its Progress
[00:37:00] – Other Ongoing Construction Projects and Improvements
[00:39:48] – Trailheads and Affordable Housing
[00:43:16] – Peachtree Corners Festival and the Electrify Expo
[00:44:44] – Park Improvements and Housing Initiatives
[00:46:15] – Closing

“Where we run into a problem is when trees are into live power lines, we can’t cut those trees and remove them by blocking roads until the power company shuts off the power. So it all depends on how many crews they have out and how many trees that are still laying in live power lines is how fast we can clear the road and how fast you get power. The best way to alleviate this, they remove those limbs hanging over a power line… But it’s also controversial.”

BRian johnson

Podcast Transcript

Rico Figliolini 0:00:00

Hey everyone. This is Rico Figliolini, host of Peachtree Corners Life. I thank you for coming and joining us for Prime Lunchtime with the City Manager. Hey, Brian. How are you?

Brian Johnson 0:00:10

Good. How are you?

Rico Figliolini 0:00:11

Good seeing you again. It’s been a while. I know we’ve been sort of a week past our normal stuff, so I appreciate you making time for me. I do want to share with everyone our sponsors and thank them. So we have EV Remodeling, Inc. A company that does a lot of design and build and a lot of renovation work here in the City of Peachtree Corners and in the metro area. Eli. The owner lives here in Peachtree Corners. Great family. They do great work. You should check them out. We do appreciate the support of our podcasts and our advertising in our magazines. So go to Evremodelinginc.com and find out a little bit more about them as well. Our other lead sponsors, Clearwave Fiber, they do a lot of Internet. All of it is internet for business and residential. They do a lot of work in the City of Peachtree Corners. In fact, you’ll find some of the highlighted businesses that are clients of theirs that have taken on their service for their work and their businesses. You’ll find some of those profiles appearing in Peachtree Corners magazine over the next few months to learn a little bit more about how those companies work here in the city. You may not even realize they exist here and also see how Clearwave works for them. So check them out. Clearwave Fiber. If you Google them, Peachtree Corners, you’ll see exactly what they’re doing here. So I want to thank them also for being a sponsor of these podcasts and our magazine. OK, now that I’ve done that and thanked everyone, there’s a lot of stuff that I just want to get into. But the biggest part is the upcoming work session, Brian and people may not realize what that is, so work session is the session that’s held prior to a city council meeting which is held once a month. Both of them are held once a month. And that work session is really to work through the process and seeing proposals and presentations prior to that city council meeting. So this way the city council can probably have their questions during that session answered during that city council meeting.

Brian Johnson 0:02:15

And in addition to prepping council for what’s going to be put in front of them for formal votes, it gives council opportunities to provide input and staff has time to make adjustments from the time between when I present council stuff at the work session and then the two weeks later the city council meeting. So we make tweaks to certain things. No votes are taken at a work session. It’s kind of the sleeves rolled up type of discussion. I also put stuff in front of council that don’t actually require formal action, but I want their guidance on things or I’ll take their temperature on stuff. It’s an informal meeting, but it’s a public meeting and council is there in their capacity as members of the governing body. And they’re getting ready these issues, ready for formal action at the subsequent council meeting.

Rico Figliolini 0:03:14

So there’s no obviously this is a work session, so there’s no public comments here, but anyone’s welcome to come visit and listen into these work sessions.

Brian Johnson 0:03:23

That’s correct. They’re public meeting, there is no public comment. So there’s no interaction with council. There’s no votes taken by council.

Rico Figliolini 0:03:31

Right. And just so then people know, I think originally there were two council meetings, I think a month when the city first started or something like that.

Brian Johnson 0:03:39

No, there was still only one. But they did the work session on the same night as council meeting. They would do it persona. The problem with that is when you go a month between getting council together, it can be problematic when you sometimes need I need interaction with them. And so I split that out. And so now it’s every two weeks they get together. One is the work session and then one is the council meeting. So it makes it to where I get them in a room often enough that I can get the answers I need or get them prepared for the votes I need.

Rico Figliolini 0:04:18

Right. So this is happening September twelveTH, Tuesday, and it may happen a little earlier than normal, it sounds like, because it’s going to be a packed meeting. So that’s what I want to talk about. I want to talk about what’s going to be going on in that meeting a little bit. Let’s start with so for example, the parking deck is going to be brought up. It’s going to be the design of the parking deck is going to be presented. Talk a little bit about correct. I’m sorry, I should have been more clear. And this is the parking deck that will be built behind Belk’s, if I’m correct.

Brian Johnson 0:04:52

Right next to Belk. Yeah. That big open surface parking lot that they have there is where the parking deck will go in. And the parking deck’s purpose is to replace the parking stalls that are being removed on the main boulevard of the Forum for those public spaces and the jewel box stores that are going in, well, they’re taking up parking and we need to replace it. So the design of that parking deck and how it’ll screen itself from the neighboring residents is the last piece of the Forum’s rezoning that they needed to do. And that is council had to approve the design of the parking deck. So that’s one of the items that they’ll see, the renderings of it and they’ll make any comments.

Rico Figliolini 0:05:44

I’ve forgotten how many floors, how many spots will be roughly in that deck.

Brian Johnson 0:05:50

Think it’s going to be three floors, or call it two covered floors. And then the top floor is open to the elements.

Rico Figliolini 0:05:56


Brian Johnson 0:05:58

It’s 300 and some change spots.

Rico Figliolini 0:06:02

Yeah, that’s what I thought, because anyone that goes through the Forum now obviously can’t go through all the Forum because of near Jason’s Deli. That’s where they’re building that two story or two floors, I guess, jewel boxes back there. And hopefully that should be finished when they said that was going to be finished, but not too far into the future, I’m sure. A few more months. It looks like they’re really on their way to getting that done. And that parking deck, I think, if I remember correctly, one of the options was also talked about sealing the wall park facing Amberfield. So this way there’s no, like it’s a full solid wall on the back there versus open.

Brian Johnson 0:06:41

That is correct. It is a solid wall as it faces the neighboring residence, so there won’t be any light pollution of headlights as cars make turns inside or park. So that’s part of it.

Rico Figliolini 0:06:54

Anything special? Any special features like EV charging station? Anything special that will be done to it?

Brian Johnson 0:07:01

There are going to be EV charging stalls. It’s going to have security cameras. It has special lighting to keep the light pollution down that are built into hooded locations along the walls. So the purpose of it is just to provide a parking deck that looks good from the outside. It ties in architecturally with the rest of the form, so it’s going to look the same as the current architectural features. And it screens the neighboring residents so they don’t have to have their quality of life affected by the operations within the parking deck.

Rico Figliolini 0:07:42

Right. I would imagine there would be immediate access from that parking deck through between the buildings to get to the forum. I guess. I’m not sure how they’re adjusting that.

Brian Johnson 0:07:51

But there is there’ll be two ways to get to the parking deck. One is under the arch right there by the big fountain.

Rico Figliolini 0:07:57


Brian Johnson 0:07:58

The other would be coming around the backside by Ted’s Montana grill. That would be the other way to get to and from the parking deck. There won’t be any way to get there from the north side of the.

Rico Figliolini 0:08:14

Start. That construction is going to start probably, I guess, somewhere in first quarter.

Brian Johnson 0:08:18


Rico Figliolini 0:08:20

Do they know how long it’ll take to finish? Any estimate?

Brian Johnson 0:08:23

Nine months.

Rico Figliolini 0:08:24

Really? Okay. All right.

Brian Johnson 0:08:26

And once it’s done, they can start removing the remainder of the parking stalls in the middle boulevard, heading down towards and finishing up in front of Belk.

Rico Figliolini 0:08:36

Right. According to the plans, it looks like that’s where an entertainment stage would be built and some of the jewel boxes and a concierge area and stuff. Cool. So anyone that wants to come see, there will be plans presented of what this is going to look like, and then it’ll be taken up at the next city council meeting. And that’s where a vote would be. That next city council meeting.

Brian Johnson 0:08:59

Correct. September 26, two weeks later is when council would formally approve that via a vote. But they’ll see the designs in case they have questions and provide input. Yeah, have questions, and there might be some tweaking. They’re like, oh, we don’t like that. We like x. We like y better, or whatever.

Rico Figliolini 0:09:18

Right? All right, cool. So the other big thing that’s going to be happening at that work session will be discussion with city marshal and the regulations they’re going to be in place. Stuff like do you do car chases? What do you use it for? A bunch of things like that. But also the design of the vehicles. The vehicle wrap is going to be presented as well. So tell us a little bit about what type of regulations are going to be discussed and is there anything surprising along the way that you found, or tell us something.

Brian Johnson 0:09:51

So our city marshals are going to be post certified law enforcement officers. So they’re going to have the exact same authority that you would have as somebody who calls themselves a police officer. But when you have that, you’ve got to have policies in place to regulate how they use that authority. That come with being post certified law enforcement officers. So, for instance, use of force, what kind of guidelines are we going to give them to, say, the escalation of force or high speed pursuit, or when are they going to be authorized to chase a vehicle at a high rate of speed, turn on their sirens, things like that? You’ve got other little things like the vehicle use policy. Where can they drive the vehicle, how far? Because we’re letting them do use them as take home vehicles, which is very common the law enforcement community, and how far out do you let them drive? And then even the design of some of their uniforms and the wrap of the vehicles will be discussed so that, you know, this is all getting them in preparation for the November council meeting. And why that’s important is by November, I will have the chief marshal in place. I just concluded my interviews. We advertised for the position, and I just concluded last week my series of interviews of candidates. And I’ll start the negotiation of our first candidate to see about all the typical stuff, money and everything like that, right. We’ll have the chief marshal in place by November, and we’ll have the policies in place by then. We can have the vehicles wrapped by then, and all those things that you need. The intergovernmental agreements with some of the surrounding law enforcement agencies. And there’s a lot of know, like, how do we tie into the radios that Gwinnett County uses? That’s really important because they’re still our primary police department getting access to and set up so that our marshals can look at the entirety of our video surveillance system that we have in the city. We have a significant amount of cameras getting all those things accessed. I will be ready by November. And so the November city council meeting, we’re going to have a formal call it swearing in ceremony, where they’ll be sworn in as marshals, which theoretically is symbolic because they already have the authority. But that’ll be when we’ll invite the media. They’ll be available for interviews, we’ll kind of talk a little bit more about it. That is when they’re ready to start going out into the community and you’ll start seeing them out there doing their thing. Prior to that, I need to again have the policies that sets their left and right limit and we’re not quite there. So council is going to be fed policies over the next three work session and city council meetings in preparation for that November. So some of the ones on the September work session are going to be some of those policies like use of force and high school.

Rico Figliolini 0:13:22

When they vote on that, that would be in November, I’m assuming. Will there be public comment at that point on the regulations? How does that work? If citizens want to review it?

Brian Johnson 0:13:36

Policy would be adopted via ordinance, which has a public hearing component. So when it is presented, the public will certainly be able to make comment on the policy.

Rico Figliolini 0:13:52

And that would happen in November, I guess the public comment as well, or private.

Brian Johnson 0:13:57

Anytime, any of these, each of these policies requires a separate vote. Okay, so like use of force as individual officers, that’s a vote because that’s a standalone policy. Body cameras, when they’re turned on, when they’re supposed to be turned on, how long you store it, all that kind of stuff, that’s another policy and that’s voted on separately. So you’re going to have a series of these policies. It’s not just one amalgamation of all of these together, it’s individual policies that.

Rico Figliolini 0:14:29

So does that happen over time until November or in November?

Brian Johnson 0:14:33

Yeah, there’ll be a few over the next three council meetings.

Rico Figliolini 0:14:39

All right. So people should be aware of that. If they want to attend or put.

Brian Johnson 0:14:43

Up public, just look at, watch the website. The agendas go out no later than noon on Friday before the following Tuesday city council meeting. And if you see one of the policies on there that they’re voting on that’s of interest to you, then you’ll know that that’s the meeting that you should show up to.

Rico Figliolini 0:15:02

Got you. Cool. And the city wrap that design, the uniform design, that’s also all coming out at that work session on September twelveTH. Yes, I guess. All right, cool. These work sessions are great, like you said, because it just allows stuff to be discussed and get information or adjustments done before the actual city council meeting and vote. So that’s good. The city is doing that. The other thing, I guess, is with the hurricane season starting well, real quick, real quick, Rico. Sure.

Brian Johnson 0:15:36

One other thing you may want to talk about before we get off of the work session is the Pickleball study.

Rico Figliolini 0:15:42

Okay. All right. You’re right. That’s actually going to be presented prior to the beginning of the first thing of the work session.

Brian Johnson 0:15:50

Yeah, I mean, it’s part of the work session. We just may start the meeting early. Because that is the one thing that even though it’s a work session, I think council is going to open up the floor to anybody who’s there about the feasibility study. Because we had a lot of stakeholders that we invited to be part of this feasibility study. And we’ve invited them back, and we want them, as it’s fresh on their mind, the mayor is going to let if any of them have any comments that they want to make on it, they’ll do it there, which doesn’t usually happen at a work session, and it’ll only be that particular thing. But they’re going to open up the floor, buddy, make comments.

Rico Figliolini 0:16:33

So they’re going to make a presentation first and they’ll open up the floor. And if I understand correctly, is there anything you could say about that study prior to that meeting?

