The High Museum of Art presents a rotating schedule of exhibitions throughout the year. Below is a list of current and upcoming exhibitions as of Aug....
Enjoy summertime in Peachtree Corners through the eyes of photographers from the fast-growing Peachtree Corners Photography Club. You can take a stroll through our beautiful community...
After an 18-month hiatus, Broadway is finally coming back to Atlanta — partly thanks to Peachtree Corners resident, Russ Belin. Belin is vice president of the...
Since his groundbreaking solo show at the High Museum of Art in 2012, acclaimed artist KAWS (Brian Donnelly) has taken the world by storm with major...
Local photographer David Dunagan was awarded first place in a recent photo competition sponsored by the Georgia Nature Photographers Association (GNPA). The contest was entitled “Spread...
Photos by George Hunter (except for set and show pics) Peachtree Corners Kaplan brothers Michael (13) and David (11) have been acting for about six and...
In Cliff Bramble’s new book, readers can learn about the real-life facts of owning or operating a restaurant. Based on real-life stories and events, his book...
August 12, 6:45-8:30 p.m. at Atlanta Tech Parkpcphotoclub.org The Peachtree Corners Photography Club (PCPC) is a club for people with a passion for photography and with...
The 53rd season will feature eight productions including the previously announced HANDS UP and TONI STONE, and four world premieres including the musical DARLIN’ CORY by Phillip DePoy and...
Summer Concert Series at Peachtree Corners Town Green Last Saturday of each month through September. 7-9 p.m. The third annual Summer Concert Series features bands from...