Back at it again, seven girls from Peachtree Corners recently participated in the 2023 Odyssey of the Mind World Finals held at Michigan State University, competing...
Greater Atlanta Christian School (GAC) held a commencement ceremony on May 20 at the Long Forum. The event brought together family, friends, faculty and staff to...
City leaders, Peachtree Corners Business Association (PCBA), healthcare professionals and well-wishers joined Atlas Behavioral Health Co-Founders CEO Daniel C. Martinez, CFO Jason Price and staff in celebrating...
Since the City was founded in 2012, Peachtree Corners has taken these goals very seriously: One, we want our citizens to be safe driving on the...
Insight Sourcing Group celebrates 20 years of serving clients and preserving history. Unless they are part of a company looking to trim operating costs, most people...
Peachtree Corners is perhaps best known for its technology and scientific minds, but it’s a proven fact that science and art go hand-in-hand. So it should...
New-style butcher shop aims to help make family mealtime a fun bonding experience. With his business just past the six-month-old milestone, Jared McFadden hopes the concept...
Container Gardening for Seniors Tuesday, April 18, 1-2 p.m. Gwinnett County Public Library Peachtree Corners Branch 5570 Spalding Dr., Peachtree Corners 30092 gwinnettpl.org, 770-978-5154 Admission: free...
The 22-year-old nonprofit continues its commitment to student excellence. The Norcross High School Foundation was started in 2001 by a group of parents who really wanted...
Northside Duluth COO Jay Dennard encouraged residents to utilize new facilities, treatments offered. Medical care in Gwinnett County has gone through many changes – especially in...