United Futbol Academy Norcross has named a new director. With just a few weeks to go until school is out for the summer, parents are scrambling...
Danielle Maurer defeated 23-game winner Mattea Roach Friday on the nationally syndicated game show, but missed the Final Jeopardy! question on Tuesday and is now out....
Emory University-bound high school seniors personify community service and scholarly endeavors. Peachtree Corners Business Association recognized two outstanding area students at its monthly speakers series. Rachel...
Early voting is currently taking place in Gwinnett County. The City of Peachtree Corners City Hall is not an early voting location. Residents who wish to participate in...
Coordinated efforts by several local law enforcement agencies sent a message that mayhem won’t be tolerated here. Anyone who’s been caught in the mayhem of an...
Federal funds will help further establish the city a leader in the smart city space. There aren’t many of us who can write a check for...
Paul Duke STEM HS Odyssey of the Mind team heads to ‘World Finals’ in Iowa at the end of this month. A group of seven talented...
The Forum, Peterbrooke Chocolatier of Peachtree Corners Located in a corner shop located in The Forum, Peterbrooke Chocolatier has been a staple of Peachtree Corners since...
Mighty Distributing System of America has promoted Tracy Buttera to a key position in the sales department. Mighty Distributing System of America (MDSA) recently announced a...
Major construction of sidewalks, road improvements, city enhancements set for completion by year’s end. In the overview of the FY 2022 Budget, the city of Peachtree...