Arts & Literature
Wesleyan Artist Market, Student Artists 2023 [Podcast]
2 years agoon

On this episode of Peachtree Corners Life we take a deep dive into the world of young artists at Wesleyan School, featuring three talented individuals: Freddie Reinhard, and Anastasia and Juliana Lamas. From digital art to painted oyster shells, these artisans have created unique, inspiring pieces that showcase their creativity and passions. We explore their inspirations, hobbies, and future aspirations, as well as their involvement in academics and extracurricular activities. With the Wesleyan Artist Market approaching (on April 28,29, 2023), this podcast is the perfect sneak peek into the exciting works these artists will be presenting. Don’t miss this chance to discover the next generation of artistic talent.
Wesleyan Artist Market Website
freddie reinhard
Timestamp (Where to find it in the podcast):
[0:00:00] – Intro
[0:01:48] – About Anastasia and Juliana
[0:02:58] – About Freddie
[0:05:40] – Other Interests
[0:06:19] – The Creative Process
[0:10:50] – Presenting at The Artist Market
[0:12:34] – Inspiration
[0:14:35] – Difficulties of Mediums
[0:19:32] – Art Courses and Extracurricular Activities
[0:23:50] – Closing
Podcast transcript:
[0:00:00] Rico Figliolini: Hi, everyone. This is Rico Figliolini, host of Peachtree Corners Life. And I have some special guests today. We are a sponsor of the Wesleyan Artist Market, and the guests I have here are student artists that are going to be presenting at the show this April. So let me introduce Freddie first. Hey, Freddie, thanks for joining us.
[0:00:18] Freddie Reinhard: Hi, how are you?
[0:00:19] Rico Figliolini: Good. Anastasia and Juliana, left and right, respective. Thanks for joining us.
[0:00:26] Anastasia Lamas: Thank you.
[0:00:27] Rico Figliolini: Appreciate it. So before we get right into it, I just want to say thank you to our corporate sponsor, EV Remodeling. I say corporate, but they’re a neighbor of ours, right? They live in Peachtree Corners. Eli is the owner of the place, and EV Remodeling does design to build and renovation work, and they’ve been around for a while, and they do great work. So check them out at They’re our sponsor and a great supporter of ours, so we appreciate them. So let’s hop right into it. You girls are exhibiting at Wesleyan Artist Market this April. I wish I had the dates in front of me, but do you remember the dates, Freddie?
[0:01:07] Freddie Reinhard: Yes, April 28 and April 29.
[0:01:10] Rico Figliolini: Great. Thank you. Just testing you on that one. Right? So we’re featuring it in the upcoming issue of Peachtree Corners Magazine as well. So we have three adult artists that we profiled in the magazine. So check that out. That’s coming out. Hitting the post office, I think Thursday. Mailboxes this weekend, hopefully. So check that out. But let’s get right into it. Juliana and Anastasia do artwork on oyster shells and a little different medium, right? They’re in 8th grade and 7th grade, and they’re working together on this project. So why don’t you two tell me a little bit about what it is that you do.
[0:01:48] Anastasia Lamas: So we take oyster shells from where we vacation at Hilton Head Island, and we paint them with a lot of different designs to be used as trinket dishes and decorations and gifts.
[0:02:04] Rico Figliolini: We’re going to flash one on. So when you paint these, I’m assuming you paint the background white, and then you use colors. What mediums, what actually are you using to do this?
[0:02:15] Anastasia Lamas: So first we bleach them to get any sort of, like, black spots off, and then we use acrylic paint. We do a few coats of that.
[0:02:25] Rico Figliolini: So what got you into that?
[0:02:28] Anastasia Lamas: We really loved the style, and I actually used them as nutcracker gifts for my dance friends as well, originally. And we thought that they would sell really well at the Artist Market.
[0:02:38] Rico Figliolini: Cool. Here’s another one that let’s pop that one in there too. So how many varieties do you have actually, that you’re using?
[0:02:46] Anastasia Lamas: Probably at the moment, probably seven. Like, seven-ish.
[0:02:49] Rico Figliolini: Cool. Freddie, you’re doing different stuff, so tell us a little bit about some of your work.
[0:02:58] Freddie Reinhard: So I have a button right here, like college buttons. And this one happens to be for Wesleyan. So they’re for, like, game days, and whenever you just want to support your team. They’re very popular at big SEC schools, especially. And then I’m also doing dorm room prints, so you can put, obviously, your dorm room, bathroom, wherever you want to show your team spirit. And I’m also making sweatshirts that have, like, a teddy bear design on them, wearing jerseys for Ole Miss Alabama.
[0:03:29] Rico Figliolini: So what medium? I know you said I believe you said before we started rolling on this that you use digital. So it’s digitally done? So what programs are you actually working in?
[0:03:39] Freddie Reinhard: I use Fresco. It’s, like, from Adobe, and it just is great. Definitely my go to. It’s pretty simple. I have, like, a button machine, and you just print out your pictures, and a pretty easy job to get done.