Brian Johnson 0:16:43

Yeah, what they’re going to do is they’re going to come back and they’re going to tell us how supportive our area, whether it’s inside of our corporate limits or the greater area outside our boundaries. But this part of north metro Atlanta, how much support there is for Pickleball, how big of a facility they think that should be constructed if we want to have a facility that’s hitting the sweet spot, it’s not too big, it’s not too small. And they’ve looked at really three different sizes of facilities and they’ll come back and they’ll tell us which one they think is the one that hits, that makes that tuning fork go off when it comes to use and support for it from the local community. So that’s the conclusion of the study as to which size would be that sweet spot for us to meet demand but not overbuild and not be able to fill it or don’t underbuild. Where is that, what number is that, how many are indoor, how many are outdoor, is there a food and beverage component? All of that is part of the study.

Rico Figliolini 0:17:57

Well, true. So, I mean, obviously a smaller ten quart place would really be more of an altar size, maybe going anywhere from a 24 to a 50 court or 40 court going from a regional to a national. They’re going to discuss, like you said, what that sweet spot is going to be for the city. And the city is going to be talking also about, or at least the proposal will talk about that private public partnership, what that could look like, I guess. Does the city take on the construction of it and then the rest of it is done by private industry? Or is it built with public private cooperation? That’s all going to be part of that discussion. I guess, or presentation.

Brian Johnson 0:18:40

Yeah, we can only go so far on that because one, I’m not going to have a private partner standing next to me saying we’ve already hammered out the details, we certainly can’t talk about location yet because we don’t currently own any property in which this would go.

Rico Figliolini 0:19:00

Will they make recommendations though, in the feasibility study as far as possible areas versus exact location?

Brian Johnson 0:19:08

Probably not, just because what it does is it makes it difficult for us to acquire it if somebody is like, oh, we heard that you’re interested because if a certain area of the city is conveyed to be a good place, you and I both know that you don’t have to know. There’s a lot of people that can then say, oh, they want this area of the city. Well the only place it makes sense is and then they can zero in on and so it just makes it difficult when you do that because when people think the city is the one or a city is the one behind a purchase, they’re like, oh, deep pockets, and then they start holding out for more money. So that’s why we can’t really I don’t want to get we certainly have locations that we have our eye on that we think it would work, but just if we talked about it yet, we could actually hurt ourselves and would have to pay more money than we might have to pay if we don’t.

Rico Figliolini 0:20:10

That also, I think if I remember correctly, that happened with the roundabout at Medlock Bridge when people found out that that’s where the roundabout was going to be before the property had to be purchased or parts of properties had to be purchased. Yeah, that was a bit of a problem at the time, I think. Oh yeah.

Brian Johnson 0:20:28

We had to ultimately condemn two of the slivers of property to get them to sell because their sale price was 300% higher than the appraised value.

Rico Figliolini 0:20:41

No doubt people want to make their money when they can, I guess. All right, cool. So people should be able to come, you should be able to attend and you should attend September twelveTH to find out more about these things. It’s going to be a heavy duty work session, probably a longer one than usual, I’m sure. So let’s also get on to a little bit about like I was saying before, the hurricane season is coming in. Some of these hurricanes are possibly going to be worse than usual. Certainly the category four that hit Florida and went through Florida, missed Peachtree corners. Really, we got some heavy rains, but it wasn’t bad. It had been worse and it skirted southeast of Georgia going up. But when I saw that, I think Bush Road got hit with no power at one point, I think during that or around that time. So a section of Bush Road, that area, those communities were without power for a few hours, I think. Does the city between power outages, possible floodings? We talked about this a little before and I didn’t even know this. I’ll admit that things are built based on a 50 year floodplain, a flood zone. I just assumed it was 100 or more. I didn’t realize it was only a 50 year mark. And people don’t even know. I think if you go to certain parks, you could actually see a 500 year mark of flood, a flood mark in some of the I saw that, I think it was Tilly Mill, one of the big parks. So we’ve been hit with major floods in certain parts of Gwinnett County at one time over the last 200 and 5500 years. Not to say that that would happen again, but how does the city look at weather, power outages? I know people sometimes next door say they say we’re a smart city, why do we keep when the wind blows, the power goes out or something? That’s a bit of an exaggeration, but sometimes I feel the same way when it’s not even storming and the power is going out or flickering. So how does the city address those things?

Brian Johnson 0:22:46

Well, let me unpack this and separate two components of what we really face in Peachtree Corners when it comes to severe weather and that’s flooding and power outage. Flooding, the city has much more of a direct role in that. So I’ll start with we’re part of the National Flood Insurance program with the federal government and FEMA, and we are also part of their community rating system, which is basically like ISO for fire, which is you get graded and the better you’re prepared for, say, fire, you get a better ISO rating. And the better ISO rating you get, the lower your homeowner’s insurance is, because insurance companies say, hey, we feel like that community is less apt to have a fire event destroy the property because the fire department and the water supply and everything is good. So we voluntarily enrolled in that program and we have a rating for the first time two years ago, I think we got, and we improved it last year, which helps everybody’s flood insurance, homeowners insurance, decrease the rate. But we have a stormwater management plan within the city and we do things and the stormwater user fee that you pay on your property tax bill every year, which is a fee based on how much impervious surface that you have in the city, which is surface that doesn’t allow water to percolate into the soil. So rooftop, driveway, sidewalk, things like that. What that goes to is the program of us managing the overall drainage infrastructure for the city. And we maintain, inspect and maintain and repair as needed. A lot of underground and even open drainage facilities, detention ponds, underground drainage lines, detention vaults, stream, bank restoration, keeping erosion from and we have creeks in the city, we have lakes in the city. We’ve got all this stuff that we have to manage because everybody’s water has to flow at some point into the public system. And that public system is our responsibility. So the city uses this money to both proactively make upgrades to our public drainage system and to make repairs. The result is we don’t necessarily have a flooding problem like a wholesale one. We do have isolated locations where you can get certain structures that are below grade and water flows kind of through their property, and we address it on a case by case basis, but we’re set up pretty well. One thing people have to remember is a lot of these subdivisions and homes were only designed back in the day to a 50 year flood event. And so that’s essentially like, handle rain that you would get once every 50 years. Well, weather has changed, and now we’re getting into 150 year flood events, and the standards have gone up on new builds. But we have a lot of subdivisions that were built 25 years older. And sometimes you just get a lot of water that hits in a very short period of time. And the drainage pipes can only handle so much water, and then water backs up until it’s like traffic. Rush hour is merely an example of trying to push so many cars down a road that has so many lanes all at once, and water is the same way. And so our flooding tends to be temporary when we have it in areas, and it just has got to let the system flush it out. But that’s the drainage part, the flooding part. Yes, it can happen when you get a lot of rain in a short period of time. Or I guess if we had a long rain, like days and days and days of it, where the water gets so soaked that it does not take any more water, that can also do it. But that is one now transitioning into electricity. As we all know, you lose electricity through a number of ways. Most of the time here, it’s due to falling trees or limbs into power lines. That’s how most of it happens here. Now, rain can actually, we could have an event. In fact, the storm, we had, what, two days ago? Two nights ago, we didn’t really have any high wind, we just had a lot of rain. And we actually had a really big tree fall into the roadway just because the ground got so saturated. It had been leaning just enough, and then just the roots were in ground that had become so that is one now when it comes to high winds, that can certainly wreak havoc. And when that happens, we react by having we had this, what, a month ago? Six weeks ago, we had the big.

Rico Figliolini 0:28:11

40, 50 miles an hour gust of.

Brian Johnson 0:28:13

Wind, not for long trees down here in the city. And our public works crews came in and started cutting trees that were blocking roads. Now, where we run into a problem is when trees are into live power lines, we can’t cut those trees and remove them by blocking roads until the power company shuts off the power. So it all depends on how many crews they have out and how many trees that are still laying in live power lines is how fast we can clear the road and how fast you get power. The best way to alleviate this, there’s the more inexpensive way, and that is Georgia Power goes through sections of the city, and they basically stand under the power lines. And they look up and they look at limbs that are hanging over the power lines and maybe a few trees that they feel are and they remove those. So a limb hanging over a power line falling doesn’t cut power because they’ve cut the limb back. And so that’s one way. And they have done that. We did a lot of that about a year and a half, two years ago in the Long Spalding Drive down at Neely Farm, gun and Road. There was a lot of it. East Jones Bridge. West Jones Bridge. They’re due to do another one of those. It’s also controversial. Sometimes people don’t like that, or sometimes the limbs that have to be removed are going to kill the tree. And so the whole tree has got to go. And some of those trees are actually not they’re on private property, and so some homeowners get upset about it. So that’s not without controversy either. So that’s one way to do it. And that’s the more inexpensive way to help protect the power lines. The best way is to what they call harden. And that is basically to bury and burying power lines is always the best way to protect and harden the system. But it’s very expensive.

Rico Figliolini 0:30:27

Has that been done and where has it been done in?

Brian Johnson 0:30:30

I mean, you know, you have know, Technology Park, all the power lines are buried, but in the neighbor residential neighborhoods, you oftentimes only have it inside the neighborhood. So, for instance, I live in Riverfield, inside a neighborhood, it’s buried. But where we tie in on East Jones Bridge is not. So if East Jones Bridge gets hit by a tree, we’re out of electricity. Now, power company also tries to do loop. They try to loop the electricity. So there’s a redundant or call it a secondary method to get electricity. So if you had a circle and there was a break in one part, you still have the ability to get electricity. The other way, that’s an expansion of the system. They try to do that as well, but it just comes down to money. And where Georgia Power is looking, there are other communities that have risks that are greater than ours. So I can’t speak on their process, but I do know that they use and we’ve loaned them or helped. Supplement their technology by using LiDAR to a form of radar to actually map where limbs were creating a risk to the lines. And so they’ve used technology to identify the more higher risk areas. But that’s the flooding and the electricity part and how it happens and how we address it. We certainly as a municipality are here when trees go down or blocking roads or people are stranded. We have an emergency response plan. We can stand up certain positions within the city. Our marshals will be another resource. When they start going out and work in the community in late November, they’re going to carry things like chainsaws in the trunk of their vehicles and they’ll be able to go out and do things like that. So it’s unfortunate. We all live with it. Weather is not getting any more calm.

Rico Figliolini 0:32:39

Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Since 95, I think, perceptibly I’ve seen more harsher weather happening here. Anecdotally anyway, I’ve seen it, it is not going to get better. And they’re even talking about a harsh winter maybe.

Brian Johnson 0:32:57

And then you can get ice on the power lines and they get too heavy and you get power poles that will fall because of that. Or power lines snap. Yeah. Burying it is always the best, but it’s expensive and it requires sometimes more property and people’s yards and front entrances of subdivisions. And I wish it was easy and inexpensive, but it isn’t. And so that’s where we’re at.

Rico Figliolini 0:33:27

I think people just, if they really are in need of electricity, for whatever reason, they should make sure they have a generator, a gas generator or generac, something that’s installed using gas or propane or something like that. If you really need it for some reason, that’s a good way of backing that up. I just want to go through a couple of quick things and then we could do a wrap. A couple of things I’m just curious about right at this point. Charlie Roberts, what we call the Charlie Roberts property, which is the property which is not Charlie Roberts property anymore. It was bought by a different company. I can’t pronounce the name right now. Thank you. And I could have if I had it written in front of me, maybe, but I think they’ve moved a few things. But when are they actually going to do you have any idea when they’re actually going to break ground behind Chase and HW Steakhouse there? I guess.

Brian Johnson 0:34:29

In November they’re going to start site work. The development is called solis. Solis. And they’re going to break ground in November or not break they’re going to start site work, prepping the pad for them to go vertical. But they’re going to start in November.

Rico Figliolini 0:34:47

Okay. And they’re probably going to take six to twelve months, I guess, to build it out.

Brian Johnson 0:34:51

Yeah, it’ll be a twelve month project.

Rico Figliolini 0:34:53

Yeah. So I mean, the other one that’s north of Racetrack and the wine store that Span, they’re already preselling. I don’t know if they finished any units yet. I think they might have some units finished, but they’re pre selling units there now. They’re actually doing tours. I think they actually have a complete unit or two. So they’re moving along, it sounds like.

Brian Johnson 0:35:16

Yeah, that’s broadstone. The apartment units. I do believe there’s a section that’s done, but the townhomes have gone vertical. You can see those ones closest to the liquor store there. And then they’ve got the office, the commercial building that was existing there, it’s being rebuilt. That’s going up right now, too. So I think most what they’re going vertical with has actually gone vertical.

Rico Figliolini 0:35:50

Lots of stuff going on. I think, obviously, intuitive, is further along where they want to be. Some of the building looks like it’s actually the outsides are actually a little closer to finish and they’re probably working on the inside as well. Quick trip demoing. There’s nothing that they have to they’re just going to build right on where they have it. They’re probably going to take up that same building pad, I bet, to be.

Brian Johnson 0:36:16

Okay because otherwise it’s a little bit bigger. But they’re basically building a newer store right on the very same location. But these kind of things, as you know, it’s a competition. Racetrack has their floor plan and their site plan, and QT has got to compete with it. They’ve got to have certain stations and a flow about it. So their store was showing its age. So they just said, we’re going to know it’s not uncommon. We had Chick fil A do the same thing. We had Wendy’s do the same thing, just upgrading their store. So, yeah, QTS is going down to the ground and building a brand new one on the same they do.

