Ellie Raine is a Peachtree Corners resident with nine book titles to her name, most notably the NecroSeam Chronicles, which consist of a series of five...
Unlikely bond between a Braves player and Mets fan earns local filmmaker an Emmy. As the 20-year anniversary of 9/11 approached last year, Kevin Allison and...
Whether your family is full of history buffs, granolas, thrill-seekers or scientists, there is tons to do around Gwinnett County this fall to spark your kids’...
UGA entrepreneurship students seek the secrets to Tel Aviv’s startup success. Contribution by Stevie Bramble About 6,000 miles across the Pacific Ocean, perched on the easternmost...
Saturday, August 27. 7-8:30 p.m. Family Life Center, Simpsonwood UMC 4500 Jones Bridge Circle, Peachtree Corners 30092 Reservations and info, eventcreate.com/e/carnivaloftheanimals Donate at carnivaloftheanimalsdonate.com. Admission is free; donations...
Latina author, publisher, educator and entrepreneur encourages everyone to embrace Hispanic Heritage Month, no matter your race or ethnicity. When Nury Castillo Crawford sought a publisher...
Scouts learn many life skills while have fun doing it. With school starting for most students this month, it’s time to start thinking about signing up...
It may be debatable how much of a sport cornhole is, but you can play with a beer in one hand – how bad can that...
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by seeking out cuisine from a diverse mix of Latin countries – you won’t be disappointed. Photos by George Hunter. Many Americans...
Even in the long, hot days of summer, chilling in Peachtree Corners is a breeze. Kids dancein the refreshing fountain at Town Center, get “snow-bubbled” at...