[0:03:55] Rico Figliolini: So some of the stuff, like, for example, Auburn, this would be on a button I’m assuming .
[0:03:59] Freddie Reinhard: Yes, that would be on a button.
[0:04:01] Rico Figliolini: Excellent. So leave that up for a minute. Freddie, have you done the Wesleyan Artist Market before, or is this the first time, or how long have you been doing it?
[0:04:16] Freddie Reinhard: No, this is my first time doing it.
[0:04:18] Rico Figliolini: Really?
[0:04:18] Freddie Reinhard: I thought it would just be a fun way for people to wear my art. I thought it would just be cool to see people wearing it. And I’m going to college next year, so I’m like, what better time to make college pins? I can even make some for my friends next year. And I just thought it was something unique that I knew would probably sell well.
[0:04:35] Rico Figliolini: Cool. Now, you’ve been, I understand correctly, you’re an AP art student at Wesleyan School?
[0:04:41] Freddie Reinhard: Yes.
[0:04:42] Rico Figliolini: And you’ve done about three and a half years of art in high school, I’m assuming. That’s a lot of years of art for a high school kid.
[0:04:48] Freddie Reinhard: It is.
[0:04:49] Rico Figliolini: Is this something that you want? Where do you want to take this when you go to college?
[0:04:54] Freddie Reinhard: Well, I’m hoping to do something in fashion, and so all this art is definitely helping me just kind of know my style in general, and I just love art. In the first place, I would like to do fashion, and I’m sure that if these buttons sell well, I’ll probably sell them in college. Yeah. It’s just something I’ve always loved.
[0:05:16] Rico Figliolini: Do you want to do a career out of this? What do you think your major would be in college?
[0:05:22] Freddie Reinhard: Well, currently I’m majoring in Southern Studies, which is, like, I can study the art of the south. So I really would like to tie in my Southern culture with my fashion. Hopefully, I could go into something fashion related would be my dream. All of this definitely helps out.
[0:05:40] Rico Figliolini: Absolutely. All right, let’s go to Anastasia and Juliana. I mean, middle school, 7th, 8th grade. Is that middle school? Yeah, that’s middle school. You’re way before college, right? Why don’t you share some of the interests that you two have? I mean, is art part of that, or do you have other interests besides that?
[0:06:00] Anastasia Lamas: I’m a dancer. I really do enjoy making art outside of dance and school. And Juliana?
[0:06:08 ] Juliana Lamas: I’m a gymnast, and so I really like that, and I really like just being creative and thinking of new ways to make something.
[0:06:19] Rico Figliolini: So when you’re doing the oysters and that artwork, are you both working on it at the same time? Do you collaborate? Does one of you say, no, I don’t think I like that, or how does that go? And do you sketch it out before you actually put it on the oyster?
[0:06:35] Anastasia Lamas: Yes, we have designs that we know we’re going to do on the shells, and we’ll put on the shell and do them together.
[0:06:44] Rico Figliolini: Cool. I guess there’s always someone a little bit more creative than the other right in a pair. Does anyone want to raise their hand? Which one’s more creative?
[0:06:55] Anastasia Lamas: I think we’re both creative in our own ways, like, different parts.
[0:07:01] Rico Figliolini: And where do you get your inspiration for what you do? Like, the artwork that you put on the shells, how do you come up with that?
[0:07:08] Juliana Lamas: For some of them, so we play the piano. So for one of them that we made, we put piano notes on it. I actually have it with me. And then Anastasia really likes flowers, so we made some with flowers on them, and then we wanted to incorporate something from Wesleyan into them. So it says Joy on it. It’s the joy motto. And then we have the ones that have the crosses on them.
[0:07:32] Rico Figliolini: Okay. Got a bunch of them up there now. Okay, so let’s go back to Freddie a little bit. So, Freddie, where do you find your creative process, your creative space, physical space or mind?
[0:07:53] Freddie Reinhard: Yeah, honestly, I do a lot of my drawings during class, which isn’t a good thing. I call it the doodlebug. My friends know it as that, and it’s just like, I’m in class, I can’t think of anything but just, like, drawing something on paper or my laptop. So, sadly, to my teachers, it’s definitely in class. And then also, I’ll draw when I get home from school, or if I just have some downtime, I’ll do some drawings then, and I get a lot of my inspiration from Pinterest. I see all these cute dorm room stuff, and I’m like, I could do that, but I want my Freddie spin on it. So I’ll do bows often. A lot of people know me for my bows because I just have bows in all my artwork. I just have practiced my handwriting for probably, like, four years now.
[0:08:47] Rico Figliolini: All right, well, the Pinterest, I’m surprised, actually. My daughter uses it. She’s 24. So is that something that you use a lot of? Do you create boards and put up your stuff that way too?