Rico Figliolini 0:37:00

You know, if they’re going to assuming they’re also going to take out the origin of the gas tanks underground or are they going to keep what they have there?

Brian Johnson 0:37:08

No, they’re going to keep it there. I don’t know if they may be going to more pumps, like one more additional pump on each of the islands. I don’t know that for sure. But tanks are staying underground.

Rico Figliolini 0:37:24

So they’re in good condition, I’d imagine. I just keep wondering why half the pumps are yellow bagged over there. But I guess that’s a question for them because maybe they’re not getting enough supply or something. The other building that I saw was the BB T building, which right across from CVS, part of the Forum, not part of that property, but an extension of it that they just gated that out and they’re pulling things out of it. It’s going to remain a bank, it sounds like.

Brian Johnson 0:37:55

Yeah, it’s a credit union of some sort. I don’t remember the name. I had not personally heard of this credit union, but I know they’re doing a renovation over there. I think they’re removing some of the drive in stuff. Nobody uses drive in really anymore.

Rico Figliolini 0:38:13

Right. ATM, probably.

Brian Johnson 0:38:15

Right? ATM. Or maybe they’re even removing some of the lanes completely because there’s just not enough because I think they have like four lanes that you could go into drive through.

Rico Figliolini 0:38:25


Brian Johnson 0:38:26

So, yeah, there’s some renovation of some sort, but it is staying in the financial it’s another financial institution.

Rico Figliolini 0:38:34

Anything new going on that we should be aware of? Revitalizing wise or redevelopment wise? Anything special that pops out over the last month and a half?

Brian Johnson 0:38:44

I mean, Redevelopment Authority has got two big projects they’re working on on the south side of the city. One is some trailhead locations where you’re talking about being able to drive your car and park it there with bathrooms and playground, picnic areas and it’ll tie into the multi use trail system. And then we’ve got some housing going on down the south side as well that we’re going to help try and facilitate the construction of what is oftentimes called starter home workforce housing. But equity product. These are buildings you purchase, you don’t rent. But to try to do it in a way that it’s affordable, meaning it’s market rate. But we’re going to try to help facilitate keeping it from the owners, from maxing out the amount they can get for it because that tends to price people right out of the market.

Rico Figliolini 0:39:48

There’s no way to keep it to one purchaser, someone that buys it, that lives there, versus someone picking up ten of these properties as an investment.

Brian Johnson 0:39:59

You mean owner occupied?

Rico Figliolini 0:40:01

Correct. Thank you.

Brian Johnson 0:40:03

Well, interestingly enough, we are looking at potentially an ordinance where we are going to limit the commercial purchasing of equity products in which some company buys, say, ten townhomes, and then they turn around and rent the townhomes. And that defeats the purpose of trying to get somebody who is an owner occupied tenant of the building, which we feel increases the odds that they put roots in the community. They own something here, so they’re like, you know what, I may want to stay here a long time. I may want to get civically active and get my kids enrolled versus sometimes not all the time. There’s always exceptions to this. Sometimes renters feel that they’re much more flexible in where they live and so they don’t get as involved in the community because they’re thinking, well, I can leave very quickly and I may not stay here, so I’m not going to get involved like I would if I own. So that’s generally the debate between two products.

Rico Figliolini 0:41:12

There’s more pride, I think, when you own it and more investment also that you take care of it because you do own it. It’s an investment in what you can sell later at a better price maybe.

Brian Johnson 0:41:24

Yeah, I agree with you there’s. Again, always exceptions, but I think if you own something and if it gets damaged, it’s on you to fix it. You tend to take care of things more than if you were a renter.

Rico Figliolini 0:41:36

Yeah, and I think I’ve seen it at least in the city of Atlanta and in some parts outside, like Habitat for Humanity, is that right? Yeah. And some other organizations that actually do these types of they’ll do ten or 15 home structures like that in an area. I mean, has the city thought about working with organizations like that? Because those end up for sure in the hands of people that could use them, that are starter homes like that.

Brian Johnson 0:42:07

Oh, they will be a part of this project. We’ve already oh, yeah, absolutely.

Rico Figliolini 0:42:13

Excellent. Do you know when that’s happening or when the regulation that you talked about, the owner occupied stuff, the limitation on that? Any idea?

Brian Johnson 0:42:23

We’re internally, city attorney, community development director and I are kind of looking at case law and other precedent to see how far we can push that. We’re probably a month or two away of presenting council, something for them to consider.

Rico Figliolini 0:42:41

All right, cool. All right, great. I think we’ve covered a lot of the stuff. Peachtree Corners Festival is coming up in September. I know that the second annual Electrify Expo is that what we’re calling it? Is happening during the I think during the festival last year. The second day, maybe. Yeah. Cool. And Jim Ellis is one of several probably dealerships that bring in their cars to it, and anyone can actually register to bring their own electric cars, vehicles to this event to show off.

Brian Johnson 0:43:16

Yeah, it is an EV car show of any type, and we’ve had everything from just your run of the know, off the line electric vehicle, Tesla, whatever, to very unique retrofitted vehicles, some vintage stuff that’s been, I mean, the Batmobile, just some interesting stuff. So, yeah, if it’s EV and you want to bring it out, or you want to come and see some of the unique EV options that are out there, come to that part of the show, I mean, it’ll be in the same parking lot as the vintage car show that’s associated with okay.

Rico Figliolini 0:43:55

And I think I remembered last year, even Paul Duke Stem had their electric race team there with their car that they built.

Brian Johnson 0:44:03


Rico Figliolini 0:44:04

And they’ve been racing around the region actually ever since then, I think, or before. So kind of kind of cool stuff. So if you have an electric vehicle that looks interesting that you put together, definitely go to the city’s website, register, and show up and show off your stuff. So that’s a good thing. Great. I think we’ve hit more than I thought we had. So it’s all good. Appreciate, Brian, that you join me every month to talk about these things. Eventually, at some point, I’d like to actually do this live. You all are watching this. If you’re watching it live, it’s actually a simulcast live stream, which means that we’ve recorded it, but we’re streaming this live on our Facebook pages and YouTube as well. But at some point we may be looking at TikTok doing some of this on there or on X or Twitter, do we call it that? I don’t know, space where we might be able to stream some stuff, take some live questions. So still working that up. Looking for a sponsor if there’s anyone out there that would like us to do that and just to share that. We’re also doing a sports podcast. So I have a former student intern that’s actually taking up and doing a sports podcast with student athletes and such. So that’ll be a video podcast, follow up with an article. We’re going to be doing that once or twice a month, so check that out when it comes out. And if you have any ideas that you’d like to share with us about coverage and stuff, certainly do that. I want to thank our sponsors again, EV Remodeling Inc. And Clearwave Fiber for stepping up, for supporting us for these podcasts as well as the publications and doing the things that we do. Journalism isn’t always easy. We try to get the facts right as best we can. This is why I do these podcasts also, and Brian does it with me to make sure that we’re putting out good, accurate information versus what you might see sometimes posted that may be totally wrong or inaccurate. So this is what we’re trying to do. And sometimes we’ll make mistakes on the print reporter side, but between me and Brian will clarify these things as we go. So thank you, Brian. Appreciate you being with us.

Brian Johnson 0:46:15

Thank you, Rico. Thanks for having me.

Rico Figliolini 0:46:17

Sure. Thanks, guys.

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Peachtree Corners Life

Peachtree Corners Update: Deer Overpopulation, Simpsonwood Park & Illegal Nightclubs [Podcast]



In this episode of Peachtree Corners Life, host Rico Figliolini sits down with City Manager Brian Johnson to discuss pressing local issues, including deer overpopulation and potential culling efforts, a school digital signage request, and Simpsonwood park. They also dive into the latest legislation affecting impact of tort reform on city liability, annexation, and drone regulations. Plus, hear how the city’s marshals uncovered an illegal nightclub operating under the radar. Stay informed on the latest developments shaping Peachtree Corners. Listen now!


Timestamped Topics:
00:04:09 – Deer Overpopulation and Potential Culling Efforts
00:14:41 – Digital Signage Regulations for Community Schools
00:20:00 – Navigating Lawsuits and Tort Reform
00:30:50 – Parking Lot Slope Adjustments and Liability Concerns
00:32:31 – Navigating Legislation Impacts on Construction and Annexation
00:38:33 – Regulating Drones in Public Spaces
00:44:24 – Uncovering an Illegal Nightclub Operation
00:51:37 – Discussing City Matters Behind the Scenes


00:00:00 – Rico Figliolini

Hi, everyone. This is Rico Figliolini, host of Peachtree Corners Life. I appreciate you joining us. We have Brian Johnson, city manager. Hey, Brian.

00:00:08 – Brian Johnson

Hey, Rico. How are you? 

00:00:13 – Rico Figliolini

Good. Thanks for being with me. As usual, we’re going to be going through a bit of information about new things that we haven’t covered before. So there’s a lot of stuff going on in the city our size. Little things, big things, but everything needs attention. And everyone has an opinion. So it’s good to be able to go through this. Yeah, it’s good to go through this. But before we get there, let me just say thank you to EV Remodeling for being a sponsor of our show, as well as Vox Pop Uli, another company that is a tremendous supporter of ours as well. And you can find their information in the show notes below. But we thank them for supporting us. Both of them are businesses located here in the City of Peachtree Corners. One of them does remodeling from Design to Build, evremodelinginc.com. And the other one, voxpopuli.com, does anything that you need marketing, imprinting, object imprinting, from trade shows to vehicle wraps. Just, you know, just check them out. Links below. And if you’re watching this on YouTube or any of the other video channels like Facebook, subscribe to us. I appreciate that. So let’s get right down to it, Brian. I guess the first thing we talked about that would be on the list is something that my wife even was asking me about the other day. And I’ve had questions of it, and I’ve seen it. I mean, deer overpopulation in the city of Peachtree Corners, it’s not been like this for the longest time, I think. What are you hearing? What is allowed to be able to do? I know thinning of the herd is something that people talk about, but what is the reality of what can be done or can’t be done in a county park? Because that’s where a lot of them are.

00:02:10 – Brian Johnson

Yeah, so locally, so there’s a couple things to consider here is, you know, one, if you live anywhere in Peachtree Corners, really near the Chattahoochee River corridor, it is definitely as a protected corridor and serves really as a place for wildlife to go up and down because it’s a water source. And so, you know, a lot of people have seen deer in the past, but we have noticed that the city that we’ve had a lot more deer car interactions, if you will, in which the deer loses that battle and we end up getting a request to remove a deer. Which, you know, can also get complicated because some people have deer that die in their backyard way off the road and then they’ll call and say, can you pick it up? And we can’t go on to private property to do that because that’s, you know, a gratuity, if you will. But if it does get close to the right of way, we will take it. So, you know, even those aren’t even, you know, as cut and dry as we would like. But we have noticed that there’s been a lot more, you know, deer collisions with cars. And unbeknownst to us, but coincidentally at the same time, Gwinnett County asked the State Department of Natural Resources or State, you know, Game and Wildlife, one of the environmental, but I think it was DNR, to do a deer population study at Simpsonwood Park. And, you know, in Peachtree Corners, we have a couple of areas that are undeveloped that are even more, you know, of a great location for deer to, you know, stay around. The back of Neely Farm along the river has a big area for the residents. The back of Riverfield where the Fields Club has a really big area back there. The back of Waterside has an area along there. And then, you know, then you run into Jones Bridge Park and then a stretch where there’s not a lot of open area. And then you’ve got Simpsonwood Park. And so those areas are where a lot of deer are, you know, congregating. And so Gwinnett asked the state to do a study. The state came back and said that there is a significantly, you know, overpopulation of deer in the area. And they in turn asked, and then they provided the county with a lot of reasons why that’s not good. You know, everything from deer eating higher off the ground up, you know, onto the trees. You know, it’s got ecosystem effects, coyote attraction. Even, you know, the deer that are around, all of them aren’t as healthy as they could be. And there’s a lot of these second, third order effects. They laid out and said, hey, we do this elsewhere in the state, would like to be involved in, you know, deer overpopulation, you know, culling of the herd. And Gwinnett informed them that they can’t do it at Simpsonwood Park because the county has a policy of no hunting on county-owned property. So we didn’t know any of this was going on until then the state of Georgia approached us and said, hey, city, do you guys own any property that would be large enough for us to do, you know, set up a controlled hunt for the purposes of culling the herd? And we don’t specifically own any. You know, again, I ran through the organizations that really would be the ones that could say, yes, you could come out there or not. Neely Farm HOA, Waterside are the main ones. And so right now there is a conversation between us, the state, some of those entities of which we might end up being a facilitator of some sort. We obviously wouldn’t be doing it. It would be the state. It might be we’re merely making the introduction and then one of those property owners, if you will, says it’s okay and they coordinated with the state and we’re just communicating to the residents, could be.

