Why is Michael Corbin running for the U.S. Congress (GA District 7)? Who is he, why is he passionate about his community, and what issues are...
Lisamarie Bristol, a candidate for Gwinnett’s next Solicitor-General, wants to use her experience to create a safer, more compassionate community through effective early interventions that protect...
Gwinnett Voter Registrations and Elections is providing opportunities to cast your ballot before the January 5 General and Special Election Runoff. If you plan to vote advance...
Why should you care about the Transit Referendum on the Nov 3rd Ballot? Plus, information on the Crooked Creek Trail, COVID-19 business grants, crime prevention initiatives...
How are Gwinnett Schools handling COVD19, distance, and in-person learning, and what is the future direction they should be taking. We interview current school board member...
If you plan to vote advance in person in the Nov. 3 General and Special Election, you can vote from Oct. 12 to Oct. 30 at...
Republican State Senate District 48 candidate Matt Reeves joins host Rico Figliolini on Peachtree Corners Life podcast to discuss COVID-19, the Governor’s response, mask-wearing, social justice,...
Eight official ballot drop boxes are now in place across Gwinnett County to provide eligible voters with a new way to return absentee/advance by mail ballots...
Voters are not limited to Election Day to cast their ballot in the June 9 Presidential Preference Primary, General Primary, and Nonpartisan Election. Eligible voters may...
With the election coming closer, Rico Figliolni sits down with County Commissioner Chair Candidate Lee Thompson Jr. in this episode of Peachtree Corners Life podcast. Here,...