Saturday, August 27. 7-8:30 p.m. Family Life Center, Simpsonwood UMC 4500 Jones Bridge Circle, Peachtree Corners 30092 Reservations and info, eventcreate.com/e/carnivaloftheanimals Donate at carnivaloftheanimalsdonate.com. Admission is free; donations...
On-Street Parking means designated spaces where vehicles can be parked on a temporary basis, located on a public highway, street, avenue, parkway, or similar type of road. On-street parking spaces often provide direct access to residential, commercial, office, and other facilities. While on-street parking...
On July 10, a homicide occurred at the QuikTrip convenience store on Peachtree Parkway. It was a horrific crime in which an innocent 29-year-old father was...
The annual nighttime running party and fundraiser wrapped up in one event was held at The Forum at Peachtree Corners this weekend. Proceeds from the event...
Even in the long, hot days of summer, chilling in Peachtree Corners is a breeze. Kids dancein the refreshing fountain at Town Center, get “snow-bubbled” at...
Saturdays, August 13, September 10 and October 8. 7 p.m. Admission is free. Every month through October, bands and tribute take to the stage on Town...
Town Green Calendar Peachtree Corners Town Center- Town Green 5140 Town Green Blvd., Peachtree Corners peachtreecornersga.gov Important Note: All city events are subject to postponement or...
Wednesdays, August 10 through October 5. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Peachtree Corners Baptist Church 4480 Peachtree Corners Circle, Classroom D-302, Peachtree Corners 30092 770-448-1313, pcbchurch.org/events/blended Admission is free. Registration...
Peachtree Farm Stand in August Saturdays, August 13 and 20. 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Peachtree Farm356 Research Ct., Peachtree Corners 30092 770-366-9589, peachtreefarm.org A nonprofit that provides jobs and...
Register now for the decathlon on Saturday, October 29 peachtreecornersga.gov/265/PTC-Decathlon-2022 Email Alex Wright at awright@peachtreecornersga.gov with questions. Registration fee is $20 and includes t-shirt. Men and...