The Forum in Peachtree Corners features a variety of businesses focused on health and wellness, offering services designed to meet individual needs. From fitness programs and...
According to physicians, educators and child psychologists, there are myriad reasons parents encourage their young children to play soccer: It’s for those objectives and more that...
The Peachtree Corners Business Association awarded a check for $3,500 to Spectrum Autism Support Group at their December Business After Hours Speaker Series and Year End Holiday...
Many of us are consumed by the day-to-day of life’s hustle and bustle, doing our best to navigate our relationships, provide for our families and live...
On May 3, the City of Peachtree Corners put in place a moratorium on development in the central business district. “One of the reasons that led...
Leroy Hite, founder of Cutting Edge Firewood — a luxury brand specializing in wood for fireplaces, grills, pizza ovens and firepits — shared his journey from...
This year’s Faces of Peachtree Corners list includes students, entrepreneurs, community volunteers, leaders and everyday people who we think make our city a better place. Through...
Supporting the 11Alive/Salvation Army Can-A-Thon has been an annual school-wide tradition at Greater Atlanta Christian School (GAC) since 2012. This year, the GAC student body of...
The special exhibition of the Medford and Loraine Johnston Collection will run January 17 through May 25, 2025 In the mid-1970s, artist and Georgia State University...
Metro Atlanta’s largest Christmas train display chugs along for 2024 Train enthusiasts of all ages can take in Atlanta’s largest Christmas train display and support their...