[0:09:07] Freddie Reinhard: Normally I’ll just go on there. If I need a pattern for this cherry background, maybe I saw something with cherries, and then I was like, that’s pretty cute. Or if I just see fun colors that I could incorporate in my art, I’ll do that. Or if I just need inspiration for something, I’ll definitely go there, because obviously it’s Pinterest. They have everything under the sun.
[0:09:30] Rico Figliolini: Okay. All right. Juliana, how about as far as inspiration? I think you said your family goes to Hilton Head, or is that correct? So when did that start? And I guess do you beach comb? Do you go searching for the shells on the beach, I’m assuming?
[0:09:51] Anastasia Lamas: Well, our grandparents owned some condos up at Hilton Head, and they’ve been going there since before we were born, definitely since my dad was a kid.
[0:10:00] Rico Figliolini: Okay.
[0:10:01] Anastasia Lamas: And so we kind of got the inspiration for the shells there, and we ordered them from a lady who cleaned them for us, actually, at Hilton Head. And we also sometimes when we go to restaurants there, we’ll ask the cook if they can give us some of their old oyster shells.
[0:10:21] Rico Figliolini: That’s ingenious. That’s a good way of recycling. That’s good. I would never have thought of that. My creative process runs a little different, but that’s cool that you did that. Okay, so now that you have your process and stuff, do you know where you’re going to be doing it at Wesleyan? Where you’re going to be presenting your products and stuff? Whoever wants to go first.
[0:10:46] Freddie Reinhard: Where I’m presenting them, do you mean, like, in Yancy?
[0:10:50] Rico Figliolini: Yeah, at the show. Well, at the show. Well, I guess people can find you when they go to the show. But will you have a variety of things at the show, I’m assuming?
[0:11:00] Freddie Reinhard: Yeah, I’m going to have my stand is going to be very obvious, I think. My mom’s trying to plan, like, a huge pink bow above my stand. So if you need to look for it, just look for the pink bow. And I’m going to have about 400 buttons there, 100 prints, 100 sweatshirts, I think, so there’s definitely going to be a variety. And I’m also taking commissions for the, I obviously can’t do every college I wish I could, but commissions for smaller colleges like Sanford and wherever else, I’m going to do commissions. So whoever’s going there, they can get buttons or prints or whatever they want.
[0:11:36] Rico Figliolini: Cool. So they can order from you, and then you’ll ship it. You can ship it later.
[0:11:40] Freddie Reinhard: Yes.
[0:11:41] Rico Figliolini: And Juliana and Anastasia, obviously, you’re going to have tons of product too, I’m imagining.
[0:11:47] Anastasia Lamas: We’re trying to do maybe ten to 20 of each design, but we’re definitely going to have made more by the time of the artist market. So far, it should start. I don’t know about you, but I want to keep selling them after the artist market when she goes to high school. Keep doing them.
[0:12:09] Rico Figliolini: Do you have an Instagram account? Do you have a place where you show off your artwork online?
[0:12:16] Anastasia Lamas: Not really. We all have just our personal Instagram account.
[0:12:20] Rico Figliolini: Got you. Freddie, the same for you, I’m assuming.
[0:12:23] Freddie Reinhard: I’ve decided that if these sell well, I’m going to make an Instagram account. So however well this art market goes, will decide if I post these on an Instagram account or not.
[0:12:34] Rico Figliolini: Got you. Okay, so a little bit about you all personally? A little bit, I guess. Let’s start with Freddie. Do you have a favorite artist or filmmaker or author that you’d like to share?
[0:12:51] Freddie Reinhard: Well, I have, like, fashion icon who I’m just obsessed with, and she really inspires me. Just so creative and so cool. Her name is Rebecca Cohen, and she’s the owner of this brand that I love called Love Check Fancy. I’m sure they probably know what that is. And she’s so girly and feminine, and I just admire it so much about her. And she just made this huge brand that everybody my age and around my age loves, and I just want to be her when I’m older, and I just love her distinct style.
[0:13:28] Rico Figliolini: And that’s called love. What is that called? Love Shack.
[0:13:30] Freddie Reinhard: LoveShackFancy.
[0:13:34] Rico Figliolini: Cool.
[0:13:34] Freddie Reinhard: She’s the queen of the world in my eyes.
[0:13:37] Rico Figliolini: Really? Okay. I haven’t heard of that one yet. My daughter tries to keep me abreast of things, but that one I haven’t heard. What about you two? Julianna, Anastasia. Do you have any artists or brands or styles that you follow that you like?
[0:13:54] Anastasia Lamas: Nothing in particular. I’m a giant bookworm, so I read, like, a lot. And a variety of genres.
[0:14:02] Rico Figliolini: What’s your favorite genre? Top two genres, I guess.
[0:14:08] Anastasia Lamas: Probably right now, fantasy and romance.
[0:14:10] Rico Figliolini: Okay. And your sister Juliana?
[0:14:14] Juliana Lamas: For me, probably someone I really love and look up to is Selena Gomez, because I’ve been seeing it on Instagram recently. I think she’s really inspirational and stuff.
