Please join the community on Monday, May 31 at 11:30 a.m. at the Peachtree Corners Veterans Monument to recognize Memorial Day. Every year, Memorial Day gives us...
At a press conference held at Jones Bridge Park on Wednesday U.S. Congresswoman Carolyn Bourdeaux (D-GA), who represents the 7th District, announced a plan to provide...
From the Mayor’s Desk April 2021 Over the last year we have all seen how retail has been directly impacted by COVID-19. The pandemic acted...
The Boy Scouts of America’s highest rank is that of Eagle Scout. Achieving this prestigious milestone is considered Scouting’s highest accomplishment. At its April 27, 2021...
They’d just finished working up a vigorous sweat at the Fowler YMCA in late 2015. Retired Army Colonel Bob Ballagh was wearing an Army t-shirt. Tiffany...
Since the city incorporated in 2012, we have focused on improving and repairing our city’sroads and intersections, maintaining and adding sidewalks, adding pedestrian safety featureand constructing...
Mayor’s Message: March 2021 When Peachtree Corners was founded in 2012, we adopted Gwinnett County’s zoning map andcodes. One of the many zoning categories was a...
Why Are There So Many Power Outages in Our City? When the electricity goes out in our homes, it disrupts everything. Power outages occur everywhere, and...
Since March of last year, the pandemic has upended the day-to-day lives of each of us including our small businesses which have suffered dearly trying to...
You may have wondered what it was like to work for the United Peachtree CornersCivic Association (UPCCA). We’ve spoken with Gay Shook and Debbie Mason to...