New experiences await at this season’s Walk Through Bethlehem An annual must-see holiday event, Walk Through Bethlehem, presented by Simpsonwood United Methodist Church, will take place...
In a clearing in the woods of Georgia stands a church known as Simpsonwood United Methodist Church (UMC). Over the past 40 years, the city around...
Saturday, August 27. 7-8:30 p.m. Family Life Center, Simpsonwood UMC 4500 Jones Bridge Circle, Peachtree Corners 30092 Reservations and info, eventcreate.com/e/carnivaloftheanimals Donate at carnivaloftheanimalsdonate.com. Admission is free; donations...
Scouts learn many life skills while have fun doing it. With school starting for most students this month, it’s time to start thinking about signing up...
The church’s new director of music blends gospel, classical, jazz, show tunes and even “Baby Shark” into its worship experience A combination of passion, serendipity and...
Photos by Tracey Rice Some people might find working in a professional setting with their spouse a challenge, but for the two new co-pastors at Simpsonwood...
Being a Girl Scout is about more than selling cookies and earning cute iron-on patches. It’s about young girls coming together to be a constructive force...
Worship and fellowship may look a little different this holiday season, but whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or other traditions, we at Peachtree Corners wholeheartedly...