[0:14:26] Rico Figliolini: She was the actress in Wednesday, right? On Netflix? Or am I thinking of someone else?
[0:14:33] Anastasia Lamas: Yeah, Jenny Ortega.
[0:14:35] Rico Figliolini: Yeah, that was Ortega. Sorry. All right, cool. So what do you want to share that we haven’t talked about yet, related to the artwork and stuff that you do, process or anything like that? What’s the most difficult thing? What’s the thing that you’ve done that you thought was great and all of a sudden you’re like, yeah, let’s try something else, and you start from scratch again. Let’s start with Freddie. She looks like she already knows something.
[0:15:05] Freddie Reinhard: Well, I think you’re probably asking something a little different, but through this button process, I thought it was going to be so easy. I thought I would just be, like, clamp and it would be done. My palms were sore after I was doing it. It’s actually hard work. And my mom kept trying to show me how to do it. We failed at, like, ten buttons in a row. So that’s definitely a lot harder than I expected. This whole artist market, I’m excited for it, but it’s definitely a lot of work.
[0:15:33] Rico Figliolini: But I know, yeah, the button machines are definitely I’ve done that before for political things, it’s not easy. What about you girls? Have you had stuff during your process that you found difficult or had to start all over again on?
[0:15:55] Anastasia Lamas: I think it’s just a lot of time to paint the shells with so many layers and just letting it all dry takes hours. Just keeping on going and going and going. And we’re trying to make all of them perfect. So that just takes a little bit of extra time. And then also, since we’re kind of working together on this, we both have our own different styles, so we kind of intervene and we both like, oh, but I think it looks better like this, better like that, or whatever.
[0:16:32] Rico Figliolini: Did you ever decide to okay, this shell is mine. I’m going to put my initials on it because do you do individual shells like that? This one’s my creative thing.
[0:16:43] Anastasia Lamas: Not really. I really enjoy doing the cross oyster shells, though, so I usually stick to those.
[0:16:46] And I really like doing the notes, the music notes and the joy one. So we each have our shells that we work on.
[0:16:59] Rico Figliolini: Okay. All right, Freddie, when you’re doing the work that you’re doing, I know you’re using digital, so is that easier to do that? I mean, when you’re creating patterns and all that? I imagine some of the process is easier, but also that gives you a little bit more creative space, maybe.
[0:17:15] Freddie Reinhard: Well, I prefer doing lettering on paper. I still enjoy it because it’s easier to just erase things and clear. But if I could, I would definitely prefer paper for just doing my lettering. But for the pattern and such. Like the cherries, I just have to draw one and then just duplicate a bunch. So it’s way easier than if I had to do every single cherry. And then for these prints, it’s so much easier when I can just kind of just fill this hat in with one click instead of, of course, drawing in the whole thing. So in some ways it’s easier. Other ways I feel, if it was all handmade, if it was all made on paper, I think it would have more of like I don’t know, I feel like it has your hand more in it. As my art teacher would say, you could tell it’s from me because you could tell it’s drawn on paper. So that aspect I kind of miss, but definitely easier for math, product, to do digital.
[0:18:16] Rico Figliolini: Have you ever thought about I know 3D printing is like, the big thing now, and I’ve seen artists use 3D printing, actually. Have you thought about that?
[0:18:25] Freddie Reinhard: No, I haven’t. I know we have a few at Wesleyan, but I didn’t even get into consideration. That is a really good idea, that would be really cool. Maybe I will start trying to figure that out.
[0:18:36] Rico Figliolini: It doesn’t take much on some of that. Some of that is just fed these templates. But you can feed your creativeness into that template. You can customize some of these templates. So that’s just another avenue of art. Same thing. I guess for that you could 3D print shells, but then what’s the point, right? I guess those shells might have been out in the ocean for like, 100 years before they got to you or whatever. However long. So there’s some history to that, maybe even that’s unknown to anyone. Have you ever thought about doing your work, girls, on other materials besides shells?
[0:19:20] Anastasia Lamas: We haven’t really. We’ve mostly just stuck with the oyster shells.
[0:19:26] Rico Figliolini: Okay.
[0:19:27] Anastasia Lamas: Yeah, it would be interesting to see how it would work on other mediums.
[0:19:32] Rico Figliolini: Yeah, probably. Well, I’m assuming you’re taking art courses or you’ve taken art courses at Wesleyan?
[0:19:41] Anastasia Lamas: We were both in digital art last semester, and we both really enjoyed that.
[0:19:45] Juliana Lamas: I took it in fifth grade and 6th grade. Just normal art. And then I did digital art, and now I’m in technology class.
[0:19:57] Rico Figliolini: Cool. And are you liking it? Is it everything you thought it would be? What about Freddie? Freddie, what about you? I mean, you’ve been in three and a half years of AP Art course. Because of that, you probably have done different mediums, different subjects and stuff. How’d that go? And did that help with what you’re doing now? Any of that?