00:06:55 – Rico Figliolini

It’s interesting that the county, I can understand that. I remember that rule about hunting on county property, which makes sense. You don’t want that happening. But this is a controlled thing. This is an environmental approach to something. This is something different than banning hunting because you don’t want people out there hunting. But this is something more controlled that the state would be doing, apparently. That doesn’t make sense to just say, well, we don’t allow hunting and that’s it. How many accidents, do you know how many accidents like that have occurred in the city? Are there any numbers?

00:07:32 – Brian Johnson

Oh, yeah, we have numbers. I mean, off the top of my head, I do not know. I would say within the last six months, we’re probably averaging probably one a week.

00:07:45 – Rico Figliolini

Wow, that many. Do you even know the number when they say overpopulation? How many deer are there out there that they’ve numbered in Simpsonwood? Do you know?

00:07:55 – Brian Johnson

I don’t. I didn’t see the report because, again, the only time we got involved is when the county told the state, hey, thanks for doing the study and confirming what we had already thought or what users of the park had told us. But if there’s anything that’s going to be done about it, it’s not going to be done on our property.

00:08:15 – Rico Figliolini

Yeah, that’s sad because the overpopulation, I mean, they don’t have a natural predator, right, unless coyotes show up. God knows coyotes have been reported, at least on Nextdoor with pictures and stuff, not too far from here. Like, you know, Alpharetta, some other places north of us.

00:08:34 – Brian Johnson

I just saw one, Rico, with my own eyes about a month ago when I was walking my dog, because, you know, I live along the river, and I saw one on an evening, you know, probably six. I mean, it was really near sundown, and I saw a coyote running right along the…

00:08:52 – Rico Figliolini

In Peachtree Corners? Wow. Okay.

00:08:52 – Brian Johnson

It was running away from me. It wasn’t, you know, bothering, but yeah. I mean, so now there’s some other things too. Now, you know, I know mayor and council have had people approach them about this. You know, it isn’t as easy as we would like, because for all the people who are like, look, deer are posing a problem for motorists, for the ecosystem, the health of deer, you know, things like that, attracting animals like coyotes or whatever. For all of those who are like, something needs to be done, there’s the other ones that are like, no, you know, let nature take its course. There shouldn’t be any hunting, you know.

00:09:46 – Rico Figliolini

That’s the problem. Nature is not taking its course because there are no predators here.

00:09:51 – Brian Johnson

Yeah, well, but I mean, you know, what you get is, and then we also struggle with deer feeders. We don’t currently actually have a regulation prohibiting them. Some people have expressed to council that that should, you know, that they know of locations in which somebody is specifically trying to attract deer. And when you have a lot of deer, you don’t just attract one or two anymore. Now you’re attracting, I know there was a place at Waterside that I ended up talking to the resident that was nearby and was doing it. I rolled through there one weekend morning, you know, right as the sun was coming up, and there was probably 30 to 40 deer in the area, and there was a big feeder. And, you know, it’s just like, hey, this isn’t, you know, this isn’t good. And it was not too far from East Jones Bridge. So you start getting into them crossing it. So, you know, but then others are like, I enjoy the deer coming and feeding at my location. And, you know, don’t take that away. And so, you know, it’s unfortunate, but, you know, in our line of work, you know, local government management, there’s never a decision that’s just easy with you know only one side and everybody is on it so you do have some who are like don’t do it. But that is a problem and you know I wanted to bring it up just because people are talking about it. What is going to be done? We are trying to facilitate again, we don’t own property that is an area that you could do a controlled hunt. There are a few organizations that are in that position that may end up agreeing with the state for them to come out and do it once or twice during hunting season type of thing. But it does appear that Simpsonwood Park is not going to be one of those locations. So we’ll do what we need to, including if we have to facilitate the removal of the meat, you know, because the controlled hunt doesn’t just stop with, you know, there’s a deer that’s gone down, then what are you going to do with the carcass? You want to remove it. There are programs, including ones that harvest the meat and donate it to food banks and things like that. So we’re working through all of those. But we do scientifically have a deer overpopulation problem that does not have a natural way of getting better.

00:12:34 – Rico Figliolini

This is just a good argument for the city to take off over two public parks in its city property here. So from what I understand, it wouldn’t be expensive either. It’d be really cheap to buy those two pieces of property. The city could directly control everything. But I’m sure there’ll be people against that also because that’s an expansion of government. Which, you know, if you want control over some things, then you’ve got to do what you got to do. But speaking about that, let’s segue into something else too, which is a small thing necessarily, but there’s pros and cons to it too, I guess. And that is that Simpson Elementary is looking to do the same thing as Pinckneyville, a middle school house, which is a sign. I don’t know if it’s as grand as that, but they want a digital display sign possibly to go up at Simpson Elementary. Can you tell us a little bit about that?

00:13:33 – Brian Johnson

Yeah, so the Simpson Elementary principal, and I don’t know if it was based on PTA encouragement or maybe the public school system maintenance, I don’t know. But anyway, she was the point person to say, hey, we would like to take our current main sign in which they put messages up there, but they have to go out and put the individual letters in and spell it out. She was like, we would like to have a digital, you know, turn it into an LED display, a digital message board. Which functionally is, you know, just on the surface is a, you know, should be a no brainer. A school can have a sign, communicate with the community in a more, you know, really a more efficient way because, you know, on a computer you can type in the message and it automatically goes out there. You can change the messages a lot so you can put a lot more information. It makes sense. But like all things, it’s not so simple. You know, oftentimes you think signs, you know, okay, just where’s the placement and, you know, does it interfere with sight lines or cause a hazard to a motorist? And that’s the only thing you have to consider. But on LED displays, a whole different ballgame when you’re talking about something that illuminates and illuminating signage in which also there’s flashing with the fluctuations of it because things change. So it’s not just turning on a static light and then turning it off, now you have all of the different, you know, displays doing things, which, you know, also can be a distraction to motorists. So, you know, we’ve got to, you know, we’re going to help them navigate through this, but we do have, it is in a residential area with residents that live very close to that sign. And, you know, we’re going to end up having to consider the permitting of this in a way that hopefully doesn’t detract from the quality of life of the residents, but yet provides the benefit that we all know a digital message board would provide to a very important community school.

00:16:05 – Rico Figliolini

Right. So, Paul Duke High School, STEM High School has a digital sign, granted that’s on Peachtree Industrial Boulevard. Pinckneyville has their sign. And I get it. It’s kind of bright sometimes when there’s a white background to the sign versus a blue or a different color background that is way brighter. The lumens on it, it’s just so bright. I’m imagining those things can be toned down a little bit in a sign, and it doesn’t have to be as bright as that because that’s overpowering sometimes. It just depends when you come by.

00:16:42 –  Brian Johnson

And, you know, this whole process went through with Pinckneyville Middle, and it wasn’t without its detractors either of the people who do live there. You know, and say that it’s going to interfere with their ability to either, you know, enjoy their back or front yard or, you know, could be a distraction to motorists. Those are things you have to consider. It can be done, you know, but you have to regulate, you know, also hours of operation. And there’s even regulation at the state and federal level on certain roadways in which how fast the signs can change. Because if things start to get to where it’s not just a transition to a new message, but things are flashing, that creates, you know, distractions from motorists and that’s considered a driving hazard. So yes, everything from how bright to how quick you can change message, to even hours in which you can have digital messages on there. All have to be discussed.

00:17:49 – Rico Figliolini

And if it’s, you know, for the school purpose, right? I mean, the great thing about digital is that you can dim the lights a little bit. You can adjust the hours on it because no one’s going to be driving to school at six o ‘clock, seven o ‘clock in the evening, unless there’s an event that night. Different, right? But even still, like at a certain hour, it can be shut off or it can be dimmed down where you have to literally be within 40 feet of it to see the sign maybe.

00:18:41 – Brian Johnson

So at the end of the day, look, I think everyone would agree having that ability, a school that’s a very important community school and being able to, it’s going to make them much more productive and efficient when it comes to communicating with the community. 

00:19:01 – Rico Figliolini

Right, right.

00:19:01 – Brian Johnson

We just have to navigate this very carefully. But that process is being done. And, of course, mayor and council are very supportive of this as long as we, you know, my directive is navigate the minefield that is the local resident concerns and, you know, motorist safety.

00:19:22 – Rico Figliolini

The good part of this is that these are quality of life issues that a city can address better for its residents than a county can, I think, on a county level. One good reason for having a city is to be able to address some of these issues that, you know, really on a county level, someone voting on it from the other side of the county or something, deciding what the effects are in our city wouldn’t make sense, right? There is also, let’s, the capital is in session. Which can always be dangerous, but also good.

00:19:58 – Brian Johnson

It is always dangerous.

00:20:04 – Rico Figliolini

You never know what goes on there. And the cities that, not just people are affected, but cities are affected, right? The biggest thing is tort reform right now that Governor Kemp is looking at. Southwest Gwinnett Chamber had a big talk on tort reform recently, a few months back. And one of the things I didn’t know was that settlement of lawsuits can garner a lawyer as much as 40% of whatever is settled for. It’s not 20%, it’s not 25%, it’s like 40%. I thought that was ridiculous, that number. Not only that, but when you’re suing, some lawyer told me once that when you’re suing something on a case, you sue everyone. It doesn’t matter if you think they’re not involved, they’re involved. You sue everyone and let the judge decide who’s involved or not. Which draws in a lot of different people, right? So the city can be drawn into lawsuits that really may not be, you know, their fault per se. You know, and I always think about lawsuits as a good way of punishing those that need to be punished a little bit because money speaks, right? But sometimes it can be carried away to a crazy extent. You were sharing an example with me about Milton. So why don’t you talk about that a little bit and talk about that and about what that tort reform might look like for us.

00:21:28 – Brian Johnson

Yeah. So, you know, scenarios you just brought up, Rico, are very common for us. We get named in a lot of lawsuits. We have active, you know, local governments always have a multitude of active lawsuits at any one time at various stages of it. And yes, the shotgun approach of suing everybody and then just letting the judge figure it out is one where if it happens within our corporate limits, we’re more times than not just pulled into it. But, you know, again, the ability to sue and having legal rights and, you know, remedies is important to have. 

00:22:13 – Rico Figliolini

For sure.

00:22:13 – Brian Johnson

So, you know, the dilemma is always where do you balance that against, you know, being overly litigious as many people are? And, and, you know, I could tell you horror stories of the trip and fall lawsuits we get where somebody literally just trips on, you know, the world is not flat literally or figuratively and they’ll sue us just because. Now that being said, we do have a large, call it, you know, geographical area in which we are responsible. All the public right of way. Sidewalks, streets, all of the property we own at City Hall or Town Green are all ours. And so, you know, there is some things that, you know, general liability insurance we have to carry because there are things that can happen that we do need to be protected. Now, there’s an interesting case, though, that just came up that contributed to the governor’s tort reform. That is a big case that the city of Milton had. And it was, I guess, a jury verdict not too long ago. And this is a case where before the city of Milton was created, when it was still unincorporated, was it Fulton?

00:23:47 – Brian Johnson


00:23:48 – Brian Johnson

An owner who had a driveway coming out to one of the public streets put a planter, which was a truck tire, turned on its side and filled in with dirt and made into a decorative kind of, you know, gateway piece to their driveway. It was laid, though, in what was the edge, but the public right-of-way. It still was on, kind of call it the shoulder of the road, if you will. This is a two-lane road. Well, then at some point, not too long ago, a couple years, I think, but now the City of Milton is a city, there was an individual college student who lost control of his vehicle, single vehicle accident, but hit this planter and died. I don’t know if it was the impact or his phone from the vehicle, but he died. His family sued the city of Milton, saying the city of Milton should not have let that planter be in its right of way. And prior to that, cities and counties had always been like, look, we’re regulating the travel way making sure that it’s free of obstacles, but there are impediments in the shoulder. Probably the most common one are utility poles. Georgia Power, using them as an example, is not going to want to negotiate with every single property owner to put a utility pole on their property. So what do they do? They come just inside of public right-of-way. Place it as far away from the road as they can, but it is still in public right of way. And that way they only have to negotiate with essentially one entity, a public entity that owns this stretch of. So now the lawsuit, Milton through sovereign immunity and other stuff, won the first one. And then on appeal, the family was awarded a $38 million verdict. And right now there’s, it’s being hopefully taken up by the Georgia Supreme Court because of the, you know, bigger picture impacts that this could have on any impediment in the right of way that then the city should be of, you know, should have knowledge of. And we’ve got to remove it or else we’re going to be, you know, at risk for being, you know, liable for some lawsuit. So it’s an example where, you know, again, sometimes being overly litigious ends up creating, you know, situations. And if this appeal stood, cities and counties would end up having to take a real hard look at what it permits, how it permits it, not just along the roadway, but I mean, way out of the roadway all the way to the edge of it. And then Georgia power is going to, you know, and some other utilities, you know, you have traffic cabinets and traffic signals, you know, you see the green boxes there or whatever color they are, but you know, the boxes there that are regulating the signal phase and timing of a signalized intersection. If somebody hits that. We have to bury every single one of those, which will.

00:27:18 – Rico Figliolini

But even the poles, I mean, I think there’s a pole by Peachtree Baptist Church, that intersection in the Y. It was a pole in the middle of a triangle thing, I think, at one point. I don’t know if it’s still there. But it was knocked down once. I mean, there’s plenty of those types of things where cars get out of control for whatever reason. They go slamming into a pole. It’s like one of those walk-flashing.

