Supporting the 11Alive/Salvation Army Can-A-Thon has been an annual school-wide tradition at Greater Atlanta Christian School (GAC) since 2012. This year, the GAC student body of...
The role team sports play in building authentic relationships is pretty apparent, especially the relationship between a coach and the individual players. Showing strength often means...
Executive producers of the hit TV series “The Chosen” discuss the inspiration behind retelling the life of Jesus Christ. Everyone knows that the Salvation Army is...
Supporting the 11Alive/Salvation Army Can-A-Thon has been an annual school-wide tradition at Greater Atlanta Christian School for the past 10 years. The GAC community came together...
Supporting the Salvation Army’s Can-A-Thon has been an annual school-wide tradition at Greater Atlanta Christian School. Realizing the need was more significant than ever due to...
Greater Atlanta Christian School’s community outdid themselves this year, rising to the challenge of providing non-perishable food items in a more significant way than ever before....