[0:20:18] Freddie Reinhard: Yeah, I’m going to have to think back to freshman year. I think it was 3D art, and I got stopped midway because of COVID. But I like that, it’s not my thing. I enjoyed it because it’s fun to do, but I don’t know, I just prefer doing things too deep. And then I’ve been on digital art as well, which I love. That was like so much fun. And so from then I was like, yeah, I think this is my thing. So I started getting into that. And I do some digital art on my AP Art stuff now. I don’t know, I’ll doodle on some of my pictures and I do a lot of mixed media, so that also helped with my creativeness, I guess. Too much to count.
[0:21:04] Rico Figliolini: And doodling in the classrooms. That helps, too, a little bit.
[0:21:09] Freddie Reinhard: Yes, definitely does.
[0:21:11] Rico Figliolini: Let’s make sure the teachers don’t hear that. I’ve covered quite a bit with you three. If you want to share anything else with the audience that will be listening to this, want to start that with Freddie and we’ll go the other way.
[0:21:29] Freddie Reinhard: I don’t have too much more to share, but I’d say to you two girls that you should definitely take AP Art because it is just such a great way to really learn your style and just do so much stuff you’ve always wanted to do. And it just helps with who you want to be as an artist, definitely.
[0:21:47] Rico Figliolini: Have you done any, the girls do dance and gymnastics. Have you done anything along those lines? I mean, that’s one creative aspect. Right. Have you done anything similar?
[0:21:57] Freddie Reinhard: Well, this year I actually did the musical for the first time. I’ve never done musical theater, but it was just me and my two best friends, and so that was just a great experience. Overall, we had the best time, and I’ve never been in an environment like that, and it was just so much fun. And then right now, I’m doing lacrosse, and in the fall, I do cross country.
[0:22:16] Rico Figliolini: Wow. Okay. Busy schedule. Sounds good. What about Juliana and Anastasia? It’s gymnastics and dance?
[0:22:28] Anastasia Lamas: Our main things are gymnastics and dance, but we do other sports too. She’s in the musical, and I do lacrosse and cheerleading and all that stuff.
[0:22:41] Rico Figliolini: It’s amazing how much activity girls have. I don’t know how, so what do you do to unwind then? I mean, you have schoolwork, you have artwork, you have sports. What is it that you do that’s not associated that way, to sort of do something different? Anything?
[0:23:03] Freddie Reinhard: For me, it’s honestly just, like I really get my energy from my friends, so I’ll definitely try to hang out with my friends in the little free time that I have, because they just bring me so much joy. And also hanging out with my parents since I’m going to college next year. I know I’ve got to savor these last few months, so I just make sure if I’m home during a school night, I’ll definitely go and just hang out with them and talk with them.
[0:23:31] Rico Figliolini: That’s cool. That’s a good daughter. Thank you. My kids do that. What about you girls? Juliana? Anastasia?
[0:23:39] Anastasia Lamas: Well, we try to do stuff as a family. Like family movie nights and stuff on weekdays and weekends when we aren’t super crammed schedule.
[0:23:50] Rico Figliolini: Yeah. Wesleyan kids, Great Atlanta Christian, The kids that I’ve interviewed and stuff always busy. Norcross high school. I don’t think any kids that I’ve interviewed have had more than a night or two free because of academics and sports and everything else. They’re there. But you know what? Your future is secured when you do that. I think you develop a different way of looking at life and become more successful that way. So glad you three were able to spend some time with me. This took a little time to get this together. Mostly my fault on the scheduling, but I appreciate you three showing up and doing this interview with us.
[0:24:32] Freddie Reinhard: Yeah, it was awesome.
[0:24:34] Rico Figliolini: Thank you. Hang in there with me for a minute. I just want to say thank you to everyone that’s been watching this. So the Wesleyan Artist Market is at the end of this month, and you just Google Wesleyan Artist Market, and you’ll be able to find the schedule and everything else from there. Follow them on Instagram there are going to be 75 artists from around the country there as well, besides the student artists. So there’s a lot of stuff, a lot of mediums. Check out the latest issue of Peachtree Corners magazine. You’ll see three of the artists of the 75 that will be there. It’s some good feature stories. And there’s a podcast interview also with Jennifer Keim, another adult artist that is going to be showing there. So thank you. And thank you to EV Remodeling for being a sponsor of ours. So thank you all. Take care.
Arts & Literature
Perimeter Ballet Celebrates 30 Years of Dance and Inspiration
2 weeks agoon
March 14, 2025Perimeter Ballet celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. Founded in September 1995, the faith-based ballet school in Johns Creek has long been an integral part of the local arts scene and the community.
What began as a bare-bones program held in the sanctuary of Perimeter Church — on carpeted concrete floors, using the backs of chairs for barres — has grown into a respected school of more than 200 students. Ranging in age from five to 18, the young dancers at Perimeter Ballet are not only committed to the study of dance but also to using their gifts to share their faith.
