Comedy at the Fox April 6, 7-10 p.m.Social Fox Brewing20 Skin Alley, Norcross 30071470-359-4109socialfoxbrewing.com Social Fox Brewing presents “Comedy at the Fox,” hosted by Atlanta’s own...
Easter Feast at Firebirds Firebirds will be offering their Slow Roasted Prime Rib or Ham Feast available to pre-order by March 31. In addition to Easter...
Spring is coming soon to warm our weary bones after a long winter, and with it the sense of hope and rebirth. With that in mind,...
7 Local Places of Faith to Visit There are more local houses of faith than listed here (which appeared in our print edition) so search them...
Christ the King Lutheran Church is hosting its annual Easter Eggstravaganza and BBQ Cook-off on Sunday, April 14, 2019 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., rain...