00:27:44 – Brian Johnson

Yeah, it was from, yeah. A pedestrian actuated crossing where you hit it and it flashes. Yeah.

00:27:49 – Rico Figliolini

Yeah. So, I mean, there’s that. I remember even along the median, like Peachtree Parkway, I think at one point someone had told me that they don’t do hardwood trees anymore. They do what they call breakaway trees. Because if a car hits it, it should break away and not cause too much damage, right? But if you’re hitting a hard oak wood tree, that person’s going to die. Now, these things will happen anyway. There was an accident on Peachtree Parkway going south. I remember seeing a car. It pretty much, it was crepe myrtle trees. So those are considered breakaway, I guess. It had jumped the sidewalk and went right into that tree. It was burning. There was some, I think there might have been a fatality, certainly injuries there. That was during last summer, I think it was. These things happen all the time. But if they’re taking up tort reform, I would hope that they’re not just looking at the reward amount, because $38 million, I mean, that just seems to be overly blown. But how do you value a life? But $38 million is just for a city, for something like that. Hopefully they adjust. I know it doesn’t affect the city, but the outcome of payment to lawyers, they should really restrict the amount of money being paid out to lawyers. Is that $38 million? Without doubt is at least 30% of that is going to the lawyer, to the law firm that’s suing, which will be interesting about tort reform because apparently most of the house, most of the capital is made up of lawyers or consultants. So it’d be interesting if they actually do anything.

00:29:30 – Brian Johnson

And, you know, again, they serve a purpose, but, you know, we have had, I’ve had this in other cities I’ve managed too, an attorney will get with somebody who’s usually, has a disability that requires them to be in a wheelchair. And they’ll really, it’s not done right. It’s essentially they’ll conspire. By that, I mean, the person in a wheelchair will seek out instances in which a local government is not meeting code to the, you know, exact letter. And then they’ll, the attorney will reach out on behalf of his or her client and say, you’re in, you know, violation of American with Disabilities Act. And if you don’t do something within a certain period of time, we’re going to sue. And so then, you know, you got, now again, ADA exists for a legitimate reason.

00:30:28 – Rico Figliolini


00:30:29 – Brian Johnson

And, you know, all that kind of stuff. But, you know, these would be people who I remember one of them, we had a parking lot that had the handicap spot, and then you have that hatched area next to it so that you could load a wheelchair. The slope of the parking lot was two degrees off the, you know, and required us to dig up a whole section of it just to move it two degrees.

00:30:57 – Rico Figliolini

Yeah. Interesting. There’s, I think, Target and Publix redid their handicap and adjusted it. Way different than it used to be before, probably for some of the same reasons, the elevation issue and stuff. And I know the Town Green part where the Fort of Payne.

00:31:18 – Brian Johnson

Fort Payne, yeah.

00:31:20 – Rico Figliolini

Fort Payne. Fort of Payne. Fort Payne. The fencing had to go around there allows one entrance. Now there’s signage there saying, if you allow your kids in here or whoever comes in here, needs to understand that you could get hurt if you’re not, you know, doing it the right way. And the insurance company had told us, right? Had told the city that.

00:31:44 – Brian Johnson

Yeah. I mean, it was like, look, you have created an obstacle course. And it’s an advanced, it has advanced stuff. You can’t be letting, you can’t have it unsecure. So we have only one entrance. And then, you know, if you’re not with you know, a parent or over 18 years old yourself, you’re not supposed to be in there. And so if you just ignore it and get hurt, then our insurance feels like we’re, you know, we’ve mitigated our risk because we, you know, told them, hey, you know, you’re not supposed to be here without, you know, we also have instructional videos on how to do these things that you can use and everything we can do. But there’s still some people who will do it. I mean, again, we live in a litigious society. We all get it, but there are some things that we got to be careful. In this case, and obviously the city of Milton case isn’t ours, but it will impact us greatly if it is upheld.

00:32:45 – Rico Figliolini

Sure. Like a lot of legislation that goes on there that affects cities, construction material, what things can be built with, whether it’s steel or wood. And if it’s over, I mean, I remember that was a piece of legislation at one point. I think one city had that you couldn’t build something taller than three stories without using steel or metal. And that was struck down apparently.

00:33:07 – Brian Johnson

It was because the, you know, timber lobby in the state, like Georgia Pacific was like, no, no, no, no, we don’t want, we want to still be able to use wood, you know, up to, I think you can go up to four, two, four stories with wood before you have to go to steel.

00:33:27 – Rico Figliolini

Why build something that can last for 100 years?

00:33:33 – Brian Johnson

Right. And, you know, there’s even some, I mean, this session, you know, right now, procurement law in Georgia is if a project exceeds $100,000, you have to bid it no matter what. And it hasn’t been changed since 2000. And we’ve had inflation since 2000. It’s really hard for us to find projects that are less than $100,000 that are any. And so it just slows things up because then you’ve got to bid it out and you have to, you have to award it to the lowest qualified bidder. And so you run into, you know, problems sometimes where companies are underbidding to get the job with the knowledge you’re not going to be able to finish it with that amount. So they try to change order you to death.

00:34:22 – Rico Figliolini

Yes. Yes.

00:34:24 – Brian Johnson

So legislation, just real quick, is to raise that value to $250,000 before you have to bid.

00:34:31 – Rico Figliolini

That makes sense. Because I’ve seen projects where they do come in and low bid, and then you’re sort of forced to pay the rest of it because you need it done. It’s not like it goes from scratch again. We’ll hold them to it, too, because even with a bond or something, it’s just not going to happen. Some of the other legislation, I think another piece was about annexation. So in brief, how would that affect us?

00:34:56 – Brian Johnson

Yeah, so there’s still things happening at the Capitol that are removing a city’s ability to annex an area in which the people who live in that area or own property in that area want to get annexed into the city, that other parties could stop them. There’s legislation making it to where counties or in Georgia, potentially almost could get to the point where they could stop an annexation, which, you know, in a state that allows counties to charge a millage rate just to the unincorporated. In Georgia, that usually means that the county will lose a little bit of money when they lose property because they lose the ability to charge property tax to that entity. So counties are resistant. So that’s inhibiting cities to do it. Even the Gwinnett delegation themselves, you know, which are the legislators that represent a district that has some part of Gwinnett in it. They’re discussing having a rule that’s setting the Gwinnett delegation rule such that if there’s an annexation bill, you know, almost like if, say, the city of Peachtree Corners wanted to allow a area contiguous to us to vote on whether they wanted to command, say, a subdivision or something like that, that everybody in the delegation has to vote on having it move forward, not just the ones that represent the areas of affected. So, you know, we could have a legislator that barely represents Gwinnett up in, like, Brazelton or unincorporated area, and the county gets with them and they’re like, we don’t want this to happen. We’ll lose a little bit of money. And then they’re like, yeah, I don’t want it to happen.

00:36:47 – Rico Figliolini

Yeah, that’s because of the trend of all these places like Mulberry, right? That’s the newest city in Gwinnett County. It’s the trend of all these cities coming into being, chopping away a little bit at that county budget. And now the county has to fight for the budget that they need. Although they have less area to cover, except for the emergency services.

00:37:14 – Brian Johnson

They do. But remember, they’re only losing a revenue stream, in this case a millage that’s charged only to unincorporated. And that’s their own doing. Like in other states that don’t allow that, say in North Carolina. Counties in North Carolina can only charge one type of tax, and that’s a property tax to everybody in the county. It’s one. They can’t then create special, you know, you know, focus taxes that only go to unincorporated. You know, in Gwinnett, Gwinnett has a countywide tax that even you and I who live in Peachtree Corners pay. And that’s for the countywide services like the courthouse, the jail, the health department. But then they charge very specific taxes just to the unincorporated area. Parks and Rec, police, you know, code enforcement, zoning administration.

00:38:15 – Rico Figliolini

That’s interesting

00:38:17 – Brian Johnson

They don’t have to do that. They chose to, oh, we’re going to. So it’s a little bit of a self-inflicted.

00:38:24 – Rico Figliolini

So the county charges for parks to the unincorporated. But we have parks here in the city. But we’re not paying for that fee.

00:38:33 – Brian Johnson

No, we’re paying. You’re paying for it.

00:38:36 – Rico Figliolini

Okay, we are paying for that.

00:38:37 – Brian Johnson

Just like police, we allowed, once we became a city, we allowed Gwinnett to keep charging that in our city limits in return for them continuing to operate the parks.

00:38:49 – Rico Figliolini

Okay. Alright. Yeah, so we should probably buy those parks and just take over the whole system.

00:38:55 – Brian Johnson

Take over the millage.

00:38:58 – Rico Figliolini

All right, so drone, drone regulation. I think you mentioned there was drone regulation. I know a lot of people that fly drones around here. And certainly there are roofing companies that will do the drone thing and check your roof and stuff and show you where the damage is and stuff like that. Building inspectors do that to some degree. So there’s also, and people, just individuals going around to Town Green and doing his own drone. And so there’s legislation up maybe, right? And part of that is probably because of all the drone stuff and the unidentified UAPs up in New Jersey that everyone went crazy on, whether it was Chinese or Americans. And now we understand the FAA allowed some of that to go on. It’s like one of the things that just came out. But who knows, right? Could it be aliens? Could it be foreign governments or our own? I mean, there’s so many conspiracy theories that we’re tracking nuclear weapon transportation into different places. And it’s just like, you could go crazy. So what’s going on with the drone legislation here in Georgia?

00:40:05 – Brian Johnson

Yeah, so this actually isn’t bad. Although, by the way, you know, you laugh about it could be anything, which in a lot of cases, you’re like, really? But you do have to give some of those like, you know, tin hat, you know, tinfoil hat crowd, some a little bit of, you know, latitude, because we did have a, what is it? What do they call it? Stratospheric.

00:40:32 – Rico Figliolini

Yes. Those balloons. Yeah. Yeah.

00:40:34 – Brian Johnson

You know, I mean, so there are some unique things.

00:40:38 – Rico Figliolini

Yeah. And that one was very unique. That was a huge one from China.

00:40:41 – Brian Johnson

It was in the stratosphere purposely, you know, going across.

00:40:46 – Rico Figliolini

And they have solar panels too. They were powering with solar panels too. So it was like a whole big thing. Yeah.

00:40:53 – Brian Johnson

I mean, so, but in this case. Yes, there was a Georgia legislator who, with the whole thing that was happening up in the coast of New Jersey and everything, was like, we should give local governments better ability to control unidentified aerial vehicles. And so in this case, the bill is allowing the local government to regulate drones below 400 feet.

00:41:26 – Rico Figliolini

Well because the FAA takes care of drones of a certain weight and higher, where if you have a large drone, you have to actually get a number for that drone.

00:41:36 – Brian Johnson

And have a FAA license, a pilot.

00:41:40 – Rico Figliolini

You have to actually take a course. Correct. So me as a commercial, let’s say I wanted to fly my own drone as a business because I’m going to shoot drone shots. I want to use it for the magazine and stuff. I actually have to be licensed or use someone that’s licensed to do that.

00:41:41 – Brian Johnson

You do. And for our concerts, you know, we use a third party, you know, firm to shoot video of it. And you’ve seen some of the video we’ve had on that. The drone operator who does the filming for it, he has a license and he has to get a permit from the FAA to be able to fly it.

00:42:18 – Rico Figliolini

But only because I think it’s by the FAA does it by weight versus by height. There is a height.

00:42:24 – Brian Johnson

There is a height.

00:42:26 – Rico Figliolini

But it does buy weight versus, because most of the stuff that a person like you and me would buy is under that weight requirement. But you’re saying that that legislation would then cover even those drones?

00:42:40 – Brian Johnson

Only if they’re going to be over public spaces in which there’s a public gathering, which I believe they define it as 50 people or more that are, that plan to be around each other for more than 30 minutes. And so that would be where, alright, now we don’t want there to be unidentified drone activity. That is where you get into, because even for our concerts, Rico, even below a certain height, the FAA regulates it because there’s so many people.

00:43:16 – Rico Figliolini

Right. But if I was, and I’ve seen, lots of photographers do drones also because it’s part of that thing. They’ll go along the river, which is, it wouldn’t be a part, it’s both a public place, but there’s no people there maybe, or there are not enough people like you’re saying. So that’s a reasonable thing, I guess. That’s not covered by that probably.

00:43:37 – Brian Johnson

No, I mean, I think this is really more of public space where there’s a gathering of the public of more than, I think it was 50 people who are planning on being there for more than 30 minutes. Then, and only then would the local government be in a position to say you still need to identify who you are if you’re going to be flying below 400 feet. You’re still, above 400 feet is still out of our control.

00:44:05 – Rico Figliolini

So if it’s a private party, party in someone’s backyard and they have a drone, they want to fly it up and, you know, do that. That’s okay.

00:44:14 – Brian Johnson

That wouldn’t be because that wouldn’t be on public property.

00:44:16 – Rico Figliolini

Right. Okay. Alright. I guess that all makes sense.