According to the program’s website, their purpose is to “emphasize character along with technique … to counter the natural tendency towards self-absorption in the ballet studio.”
They are “very committed to teaching children to dance — to develop discipline, technique and musicality. [But] the Christian instructors [also] train the students in a context that understands that there’s a reason to dance.”
30 years of dance and faith
Current director, Becky Brown, has led the school for several years, growing the program while faithfully following Perimeter Ballet’s original mission. She oversees weekly classes, summer dance camps and annual productions, including an acclaimed Spring Recital and a presentation of The Nutcracker each December.
For the 30th anniversary, Brown is excited to continue the creative work of the ballet school and share their artistry and message with a larger audience.
“This year will certainly be a special time for us as we celebrate and look back on 30 wonderful years of Perimeter Ballet and 20 years for our performing company, For His Glory,” she said. “We will be performing the Nutcracker December 11–13 and will have some beautiful new costumes to commemorate the occasion. We look forward to seeing many of our alumni and their families at the performance.”
Classes and instructors
Open to the community at large, weekly classes at Perimeter Ballet range from Creative Movement, PreBallet and grade-level classes for preschoolers through third grade to more advanced classes (two or more times per week) for older students.
Summer camp sessions as well as intermediate level and advanced level intensives are also offered. For the upper-level intensives, students work on their ballet technique but also branch out into jazz and other forms of dance.
The school’s nine teachers are skilled not just as instructors but as performers themselves, having years of experience dancing with companies such as Ballet Southeast, Atlanta Ballet, North Atlanta Dance Academy and the Metropolitan Opera Ballet. They bring that experience and their Christian faith to all of their classes and interactions with the young students.
For His Glory
In addition to the work they do as a ballet school, Perimeter Ballet also has an audition-selected performance company — For His Glory.
With three levels, made up of dedicated students striving to advance their skills and reach their “God-given potential while giving glory to [their] Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,” the program presents several high-quality productions throughout the year.
As Perimeter Ballet shares on their website: “Dancers are trained in the ballet classics as well as contemporary forms of dance, which are used in performances, worship settings and outreach. Classical ballets … in the group’s repertoire include Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Coppélia, excerpts from Four Seasons and La Fille Mal Gardee. In addition to Christmas and other outreach programs, For His Glory has danced internationally in London, India and Belarus.”
The group most recently performed Beauty & the Beast for two successful shows on stage at the Perimeter Church Sanctuary in early February of this year.
Impact and inspiration
All of this — the focus on faith and commitment to dance, the classes, intensives and stunning productions — have been a decades-long inspiration to the community and especially the student dancers who take part.
Many of the students stay with Perimeter Ballet for much of their childhood, learning and growing in dance as well as in their faith from elementary age through high school. That kind of involvement can clearly impact every aspect of their lives, from discipline learned to how they choose to interact with and be in the world.
One student, Anne Bradley Maxwell has been taking ballet with the Perimeter program since she was three years old. Now a high school junior in Peachtree Corners, she’s reflected on her time at the school and in the performance company as well as Perimeter Ballet’s milestone anniversary.
“For fifteen years … I matured within this unique, local community arts program,” she shared. “This year marks the 30th anniversary of its founding … and I’m honored to say I’ve been a student for half of that era. The talented instructors in [the] program not only helped advance me into an accomplished ballerina but also into a more faithful servant of Jesus Christ using dance as a form of worship.”
A lifelong journey
“This lifelong journey included annual seasonal training, auditions, numerous external summer intensives and wonderful performances on stages across the nation and abroad, for audiences ranging from a few dozen to several thousand,” Maxwell continued.
“… Taking ballet has instilled in me a deep understanding of perseverance and resilience. Pursuing excellence in ballet required me to overcome physical and emotional challenges … I learned to seek out solutions — whether physical therapy for healing my body or prayer and reflection to rejuvenate my spirit. These experiences have strengthened my ability to face setbacks, adapt and emerge stronger.
Ballet has cultivated in me a unique combination of athleticism, discipline and creative imagination. The most elegant performances emerge from the interplay of technical mastery and creative expression. The collaborative nature of ballet, where individuals work in harmony to create something greater than themselves, informs my approach to teamwork and innovation, both in the classroom and community.”
“… Ballet has [also] given me the gift of joy — both in experiencing it personally as a testament to Christ’s goodness and in sharing it with audiences. This joy, while intangible, is a powerful force that I hope to bring into my next chapters following high school. Whether through teaching movement, choreographing performances or exploring ways to expand ballet offerings, I aspire to enrich the community with the beauty and joy of dance.
… My time at Perimeter Ballet has equipped me with perseverance, discipline, creativity and a passion for sharing joy — qualities that I am excited to further cultivate as a young adult. These will not only enhance my personal journey but also contribute meaningfully to the rich tapestry of life. As I enter my senior year later this fall, I am full of gratitude for the solid foundation of technique and creative expression honoring God as the giver of my talent.”
