City of Peachtree Corners, Georgia residents, and leaders speak out about change and actively becoming a more anti-racist community. This first episode of this mini-part series...
Business taxes and financials are already tricky enough to navigate, but with loans and other financially related acts surfacing in a response to COVID-19, the financial...
As technology continues to advance and more people are working from home, companies like Brightree are making life and at-home healthcare easier. Join Peachtree Corners Life...
With everyone becoming more reliant on teleworking and technology in general, we need more reliable security for ourselves and our companies. Smart Eye Technology and it’s...
An age-old tradition of bartering between businesses is still alive and well thanks to the Southern Barter Club and founder Laurie Sossa, our guest on today’s...
The hardest part may be imagining the world without you in it or without a healthy and capable you in it. There’s never a better time...
More than ever before is the general public concerned for the health and safety for the bravemen and women in our medical and healthcare system. ControlRad...
As we continue to move through this global pandemic, schools across the country are having to re-learn and re-imagine what their curriculum looks like. Join Rico...
In this episode of Peachtree Corners Life, Rico Figliolini meets with Curt Thompson who is currently running for Gwinnett County Commission Chair. Listen in and get...
As we all get accustomed to online meetings and live-streamed classes, how do we find the same kind of IT solutions as we were used to...