00:44:21 – Brian Johnson

And again, trust me, this wasn’t our legislation. I’m just telling you the unique things. I mean, every day as I’m going through the bills that hit, you know, just to see our lobbyist is giving me, you know, a heads up on, hey, how does this affect you? I oftentimes have to tell them, hey, this wouldn’t be good. So you’re in a position to tell a legislator or the bill’s author in some cases to say, hey, can you tweak it? Whatever. We’ve had to have bills tweaked that would have inhibited our ability to have innovation get tested here in Curiosity Lab because it was a prohibition against certain activity across all sidewalks. And we were like, time out. We need to have the, you know, so we’ve had Curiosity Lab carved out of legislation before. We’ve had the bill language get tweaked before, and we’ve certainly done things to completely help a bill to its demise because it would have been harmful to us. In some cases, just us, or other cases, just all cities.

00:45:37 – Rico Figliolini


00:45:37 – Brian Johnson

It’s a dangerous time.

00:45:39 – Rico Figliolini

Yeah, so many aspects of governing a city and what you all have to do. There is some good stuff, though, too. So let’s celebrate something as well that the sheriff department, I mean, the marshal department, sorry, sheriff marshal. The marshals did find some interesting illegal things going on in the City of Peachtree Corners.

00:46:05 – Brian Johnson

Yeah, so this is a good story that does reflect the fact that when you’re able to have more time, resources, and intimate knowledge of an area, you can oftentimes uncover things that you couldn’t or you’re not in that position. Our marshals were able to uncover what was, and I believe they only had operated it one or two times before he got involved, but an illegal nightclub. That was operating essentially like speakeasies used to operate back in the day, which is they found a location. I don’t want to get into the exact location right now because it’s, citations have been issued, but it hasn’t actually been, you know.

00:47:03 – Rico Figliolini

Because it was a commercial?

00:47:04 – Brian Johnson

Yeah, in municipal court. But found a location in which they could have a retail storefront. But then the storefront was very, call it shallow and small. And then there was a door both through the back of that and a side door in which, you know, two thirds of this lease space was actually an illegal nightclub, hookah lounge, you name it. But had not gotten anything permitted. They didn’t have plans that reflected this, so they were in violation of a building permit. They hadn’t filed for a business license. They didn’t have a license to serve alcohol, so the state’s Department of Revenue was involved. And they also, the fire code had been limited to like 60 people based on the square footage, and they were having 200 plus people, And our marshal’s intelligence, you know, network was able to then uncover the underground, you know, call it, you know, marketing that this place was doing and they were running a full on club. You know, like a black market club. And had it not been for the marshal’s ability to, you know, dig into this, you know, they probably would have kept going. And, you know, oftentimes the other and there’s no houses near this. So you didn’t have that aspect that could have come up. But the danger of these kind of clubs, whether they’re the ones that move around periodically or the ones that try to keep, you know, keep it quiet are there’s a reason that they’re trying to keep it quiet. These types of clubs generally have people that enjoy them. Well, at least maybe not a majority of them, but there are people that only like to go to clubs that are kind of secret because they’re wanting to do things that the law doesn’t allow them to. And oftentimes can end up in violence and other criminal activity. We may have averted that happening at this one. But, you know, why it was significant is there was a lot of money. This is not a open a door and then there’s this big room with some tables and chairs. This is a full-on outfitted, like remodeled nightclub. That was operating like a, in fact, the name of it was The Secret Lounge.

00:49:50 – Rico Figliolini


00:49:51 – Brian Johnson

And so, you know, kudos to them. There’s from the city attorney, you know, Gwinnett County PD was, supported this effort. But, you know, it was our marshal, led by our marshals, identified by our marshals. And, you know, the city was able to keep it from, you know, continuing to operate. So there are good things. We may have averted a disaster here.

00:50:16 – Rico Figliolini

Yeah, it’s great that they’re doing a lot of good work out there. And all the technology that’s coming in, I mean, that certainly helps too.

00:50:26 – Brian Johnson

And, you know, and Rico, you’re talking about drones. We put up a drone to look at the traffic migration in this area to kind of help build our case, our evidence against the owner. Because we didn’t want the owner to be like, you know, what are you talking about? Or I haven’t had anybody come over here yet.

00:50:51 – Rico Figliolini


00:50:51 – Brian Johnson

So our marshals continue to use drones as a, you know, very effective law enforcement tool. So they definitely have their place.

00:51:01 – Rico Figliolini

No, for sure. And I’ve listened to some of the stuff that some of the products and tools of the trade, if you will, that they’ve investigated. Some really cutting edge stuff. So it’s all good. I think the city certainly gains by that. So you all, you know, I mean, listen, you all do a good job out there. Well, we’ve come to the end of our time. We’ve covered quite a bit. So Brian, I appreciate you doing this with me.

00:51:31 – Brian Johnson

Always my pleasure. Appreciate you providing this communication vehicle for, you know, those who listen and watch can learn about some things that aren’t necessarily always, we’re not necessarily always able to include in things like city council meetings or whatever, because this is kind of the, you know, the day-to-day type of thing that, you know, oftentimes people don’t realize goes on behind the scenes here. So I appreciate you letting, you know, our citizens have this opportunity to hear what is going on behind the scenes.

00:52:07 – Rico Figliolini

Absolutely. Love doing this. I love getting the word out. I don’t always agree with everything that goes on. But the good part is that we can talk back and forth about this and get out, you know, the facts and ask questions because I don’t know everything. So I’d like to ask lots of questions, doing this stuff. So I appreciate you doing this. Everyone else, certainly, you know, subscribe, like the page. You’ll get notified when we have more podcasts. We try to do this on a regular basis, like every month or every five weeks. Usually after a city council meeting, this way we could discuss what just happened, let’s say Tuesday of this week or the sessions like that’s going on in the capitol. So if you have questions, let me know. If you have questions for Brian, he can be reached at the city. Obviously, go to the website, PeachtreeCornersGA.gov, and you can find a way to reach that. Or put your questions in the comments. If you’re on Facebook listening to this, or X, or YouTube, our YouTube channel. And if you’re getting this off Apple or any of the other podcasts, just reach out to Peachtree Corners Magazine, Peachtree Corners Life, and we’ll answer those questions. Again, thank you for our sponsors, EV Remodeling, Inc. and Vox Populi. You’ll find their information in the show notes. So thanks again, everyone. Appreciate you being with us.

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Peachtree Corners Life

Crafting Success: Vox Pop Uli’s Impact on Local Business



Andrew and Daniel Hajduk, father and son of VOX-POP-ULI, discuss their family business specializing in custom printing, embroidery and laser engraving with host Rico Figliolini. The Hajduks share their journey through the evolution of printing technology and their approach to creating impactful branding for businesses.

Discover how this family-owned business adapts and thrives in a rapidly changing industry. Don’t miss their insights into the power of branding and the joy of bringing client visions to life. Join us to learn how a commitment to quality and community shapes the future of a business.

Vox Pop Uli Website: https://vox-pop-uli.com/
Facebook: / voxpopuli.inc
LinkedIn: / vox-pop-uli
Instagram: / vox_pop_uli

00:00:00 – Vox-Pop-Uli: Adapting to Changing Technology
00:03:52 – Customizing Solutions for Clients
00:06:05 – Branding Importance for Clients
00:08:56 – Providing Seamless Solutions for Businesses
00:11:38 – Delivering Quality and Value in Business Relationships
00:14:37 – Diversifying Marketing Strategies for Business Growth
00:18:11 – Commitment and Adaptation in Challenging Times
00:22:00 – Hiring for Attitude and Growth Mindset
00:23:59 – Fostering a Growth-Oriented Workplace Culture
00:26:49 – Navigating Deadlines and Expectations in the Promotional Products Industry
00:28:45 – The Evolving Landscape of Business and Community Growth
00:30:55 – The Rise of Retail Density in Peachtree Corners
00:33:45 – Navigating Family Dynamics in the Workplace

Podcast Transcript

00:00:00 – Rico Figliolini

Hey, everyone. This is Rico Figliolini, host of Peachtree Corners Life. Appreciate you being here with us, listening to this either on a podcast through Apple or iHeartRadio or Spotify or on Facebook on our live stream or YouTube as well. So I have some great guests today, father, son, Andrew, and Daniel Hajduk from Vox Pop Uli. It’s a business that I’m highly familiar with, the space and the industry. I have done some work in it a little bit early on when I was younger. God, when I was younger. But, you know, you do need experience in this business, and it doesn’t change. So, you know, putting things on objects, creating marketing collateral, this is what you all guys do, right? I mean, so tell us a little bit, Andrew, where this all goes.

00:00:46 – Andrew Hajduk

So, hi, my name’s Andrew Hajduk, and I’m the president of Vox Pop Uli. I started the company in 1996. At that time, I had a partner. We worked for a company that was kind of similar to this. Although the technology’s changed, but we thought we were smarter, we thought we were better and decided to go out on our own. We had a couple of clients that followed us and since then have always just worked to be super responsive to our clients and go where the technology is going. You know, when we started the company, digital printing didn’t exist. And we’ve gotten big into digital printing. We’ve gone into embroidery, into laser engraving. and all the different things that help companies communicate their brand.

00:01:29 – Rico Figliolini

Yeah, it’s interesting. I think it was Curiosity Lab. Someone from there that told me, listen, I think they tried to do Louisville Sluggers, the bat. And they needed something printed on it. And they were like, you guys can’t do this, can you? I forget what the quantity was ridiculously small considering, you know, it could have been a thousand or 500, but it was a small number. You guys were able to do that too, I think. Just knock it out.

00:01:51 – Andrew Hajduk

We’re actually on the next generation of that, and I don’t want to spoil anybody’s surprise until that one gets unveiled. But, yeah, we did the first generation that the city used in some travel and some promotions, and it was a pretty cool combination because it was a little mini bat that was engraved and printed with city branding with the logos for Curiosity Labs and some of the city stuff.

00:02:13 – Rico Figliolini

It’s cool. I saw that on my little tour that you guys gave me, so I appreciate seeing that because that sort of got my mind moving along about what else can he imprint? Like if I give him something, can he do it?

00:02:22 – Andrew Hajduk

That’s, that’s, you know, one of the things that we love to do. And one of the things that we love about this location and where we’re at and serving the people that we do is we love getting people in here because you get to see what we do. But once you walk around, you see that and you’re like, okay, well, could we do this? Or could I do that? It’s always a lot of fun to walk people through here because they see what we do. Then they start to kind of make it their own and see their logo on things.

00:02:52 – Rico Figliolini

And Daniel, you’re in marketing and you’ve been here about two and a half years with your dad, I think, right?

00:02:57 – Daniel Hajduk

Yeah, about two and a half years. The summer of 2022, after I completed four years in the Navy, I wanted to… I realized I wanted to get back to something like this, something that doesn’t feel like work most of the time, something that you’re growing something constantly and doing something different every single day, like the bats. I mean, that morning, no idea we’d print on bats, but that came up the next day, and we have bats going, and we’re even in the back right now working on the new edition, and it’s really fun.

00:03:26 – Rico Figliolini

You can’t share what that is?

00:03:30 – Andrew Hajduk

Not yet. I don’t want to get in trouble with the city. First dibs.

00:03:34 – Rico Figliolini

I’m just kidding. Did the military background help you a little bit?

00:03:39 – Daniel Hajduk

Yes. One thing I like to, I always ask them and question them on why we do things a certain way. Why do we do it like this? How did you learn how to do this? Now, why is it like this? So it gave me an experience of… One thing the military is really good at is structure with things. And I love mixing that, the strengths of that with our kind of complete customization on everything we can do. And so really just maximizing what we can do for clients, what we can do for ourselves at the best potential.

00:04:10 – Rico Figliolini

A bit of problem solving sometimes when a client comes to you and you’re not sure, they’re not sure maybe, and you have to guide them a little bit.

00:04:18 – Andrew Hajduk

It’s trying to figure out, and we ask a lot of questions, and there’s folks that we work phenomenally well with, and we’ve got some really good long -term relationships. And sometimes it’s tough because in that initial period, we do ask a lot of questions because I’m going to try to help you get to what you’re trying to do. And I’ve got another customer who says, hey, one of the things I like about you guys is you give me what I need, not what I always ask for. But that’s what we’re trying to figure out is, okay, how are you going to use this? Who’s going to be putting it together? How’s it going to be distributed? All of those things to try to maybe get to a better idea. Maybe not. And maybe what we originally started with is the best way, but we try to get there.

00:05:02 – Rico Figliolini

Is there a philosophy that you want to share? I mean, I sense a philosophy in here.

00:05:07 – Andrew Hajduk

We do whatever it takes to make a customer look successful. And that is the greatest reward for us. I mean, I love the project business. We love doing things. We’re not coming in here. Daniel mentioned the bats, different things. We don’t come in here and do the same thing every single day. But there’s no greater reward than when we see our stuff on TV at the Army-Navy game, when we did a bunch of stuff for the Sun Bowl, when we saw that come back and clients are sending us pictures or showing us how things work out. And which ultimately leads to the greatest reward of all is somebody saying, hey, here’s somebody else in my company that you should be working with.

00:05:52 – Rico Figliolini

It’s interesting. I mean, obviously, you’re based here in Peachtree Corners, state of Georgia, but your stuff goes all over the place. Trade shows in Vegas, I’m sure, West Coast and all over the place. What type of clients? I know in sales, you always ask, I guess, what’s your preferred prospect, your lead? Like, who is your client? Who would you say, even if it’s a variety of clients, how would you describe that?