Upcoming events
Perimeter Ballet’s Annual Spring Recital will be held in the Perimeter Church Sanctuary on Thursday, May 1 and Friday, May 2 from 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.
Summer camp sessions are scheduled for June and July. Registration will open on April 15.
2025-2026 classes will start in August with registration opening on April 15.
With help from Anne Bradley, the school is also planning a fundraiser event later in the year to mark the 30th anniversary.
For more information, visit
Arts & Literature
Q&A with Terry Gabbard, Norcross High’s New Theatre Director
3 weeks agoon
March 4, 2025The Norcross High School drama department has a reputation for presenting quality productions each year, and 2024-2025 is no exception. They staged a one-act show of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” in October followed by “Miss Nelson is Missing” in January. Next up for NHS Theatre is Matilda the Musical, set to open in April.
Leading the department this year is NHS’ new theatre director, Terry Gabbard, who came to Norcross with degrees in educational theatre and educational leadership, as well as over 20 years of public school theatre teaching and directing experience.
An award-winning director and playwright, he received the prestigious John W. Parker Award for excellence in directing in 2015, has had numerous productions named “distinguished play” from the North Carolina Theatre Conference and has three Best Musical wins from the Blumey Awards (Charlotte, NC’s version of the Tony awards).
Gabbard has also published two plays, one of which, “Our Place,” was named one of the top ten most produced short plays in American high schools.
Additionally, in 2020, his production of “Puffs” (a clever and comedic play set in the world of Harry Potter) was selected as one of only a handful of productions in America to perform at the International Thespian Society festival.
Though busy with preparations for Matilda, Gabbard recently took the time to answer a few questions about his career, his love of theatre and what’s next for the NHS drama department.
Which productions have you worked on since joining NHS?
We started off performing The Legend of Sleepy Hollow in October, and we did a performance of Miss Nelson is Missing in January.
Where did you teach and direct before coming to Norcross?
I always explain that my wife supports my teaching habit, so we tend to move as her opportunities change.
I’ve taught mostly in high schools in Florida, North Carolina and now Georgia. I have taught in Gwinnett Public Schools before at Paul Duke STEM and in Cobb County at Campbell High School.
How did the move to NHS come about?
After leaving GCPS for a short few years, I was anxious to get back to this system and this community, and when this opportunity presented itself, I jumped at the chance.
Have you always had a love for theatre?
I started participating in theatre when I was in 9th grade and have never stopped. For me, the thing that drew me to the art form was the sense of community that theatre creates.
What led you to pursue a career teaching and directing? Was there a specific moment that you realized it was what you wanted to do?
When I was a senior in high school, my theatre director let me direct a play in his theatre [for] one class. This is when I realized how much I loved directing and coaching other actors.
What was it like to win the John W. Parker award in 2015? And to be recognized with so many other honors?
I have been blessed to have been recognized several times by my peers and the organizations I’ve partnered with. It’s always nice to have these recognitions, but I have come to believe that any high school theatre production is a miracle in and of itself.
Producing theatre in high schools is always a challenge and getting to opening night is always a huge accomplishment.
Will you continue playwriting in addition to your work as NHS theatre director?
I haven’t written any plays in some time, but I’m definitely starting to get the itch. All of my plays have premiered at the schools where I was teaching. I imagine a world premier will happen at Norcross pretty soon.
What can you share about the school’s upcoming Matilda the Musical production? Is it one that you’ve directed in the past?
I have never directed Matilda, and I am extremely excited for the challenge. The music is incredible, and the characters are big and over the top.
What plans do you have for the NHS theatre program for the remainder of this year and next year?
After Matilda, things wrap up for us. I haven’t yet decided what shows to tackle next year. I know that I want to find plays that have a different tone than the pieces we did this year. The shows have been comedic this year. Something more dramatic is definitely in our future.
The NHS production of Matilda the Musical opens in April.
Dates and show times are:
- Thursday, April 24 at 7 p.m.
- Friday, April 25 at 7 p.m.
- Saturday, April 26 at 7 p.m.
- Sunday, April 27 at 2 p.m.
For more information, visit
Arts & Literature
The Extraordinary Lives of Ordinary People: Q&A with Author Dan Leonard
1 month agoon
February 22, 2025Dan Leonard has called Peachtree Corners home for the past 42 years, working in the IT field, building a strong community of personal and professional connections and leading the local Bikes and Friends Cycling Club.
Most recently, he wrote and released his first book — a memoir titled “The Extraordinary Lives of Ordinary People” — adding ‘published author’ to his list of accomplishments.
Drawing on the physical challenges Dan faced (and overcame) while growing up, as well as inspiration from others, the book dives into themes of resilience and personal growth while painting a vivid picture of his family life in New England during the 60s and 70s.
Through personal narrative, he takes readers on a thought-provoking journey through his childhood and adolescence, sharing “formative experiences that were shaped by his Italian-American and Irish-German heritage.”
Dan spoke with us recently about his memoir, sharing his thoughts on the writing process, lessons learned and his future plans.
