The 2023 Atlanta Sci-Fi Film Festival (ASCIFFF), presented by The City of Peachtree Corners, has announced its highly anticipated return and lineup of events. This cinematic...
NEW! Gwinnett “En Plein Air” Park Art Challenge: We’re calling Gwinnett artists 16 and older to participate in an artwork challenge! Paint an outdoor scene at one or...
At the July 25, 2023, Council Meeting, Mayor Mike Mason and the Councilmembers issued a Proclamation supporting the Mayor’s Reading Club. Georgia City Solutions launched the...
The Peachtree Corners Business Association (PCBA) awarded a check for $500 to Light Up The Corners at its July 27 Business After Hours event. Light Up The...
This issue’s cover story highlights Fortune Magazine’s naming of Peachtree Corners as the Best Family City in Georgia – 19th in the nation. Also, Patrizia Winsper’s...
From potential redevelopment plans for the Ingle Shopping Center to cutting-edge collaborations with Siemens, this episode uncovers how Peachtree Corners is positioning itself as a hub...
The Peachtree Corners Business Association (PCBA) awarded a check for $500 to Light Up The Corners at its July 27 Business After Hours event. Light Up...
The QuikTrip at 5255 Peachtree Parkway is preparing for a makeover. At the crossroads of Peachtree Parkway and Peachtree Corners Circle, QT has decided to rejuvenate...
The City of Peachtree Corners’ Finance Department has been awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of...
Summer Concerts, Festivals and Events in August 2023 Dates to Remember August 7 Purple Heart Day 15 Assumption of Mary 19 National Aviation Day 20 National...