00:06:17 – Andrew Hajduk

So I think, and it sounds kind of funny to say this sometimes, but the best client is first and one that has a similar mindset that we do, that believes that it’s important to brand. It’s important to get your name, your logo, your look out there. There’s a lot of guys out there, and a big portion of our business is we work with a lot of retailers. And we have retail customers that don’t market a ton. They don’t worry about what the appearance of the store is and things like that. And, you know, that ultimately gets reflected. But if you want to convey a certain image, right, and it doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot of money, but if your branding is important, if consistent branding is important, if getting the word out there, right, and even for our B2B clients, we’ve got some great B2B clients here in Peachtree Corners right behind us as well. And they care. They want their employees to feel special. They want their associates to look good. It’s important that their people look good in the marketplace. And that’s the best kind of client.

00:07:21 – Rico Figliolini

I’ve been following you a bit on LinkedIn and commenting and engaging a little bit on some of your posts. I saw one that had a deal, I think it was with truck wraps, which really hit home for me because I totally don’t understand why people can’t get it into their head there. After three years of something, you really do want to refresh it. It’s almost like a restaurant that opens up in another restaurant space and keeps their awnings in sort of the three -year -old, four -year -old decorations outside rather than replacing it all. This way you look like a new place. How do you do that? How do you work with people that, you know, I’m sure you’re doing other things with them, but you may say to them, you know, that awning needs to be replaced or something.

00:08:08 – Andrew Hajduk

I try to bring it up. We probably wrap an average of 600 vehicles a year for our clients. And one of the questions that we often get asked is, how long is it going to last? And my response is, it’s going to last far longer than its useful life, meaning that it’s going to stop disrupting the environment. We have a phrase that I like to use around here. I said, you’ve got to be tastefully obnoxious. Right? You’ve got to get people’s attention because over time, everything starts to blend into the environment. And so, you know, if it’s we don’t think of our vehicles in terms of marketing budget. And quite honestly, it’s the lowest cost per impression that you can get out there. And we should be looking at it and not just rewrapping a vehicle either when we get a new one or when we wreck it.

00:08:56 – Rico Figliolini

I mean, that makes sense. I mean, they drive their vehicles around, they park. Maybe in front of their retail place of their restaurant and catering. I mean, there’s a value for it to look a certain way. You don’t want it to look dingy if you’re providing food. Like, there’s just a real value, I think, in how you present yourself. So when it comes to marketing then, how do you approach companies? How are you getting your business leads?

00:09:24 – Daniel Hajduk

So a lot of our business has come from other clients of ours. So one person works at X company. They either move to that company or have a friend at this company. They use us there. So it’s kind of just a domino effect of people just notice what we can do for them. And it just keeps growing and keeps growing and keeps growing. Beginning of last year, we took a different approach and we really got aggressive, I would say, with trying to really focus here in the Atlanta area to service everyone around us and just really grow with everyone. Like our neighbors next door or someone two miles down the road or anyone here in the city, we know that there’s opportunity because there’s so many great businesses in the area and everyone needs what we’re doing. And we know so many people struggle with something that shouldn’t be a hassle on their end. It should be something they send to us and we take care of and we deliver beyond their expectations.

00:10:18 – Rico Figliolini

I was reading some of your branding in the foyer, in the entrance. And one of the lines was to, something that’s used quite a bit, but it’s interesting, not everyone follows through, turnkey operation. Make it silly stupid for people. Make it so easy for them that when you deliver the job, it’s done, they don’t have to worry about anything.

00:10:43 – Daniel Hajduk

We had a, this is why we see that there’s all this opportunity here and just Peachtree Corners alone. We had a lady come in from a company that’s on the other side of that intersection down there, and she called in and mentioned that she needed help with hats because the hat order she had got canceled on someone online right before the event, and they weren’t going to be able to get it to her in time. She called in and said, hey, come in, let’s take a look, and we’ll figure this out. She came in about 10 minutes later, and within five minutes, we had a hat picked out. We gave her pricing. We had proofs to her that evening. And we had the job two or two days later. So when I tell someone, getting a bucket of hats shouldn’t be difficult for your event. Getting employee apparel shouldn’t be difficult. Having a trade show backdrop shouldn’t be difficult to get. Whatever you need, it should not be hard. You should not have to be worrying about checking every step for approval. We’ll tell you what we’re going to deliver, tell you when. We’re going to ask you questions. We’re going to need answers. That’s just to guide us to the right product and the right timing.

00:11:47 – Rico Figliolini

Cool. When you’re doing this and there’s value to what you do, right, Andrew? I know pricing is always an issue. Well, not always an issue. I mean, the way I work is that I don’t go for the cheapest. I don’t go for the most expensive. I go for the quality, the delivery, somewhere where I trust that. I can be waiting like all of a sudden I have a job and then that stuff doesn’t show up. But some people worry about pricing. And, you know, how do you make sure you hold your value? You know, because there is a value to what you do.

00:12:25 – Andrew Hajduk

So, you know, I always tell people we should always be in line. You know, are there times we’re going to be more expensive? And if you shop hard enough, you’re going to find something cheaper. We like to tell people we give them back the greatest thing that we can, which is time. You were talking earlier about managing things and going through it and stuff like that. And you shouldn’t have to. It should be straightforward. It should be easy. You shouldn’t have to worry if your colors are correct or is there an instruction sheet with putting the hardware together or am I violating any brand guidelines? We work with a lot of national companies where brand guidelines are important. So we try to do that and we try to be very fair. Quite honestly, you asked about philosophies and things like that and call any of my long-term clients and they’ll tell you that they’ve heard me say this line a thousand times. Here’s the way I look at it. In every relationship, you have a bucket of money. The more I can give you for that, the better we all are. You grow your business, that bucket continues to grow. There’s more opportunity for us to win and we try to have very long-term relationships based on that.

00:13:33 – Rico Figliolini

Going back to what you said, Daniel, referral business because that’s what you were talking about before, right? You’re doing a good job. People refer you. They go to another place. They know the experience with you. You’re going to be the person in that door, in that new company. When you’re dealing with a new business that’s coming in, whether it’s a retail place, restaurant, let’s say that type of business, storefront, let’s say. They’re brand new. They’re not a franchise even because you know, they want to do their own thing. How do you approach a business like that when they come to you? Are there certain staples that you think they should be doing? How does that work?

00:14:15 – Andrew Hajduk

100%. Over the, I had to figure this out for something a couple years ago. And with all the rebrands that we’ve done, all the acquisitions and all the stores we’ve opened over the years, from Wolf Cameras to Aaron’s to Mattress Firms and so forth. We’ve opened over 7,000 stores. And all the way from guys that they’re opening their first unit to their 2,000th, whatever it is. Especially in retail, and I think it’s more important than ever, there’s two things that you have to do. One, you have to create omnipresence, right? So whether that’s being on Facebook, on social media platforms, but also in print and out in the community. We see all the time, right? You’re driving down the road and you drive past a shopping center and you’re like, huh, when did they get there, right? How long have they been there? And maybe they just opened, but they didn’t do a good job of disrupting the environment. I believe big time in guerrilla marketing, getting out there with the businesses. If I was a local restaurant here, I would be going and knocking on doors, especially as people are returning to work, giving them lunch specials, trying to get people out of the office just to drive that traffic. Too many times, and I tell all of my clients this, is we can’t just sit back and wait for people to come. We’ve got to get out there and let the community know we’re there.

00:15:38 – Rico Figliolini

Yeah. I can see what you mean by that. I mean, they’ll be doing the magazine business, for example, right? Which is print, digital, and everything else that comes in there. So we talk to a lot of people, and everyone has their philosophy. And certain businesses work a certain way. Maybe social media works better for them than print. There’s a variety of different things, right? So we tried to produce content as well. But the interesting part to me is this. There’ll be a business in business for six to seven months. They’re all in on social media. And then all of a sudden, six, seven months, eight months later, they’re realizing that’s not working. And they’re not doing anything else but social media. Maybe they’re not going to the festivals. Maybe they’re not going out into the community, which they would need branding to be able to do that. You can’t just show up naked, right? You need that stuff to be able to be out there. I mean, when I participated in Peachtree Corners Festival, you all did my table drape and attire and stuff. I can’t tell you how many people stopped at the booth or passed the booth to say, wow, look, yeah, we get that magazine or we get the sister publication or we listen to their podcast or something. So it was a good, visible place to be.

00:16:56 – Andrew Hajduk

But think about the, you know, you’re older like me. So think about when we used to go to the mall when we were kids and stuff like that. How did the restaurants, how did the Chinese restaurant or the pretzel place or any of those places drum up business? They had people come out from behind the counter and go up and hand people samples and things like that. And that’s the kind of stuff that businesses have lost. Social media has to be a part of it. It absolutely does. But you have to have other things as well. I mean, I see so many businesses that just rely on a single channel of marketing and don’t worry about getting the word out. And we’re all super busy. We drive the same route every single day, stuff like that. And you don’t notice stuff. It’s our job as marketers to disrupt the environment so that when you’re driving by the shopping center, you’re sitting there in the light, you’re going, holy cow, I didn’t realize that that was there. They must be new. I’m going to stop in and try them.

00:17:54 – Rico Figliolini

Yeah, no, perfect. I love that. You’re right. I remember reading, I think it was some ones, the franchise manual for people that started the franchise, right? And this was some years back. I don’t even know if they do it now. But one of the things they did say in there was go check out all the commercial businesses within a two-mile radius. and then within one mile, and go bring them free lunch. Every one of them, free lunch. And, you know, someone may look at that and say, well, that costs money. And it’s just like, think about it. When you’re home and you cook for your guests, and they say, this is wonderful. Don’t you want the same thing? So, yeah, people are afraid, I think, sometimes to spend the money in, but they’ll spend the money in ridiculous ways, but not in other ways.

00:18:41 – Andrew Hajduk

To me, it’s a commitment thing, right? If we want people to make a commitment to us, we have to make a commitment to them. Somebody’s going to have to go first.

00:18:50 – Rico Figliolini

And you started this in 96, you said? 96. So that was, I moved here in 95, actually. That was the year of the Olympics. Olympics is kind of funny that way. I remember back then I used to sell commercial sheet-fed printing. You could be a lousy salesperson and still make good money. And after things stopped around, I forget what year it was now. Things just got a little bad. And salespeople, you could see the tree shake and all the bad ones fell out. Did you feel that way sometimes?

00:19:25 – Andrew Hajduk

We’ve gone through a couple different challenges, right? So we didn’t start because of the Olympics. We had some Olympic work and things like that. But because of when we started, we were a little bit behind the curve there. So a lot of that stuff was already going on. We were fortunate and we had two clients that pushed us to really get the company going and get it off the ground that, you know, so we weren’t kind of in that survival mode from day one. But then you had the dot-com crash, right? In 99, 2000. And there were so many people that were printing just a bunch of stupid stuff. And, you know, you had to get through that. So that was kind of, I always say it’s a flush that we need, but it’s painful to go through.

00:20:09 – Rico Figliolini

Did you see the same thing in 2008?

00:20:11 – Andrew Hajduk

Absolutely. That’s the next one I was going to go to. You know, we were, my two biggest clients in 2008 were Aaron’s Sales and Lease and Mattress Firm. And both Ken Butler and Steve Stagner that ran those companies respectively, they were very much forward thinking. And I remember Steve saying, we’ve got to dial up the advertising. We have to work harder today to get the customer’s dollar than when it was easy. And so, you know, for us, it was good there. But we saw a lot of guys, and especially as digital printing’s gone on, we’ve been on the cutting edge of that since day one. And you’ll see different people jump in, right? Every sign shop comes in and they’re going to buy this. Every T-shirt shop comes in and they’re going to buy this. And it goes on and on. And those are the things that, you know, create some price pressure because everybody wants to give it away. But then during those times, it becomes real tough and you see people start to fall out.

00:21:03 – Rico Figliolini

Printing was that way too. Yeah. And I remember I used to tell the owner of the print shop I was at, commercial printer, $3 million in sales and stuff. Business cards are loss leaders. I’d give them away to be able to walk into a company with 600 employees. Because the minute you got into that hallway, you’re like, everyone’s coming out and saying, do you do this? Do you do that? You don’t even, you’re not bidding anymore at that point. You’re just getting the work.

00:21:29 – Andrew Hajduk

Yeah It was, it’s a, you know, again, when we used to go out more and more, but it was, you could just walk around and pick up back in the day before email and stuff like that. You just walk around and pick up jobs.

00:21:44 – Rico Figliolini

Yes. It’s not like that anymore. So I think, you know, 2008 was a bad one, but I think things have gotten progressively better. Maybe we’re heading into something. Who knows? You know, I mean, people talk about like another real estate, except commercial real estate this time versus residential bubble or something. But when you’re hiring salespeople, what do you look for in them?