What inspired you to write a memoir? What challenges, if any, did you face?
On the surface, like many people my age closing in on 70, I wanted to leave a legacy, telling my story of resilience and transformation to hopefully inspire others.
I once read that people should consider their mental health before writing a memoir. At the time I didn’t quite appreciate that statement. Like many outgoing people, I usually enjoyed talking about myself, especially while trying to relate to others.
Writing my memoir turned out to be a very positive experience since I tried to explore my story with honesty and compassion while highlighting the people and experiences that had the most influence on me. However, in the final throes of completing a rough draft, I spent nearly two weeks without sleep and experienced daytime dream-like episodes.
For example, I have a former classmate who is a successful screenwriter, and I was intent on getting him my manuscript because I thought it might make a compelling movie!
The book took me over a year [to write] and was a worthwhile and enjoyable experience and, I would say, cathartic as well.
Can you share a little about your background? Had you written or published anything prior to this?
I spent 42 years in the Information Technology field mostly working closely with major corporations helping them streamline and digitize their operations. I began in sales and marketing and moved to management later in my career.
I have always enjoyed writing for pleasure, but much of my writing was business oriented and expected to be short and concise. I have been interviewed many times in my career leading to industry centric publications but nothing with sole direct personal benefit such as my recent memoir or upcoming novel.
The book is about resilience and recognizing that ordinary moments can have an extraordinary impact on one’s life. Have you always seen the world this way? Or was it something that came to you over time?
I have always been deeply introspective but with a strong desire to relate well with others and make friends.
Given my humble beginnings experiencing many physical challenges from night time seizures, pronated ankles, severe allergies, a slight lisp and ADD among other things, I never felt like I was working from a position of strength. I typically felt like the underdog, especially anxious to prove to both myself and others that I could be just as good.
Each triumph seemed to require an extraordinary effort sometimes just to meet the norm.
What was the most difficult or unexpected thing you encountered writing and publishing the book?
To be completely honest, the most difficult thing was to convince myself that my story was worth telling and that other people besides my family and closest friends would be truly interested.
Who was I, really? I was never a CEO, famous athlete, politician or war hero. I was just a regular guy who lived a mostly ordinary life but, in many cases, encountered extraordinary challenges.
Maybe partly because I have a tendency to be bold and take on challenges that I am not always prepared for, I would sometimes get in my head and say, “well everybody has a story, some lots more interesting than yours, so why would anyone be interested in yours?”
Early and mid-stream through my writing, there were days and even weeks when I let these thoughts stall my writing, but fortunately they were only temporary.
What lessons did you learn from the process?
You’ll have to read my book!
When I began writing the book, I was at a point where I had retired from my 42-year career and was no longer actively consulting. My life involved spending as much time as possible cycling with my club, Bikes and Friends, completing home projects and spending time with family.
I would typically rise at 7 or 8 a.m., unless I had an early bike ride, and move through the day at a very comfortable pace. Finally completing the book and committing to a marketing campaign and future publications over the next several months has given me a renewed purpose. I now start my day at 6 a.m., go to the gym and work harder, write as much as possible and seek out more purposeful endeavors.
I met [recently] with the City of Peachtree Corners to begin planning a charity ride later this year. And I am evaluating a board position at a local non-profit.
What’s the main thing you’d like readers to take away from Extraordinary Lives?
That their life is every bit as valuable as others, and if they have any interest in sharing their story or anything that they desire then to do it to their fullest!
You’re traveling for events to promote the book. Will you be doing any promotional events closer to home?
Yes, I will be speaking at the local Fowler YMCA on March 14, and as my book marketing reaches a proposed 300 platforms over the next few weeks, I expect to have at least a few nearby book signings and presence in local bookstores.
Do you have plans to write another book?
Absolutely! I am currently working on a futuristic sci-fi novel based on a group of cyclists called “Defending His Life,” which will hopefully be available by June.
The Extraordinary Lives of Ordinary People is available on Amazon. Are there other places readers can purchase the book?
It will also be available on and in select Barnes and Noble stores. My publisher hub partner plans to push 200+ copies out to select bookstores, so hopefully many other places [as well].
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Many people my age relate to the way things used to be, where only famous people wrote books and they were limited to highly selective publishing houses that controlled their intellectual property.
It’s a new world, anyone that has something to say can say it, and there are so many different mediums available today. Be bold and get out there and say it. Your reward will go way beyond practical measures and may certainly open up new opportunities.
If nothing else, writing my memoir has given me an opportunity to reengage with people that I haven’t talked with or thought about in years and even decades.
About The Extraordinary Lives of Ordinary People
From enduring challenges and overcoming adversity to honoring the strength of family bonds, Dan’s debut book offers a look at how ordinary moments can have an extraordinary impact.
The memoir is currently available on Amazon as an e-book, hardback and paperback. It should soon be available on, at our local Barnes and Noble and in other bookstores as well.
For more information about Dan Leonard, visit
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