00:22:11 – Andrew Hajduk

The number one thing we look for in anybody we hire is attitude. I want to hire people that want to grow. I’ve never had anybody not come to work here because of the money, and I’ve never had anyone leave here because of the money. Does that mean we’re the highest paying people out there? No, I think we’re fair. But we’re also tough on the front end with trying to find people. But I really want people that want to grow. It’s one of our, you had mentioned our boards, our vision boards out in the lobby. That’s one of the things that we look for, right? One of the things that we tell people, we’re into personal development because I think it’s important that for the company to achieve its goals, for the company to go to where it needs to go, you need to achieve your goals concurrently with that. You need to be on that right path. It can’t just be about working harder, working harder, and working harder. You’ve got a vision of where you want to get to. Daniel’s got a vision of where he wants to get to. Everybody here has got a vision of where they want to get to. And they’ve got one, three, and five-year goals. When we can marry those together, that’s when the magic happens.

00:23:20 – Rico Figliolini

So when you’re doing that, and there’s a cross-section of people that you’re dealing with, right? Age groups, diverse people and such. And hiring not just salespeople, but employees, right? You want to be able to hire an employee and know that they’re going to do the right job, even if it’s a part-time job, even if it’s a summer job. Do you put the same type of philosophy into that?

00:23:42 – Andrew Hajduk

100% for every single person here.

00:23:45 – Rico Figliolini

You expect them to show up on time, hopefully, and do the work that they’re supposed to do?

00:23:50 – Andrew Hajduk

We do. And so the back one of that happens first, right? And look, nobody’s sitting here watching door swipes and things like that to sit there and go, oh, Daniel got here at 8:05 today. I better go talk to him or, you know, whatever. I want to hire people that understand we have a job to do. Some days we have to stay late. We had a client that was in a jam the other night. A lot of us were here till about eight o’clock trying to help them out, right? Am I looking? No. We just, we want that mindset of people that want to grow, that want to be better and continue on. And I think, you know, are we a hundred percent at the hiring on that? No, absolutely not. But we continue to get better and better in that, and especially making sure that we’re good on that on the front end. And it’s worked pretty well for us.

00:24:38 – Rico Figliolini

We were talking a little bit about social media before. I’m assuming that’s your ball of wax, if you will.

00:24:44 – Daniel Hajduk

Somewhat. Megan, my sister as well, she’s the main one who manages all that, but we’re trying to come up with some plans to, because ourselves, we have to put ourselves out on social media because there’s nothing you can’t get out there. You have to have social. So you can’t just do print. You can’t just do social, you have to do both because you’re missing one audience. You can’t just do a direct mailer because not everyone’s going to react to a mailer. You can’t just do a TikTok. Not everyone’s going to be on TikTok. No one’s going to be on TikTok soon.

00:25:07 – Rico Figliolini

If that goes through.

00:25:11 – Daniel Hajduk

But the impact of what you can do with the mix of both. So if you start seeing those trucks around and your vehicles around and the signage and the sponsorships around, but you also see their TikTok that’s funny or their Instagram reel or whatever, their Facebook posts. It gets your attention. They’re in your mind. So we’re really trying to dial that in with ourselves because we do a lot of cool stuff here. And like we said, when we bring people in to show them something, no one usually leaves here underwhelmed. Everyone’s like, wow. I had a guy that I saw again for the first time a couple nights ago for the first time since he was here. He was telling people, you guys have to go there and check it out. It’s impressive. People think, I got people who give it nicknames and everything because they think it’s just some amazing place where all the things come to life. And they say, hey, I’m looking for this. Like you said, the bats. Even if it’s just a banner, it’s just so cool to see it in action. And that’s what we’re trying to put out there.

00:26:10 – Rico Figliolini

It’s funny because when I walked in the back, I’m thinking, this is big, but it’s not huge. But you have so much packed in there that you’re doing. Every square foot has a usable, there’s a reason for something to be there. And yeah, I felt the same way. I felt like my mind was going, what can I use this for? What can I, what can I bring here? Who do I know that I want to market to that I could do their marketing and then, and use what you’re doing here.

00:26:39 – Daniel Hajduk

That’s the fun thing is literally you said, how do we, when we start working with someone, how do, what do we start with? Usually we don’t have to dig too deep. Someone needs something, whether it is just some signage, whether it is apparel, whether it is a marketing piece to use at an event or a promotional item. We start somewhere, then we can grow into the rest. So you don’t have to be able to, let’s do everything in a box. No, just come in and do one thing, and with time naturally, it’ll take over.

00:27:07 – Rico Figliolini

You do design work in-house also, I think, right? And you’re setting expectations for people because a lot of businesses are busy themselves and all of a sudden their deadlines become your rush deadlines. And, you know, they’re waiting until the last minute and then like, we need it tomorrow. And you guys are stuck like delivering. Setting expectations the right way, I guess.

00:27:32 – Andrew Hajduk

That’s one of the biggest challenges. Like we always joke around here, you know, I mean, the CFP is here on Monday night. I am sure that, you know, tomorrow we’re going to hear something about, well, we just about got it ready. Right? And it’s like, they’re not going to move the day to the football game, but we still have to get the stuff done.

00:27:49 – Rico Figliolini

Right, right. You mentioned, we talked a little bit about community involvement. So I just want to go back there for a little bit. You’re on the, I think it was the Development Authority?

00:27:59 – Andrew Hajduk

Yeah, the DDA, the Downtown Development Authority.

00:28:01 – Rico Figliolini

In the city of Peachtree Corners.

00:28:02 – Andrew Hajduk

Yes, sir.

00:28:04 – Rico Figliolini

You’re seeing a lot of things. You know, obviously, some of it is, it’s all development work, not redevelopment per se. Although some things could be considered redevelopment. So do you look at that and does that give you a different perspective when you come walking into your business?

00:28:21 – Andrew Hajduk

Yeah, it does. It all kind of plays together because you see one of the things that we’ve been going through and I think that you’re going to see a ton of this. We’re seeing it with our customers in and outside of Peachtree Corners, but you see it in Tech Park and different things, is the return to work mandate, which is huge.

00:28:40 – Rico Figliolini

Are you seeing that?

00:28:41 – Andrew Hajduk

We have several Fortune 50 clients that have gone five days in office beginning January 6th. So I think you’re going to continue to see that trickle down, right? As the new administration takes hold, you know, in the next week or so, that’s one of their big things and stuff. And personally, look, I believe that there needs to be way more return to work, right? There are some jobs that can be done, but not every job. You see what we do here. I can’t put printers in people’s house. So we have to come in. But I think that that’s important. So as you see those trends involved in the city, right, and the kind of businesses that are coming in, then we start thinking, okay, how does that impact our business? How does that impact our marketing efforts? Right? What opportunities does that give us and things like that? But I also like seeing from a community perspective, having the right mix. This city has done a really good job of balanced growth with the kind of retail they have, the kind of business that they’re bringing in. And it’s just a really nice balance to drive around and see. I’ve seen other cities where every single shopping center has a vape store, a nail salon, and a massage parlor. And there’s seven of them within a mile, but they don’t have any of the big national retailers. They don’t have the tech companies and all of that other stuff to come in and you’ve got to have that balance in a community for it to survive.

00:30:15 – Rico Figliolini

And it’s a bit different. We were talking just before we started about Johns Creek, Sandy Springs, Dunwoody, Chamblee, Brookhaven. I mean, all very different from each other. I mean, when you look at it and compare it to here, different types of stores, even different people.

00:30:32 – Andrew Hajduk

Absolutely. And so, you know, not to pick on them, but, you know, Johns Creek was home for us. It’s where all three of my kids grew up and where my wife and I lived for 28 years. And they were super strict on the signs. And a lot of national retailers didn’t want to come to Johns Creek. It was tougher for them. And the way then every shopping center got developed. Literally within our house, you know, when we moved, because I would go out and run, I could run past seven vape shops and not even be at a mile. Not that there’s that, you know, again, you’ve got to have that right balance and stuff like that, but it can’t all be that because we are going to see a lot of empty retail if that’s the only places that we can go in.

00:31:16 – Rico Figliolini

I mean, eventually, I mean, so if we talk about the Forum, for example, they had 17 stores empty, storefronts empty. I would drive through and I would literally count how many stores were empty. Now, I don’t think there’s, I think there’s maybe one or two that still doesn’t have a sign lease to that I’m aware of. Not that they share their information with me, but it’s almost completely filled. And there’s more density coming, right? So the apartment Solus, I think, is going to be opening as soon as they finish. Broadstone down the block is like 95% at least. And they were leasing really fast. I mean, faster than they thought, ahead of schedule. So that just tells you that people do want to be here because it’s a straight shot down to into Atlanta from Peachtree Parkway. So if you’re going to go into work, this would be a good place.

00:32:09 – Andrew Hajduk

And you have a Town Center. I mean, let’s not, you know, and as we moved, the business moved here in 2005, and that was before Peachtree Corners existed, we were still in Norcross. And then in 2012, when the city became a city, so that’s why I say we’ve been here since that time. But we were just down the road in Northwoods. I didn’t see it when they developed Town Center. I was over there maybe a year or so ago for a Peachtree Corners Business Association breakfast. Eight o’clock in the morning, I was amazed. There was people out there doing yoga on the grass and things like that. And if you go by there on a Friday night when they’re doing something and you’re trying to pick up pizza or something like that, it is absolutely jam-packed. So they have that center that everybody comes in and these things to help gather around, which is just really a part of the smart development of it.

00:33:10 – Rico Figliolini

I can’t wait until Paulitan Row opens. That’s going to be great. And I think it’s Millie’s Pizza, a new pizza place in the jewel box right up front there. Alright, just to sort of wrap up a little bit. I mean, father, son, sister. How many other members of the family?

00:33:18 – Daniel Hajduk

And my wife works here, too

00:33:22 – Rico Figliolini

Family affair. You all work. This is cool. How many employees does Vox Pop Uli have?

00:33:33 – Daniel Hajduk


00:33:34 – Rico Figliolini


00:33:35 – Daniel Hajduk

A good chunk of those employees are family members of each other, too.

00:33:38 – Rico Figliolini


00:33:39 – Andrew Hajduk

Yeah. We have another husband and wife working here. We have a father and a stepson. So, yes.

00:33:41 – Rico Figliolini

That’s cool. Everyone’s committed. There’s a reason to be committed also to it. Life balance because of that? Is there a good life balance that you guys try to keep? Work-life balance is what I mean.

00:33:58 – Andrew Hajduk

Yes, there is. So I had the great joy of working with my dad. He came to work here about four years after I started the company, which was a really tough dynamic with the father coming to work for the son’s company. And that created some interesting family dynamics. But in the end, I knew that I wanted my family to be part of my business. When the kids got older and Cindy had been a stay-at-home mom while the kids were all growing up. My youngest went into eighth grade. She came to work here. And then my daughter graduated college, went to work for another agency, and then after a year wanted to come to work here. Kind of Daniel. So it’s been, and again, I’m going to be the, I will never tell you that it’s been 100% easy. The dynamic between all of us sometimes gets tough and things like that. At least from my perspective, it’s been a great joy for me, and it’s also helped address part of what happens to this when I’m done. I’m at the age where I start talking to people and everybody’s starting to think what their exit strategy is and things like that, and they don’t know. I feel truly blessed to know that my kids will be here to take this to the next level and stuff like that. But, you know, we have to work at it.

00:35:32 – Rico Figliolini

It’s cool that you have that, that you have a succession plan and stuff. Because lots of families don’t. And they end up closing shop for one reason or another. So it’s kind of cool. The legacy lives on, right? So we’ve been talking to Andrew and Daniel, Vox Pop Uli. Great business here in Peachtree Corners. And, to be transparent, a sponsor of ours as well. So we appreciate you guys sponsoring our journalism, the podcasts, and the magazines that we do. I appreciate that. And the podcast, actually, that we do as well. So thank you.

00:36:05 – Daniel Hajduk

Thank you for having us.

00:36:07 – Andrew Hajduk

 Yeah, thank you for having us. We love doing stuff like this. And we are really committed to this community. And selfishly, I want to become the place for everybody to come put their logo on something in Peachtree Corners. And if I can help your business, we all win, I believe.

00:36:28 – Daniel Hajduk

Just send us an email. Come by, whatever it is. We can help you out.

00:36:30 – Rico Figliolini

In the show notes, we’ll have the website address, social media and stuff. So pick up on it, ask them questions. They’re always open. So just for any new ideas. Thank you guys.

00:36:40 – Andrew Hajduk

Thank you.

00:36:41 – Rico Figliolini

Thank you all. And leave a comment if you have questions and check the show notes for all the other information you need.

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Peachtree Corners Life

City Updates: Brian Johnson on The Forum Parking Changes, Simpsonwood Park and New Community Events



In this episode of Peachtree Corners Life, host Rico Figliolini covers a range of topics for the new year with City Manager Brian Johnson. They address misinformation circulating on the Nextdoor app, discuss updates and future plans for Simpsonwood Park and provide details on upcoming city infrastructure improvements, including gateway signage and parks.

Additionally, the episode announces new features in Peachtree Corners, such as a trail hub, an electric vehicle mobility hub, concert additions and potential park development.


00:00 Introduction and New Year Greetings
00:35 Sponsor Acknowledgements
01:48 Addressing Inaccuracies about The Forum Parking
12:57 Simpsonwood Park Master Plan Update
27:51 City Gateway Signage and Trail Hub Plans
36:11 Upcoming Events and Community Activities

Although noted in places as Forum North the office building and parking lot are not owned by The Forum shopping center and are privately owned. The signage above relates to paid parking for unregistered vehicles or vehicles parked for more than 30 minutes.

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